Atheist Support
by snare&racket 21 Replies latest jw friends
Just wanted to make a thread suggesting that if anyone is pondering atheism and would like to ask any questions or ask for suggestions for books, evidence etc on all sorts of topics, feel free to ask. There are a few of us here.
If atheism seems like a big scary word , nevermind desicion! Or feels very foreign, remember it's understandable after our indoctrination. But if tht fear is sufficient that you dont want to even discuss it, maybe you can listen to the issues being discussed in privacy, Two radio poscasts I would suggest you check out if you are interested in hearing the issue discussed are...
1. The thinking atheist : a nice, quiet ex pastor, ex christian radio show guy discussing various issues.
2. The Atheist Experience: an atheist tv show paid for by local US atheists, it is very good, very informstive snd covers everything from evolution to philosophy and back to genesis. Callers can call in with any questions and it is discussed at length (usually).
I know that can be a bit of a battleground sometimes and we are all to blame for our passionate defences and offences, but we are
all seeking the same answers to the same questions, if yours relate to atheism, or such things as evolution maybe some of us can help.
Snare x
Good idea, S&R ...
I did not discover God through the wt, but it was a natural belief in a maker, although a well hidden one.
Good things are incredible difficult to make, if they are to be durable.
I have read many books on the subject but come up with the conclusion, that none of them really explain the process of the making, appearance of the cosmos, life in its finality.
Just because we are better able to research how things work does not mean it was not work.
In my mother tongue the word for "reality" has the root "work" it is a deep rooted concept.
I am not scared of the possible non-existence of a creator, but it seems not plausible to me.
This is the real big question that should aways be debated.
Good topic S&R
I think both sides of the coin can dismiss each other out of hand without considering what the other side has to offer.
Atheism to a religous person : The mind shuts down
Religion to an atheist person : The mind shuts down
The Atheist me. { Atheism has not always been presented honestly}
I do not beleive in a personal god who is omnipresent , omniscient ,or whatever , who hears prayers or answers them ,or is interested in or in control of events that take place here on earth or anywhere else .
I do not beleive that any written record scroll or whatever was ever directed or inspired by a god of any religion christian or otherwise .
The Spiritual me { Spirituality is often presented with a narrow minded viewpoint }
I am in awe of the universe , its size , its diversity , its magnificense , its compexity ,billions of galaxys, with its billions of suns, and billions of planets, the earth and its diversity of life forms, seen and unseen. and its sheer beauty .I dont profess to know why all of this exists.I dont profess to know why their is such diversity in the universe .
Their are wonders both on earth and in the universe that are beyond my comprehension and a beleif in a personal god does not answer that.
For people leaving WT it is often a minefield hearing what alternative beliefs exist, this thread is just a little way of offering some ditection.
I think it is goodmto get down to the bare bones, belief is often based on enotions and fears, what 'feels right' or 'plausible'. It is always an honour to meet someone who is honest enough to,not pretend it is about evidence, logic or reason.
Anyway, your beliefs, feelings and stories are welcome on this thread. Come on atheists, share your toughts ;) x
smiddy you described my understanding well.
You mentioned that "atheist" may seem to be a scary word. However it may just be a matter of definition. Nobody here on earth can prove the presence or absence of one or more deities. However some choose to believe based on culture or perception, whereas others don't think enough evidence exists to prove the existence of any gods or deities such as described by mankind. Those who come down on the disbelieving side can be said to be atheist, which breaks down to "a-" without and "theist" belief in a deity.
You don't have to be hardcore anti-theist to have your doubts. I consider myself a "weak" atheist meaning I'm not the outspoken anti-theist type. I understand people have reasons for their belief, including many of my family and close friends. I just don't happen to have any such reasons myself. -
I agree gopher, I dont like he word/label at all.
Of course nobody truly knows these answers, but agnostic is as complex a term too. I used the term atheist, for the person new to the idea of the possibility of no god in the universe, of holy books being just manly books etc.
snare x
I think I was an atheist for a long time before I realised it.
The biggest difference for me was that the world just made sense at last. As a JW and as a christian I constantly had to do mental gymnastics to make my beliefs fit reality. Then it occurs to you that the world looks exactly as it might look if there was no hidden supernatural world after all - bingo!