I reached out to a few people on facebook who live next to him or seem to know him. One works at the fire department there. Will let you know when I hear back.
the final fall of metaspy
by metaspy 75 Replies latest jw friends
Oh thank you metaspy I am so glad you are still with us. :) I don't even know you but reading your stories I felt connected to you and , well, I cried during my last post. Silly huh? I have no "real" connection to you yet I do care.
He just accepted my friend request on facebook 20 minutes ago I see. I am trying to chat him. I want to get to know him. I lost all my friends recently. It would be nice to meet people I have something in common with. He even plays a few of the games online I play.
Oh Hey meta! lol I hope we can get to know each other.
I played SWTOR religiously for about a year. I saw you were a fan... Anyways. maybe chat me on facebook. I will be in your area in 2 or 3 weeks for a business trip. Maybe we can meet up for coffee or dinner.
glad you are okay for the moment, if your caller id shows a call from Chicago around midnight, that was me
Jesus ! What a scare!
LoisLane looking for Superman
Hello Metaspy,
I am glad you are OK.
Life sure can be disappointing at times, can't it?
I am so glad you got some professional help and are still with us. That was a good thing.
Are you feeling better now? Less stressful? I hope so.
(((((Hugs to You Metaspy for doing the right thing and getting help when you needed it)))))
Just Lois
stick around, fellow! We all need each other
Neither words nor emoticons can say how glad we are that you are back.