Whatever trials & tribulations you are personally going through , just remember "Worse things happen at Sea"That was an article we came across when our world came crashing down around us which we kept referring to that lifted our spirits up during this difficult time. I wish I could recall it..
Seriously, that was an article both my wife & I read when we were going through a horrendous time in our life , that was outside of our control , and neither the elders , our so called freinds in the" truth" , or jehovah came to our aid or offered any encouragement .That was when we started to question what the religion was really all about,it was the beginning of the end for us on the one hand and a re-birth for us on the other hand.
Whatever you do, dont do anything rash that you cant undo.
I wish we had a site like this to confide in when we were going through "hell" in the early 90`s
Open up confide in ones you trust on this board through pm`s if you want privacy or in general .
Their are so many people here ,good people , who can empathise with you .
Please take advantage of their help.