If you're happy and THEY know it all HELL breaks loose!!!!!

by SophieG 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    rmt, i was speaking tongue in cheek,,,,,but yes. (The irony is painful) Like the viet nam veteran with PTSD that melts down if he doesn't have a gun in every room of the house.....Yes. The JW's went to war for the governing body. And they went to war for a very long time. Their entire lives. 40-50 years in some cases. And yes these people are PTS and are certifiable. And yes they deserve the funny money because they are disabled.

  • SophieG

    Gosh…thanks everyone…Thanks for chiming in!!!

    rmt1: Precisely! I have maybe 40 good years left, I want to spend them doing something more worthwhile than existing in a cult environment!

    Narcisstic Supply! LOL!!!!

    Problemaddict: Yes, it was ‘Going Clear’ by Lawrence Wright and it took forever to read because it was a bit much on the brain, but awesome. I highly recommend it.

    Exwhyzee: People like that are generally one reality check away from completely "falling out of the truth" and the lecture they give you is actually intended to reassure themselves. I totally agree. I feel her faith is “weak”, but I also sense an underlying fear in there. She is the type if I did sit her down and tell her the emotional and mental reasons why I left she’d freak out and go on a complete mind bend. She is always right, knows everything and judges others. I chose to leave her alone. She creates drama and I don’t need that in my life whatsoever!

    truJw: My mom is 80 plus faithful, but reasonable. We chose not to talk about the org. But she knows her child…her child lives with intent…hmmmmm

    whathappened: Thank you. It’s so weird, when people left or “disappeared” I realized after thinking about it never felt that way. I was kinda like hmm…ok…and never dwelt on them anymore. When I started fading however, I felt like I’d much rather live a richer, more fulfilled life NOW, versus “waiting on Jehovah” and Paradise, sacrificing and struggling and “maybe I would be concealed” in the day of His judgment. MAYBE? No thanks. And if the “Day of Judgment” comes, my fireball will be pretty pink and I’ll have a big ole grin on my face! LOL! No regrets!

  • FirstLastName

    SophieG - They have been told that anyone not in the Truth is not really happy. They cannot concieve you being trully happy. I found this true in my own case as well.

    As a JW I kept being told how happy I was, but deep down I was miserable, taking anxiety med , married to an abusive JW husband. I thought that maybe that was as good as it gets !

    Then I left the JW's, left the ex husband, left the abuse, got off the meds - and now I know what happiness is. I continue to prove my family wrong and did not start having doing heroin and committing crimes.

    Best of luck to you ! your best revenge is just to be happy. Its drives them crazy :)

  • Fernando

    Watchtower follower: "The facts are getting in the way of my beliefs - someone needs to pay for this!"

  • konceptual99

    If you're happy and they know it - you're a fake

    If you're happy and they know it - you're a fake

    If you're happy and they know it then they really want to show it

    They really, really, really want to show that you're a fake

  • shopaholic

    Jehovah's Witnesses have told me many times that my happiness is from Satan trying to keep me from the truth. Any happiness I have now is temporary and happiness held by people in the world is due to dependence on drugs. If worldly folks are not on drugs then they are faking their happiness to lure me in.

    When I was still a JW, I was often told that if a person is happy all the time they are not doing enough for Jehovah. If you're doing enough you will experience some type of persecution.

    The witnesses are a delusional bunch.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty
    Is it me, but does it seem that your genuine happiness drives them a bit nuts?


    This is why I always tell people when interacting with dubs and they ask that inevitable question of what hall you go to get THE biggest Kool-aide smile you can muster and say I no longer go to the hall!

  • rmt1

    Apostles of Denial. Book title! No one should hide this gleaming gem of coinage under a basket. It deserves a wider circulation. They really do actually _preach_ the active, knowing, deliberate, premeditated denial of facts that conflict with their changing stream of narrative. Could be widely-accepted interpretations of data via the scientific method, could be an event they witnessed with their own eyes of JW behavior, or non-JW behavior, that contradict JW doctrine or JW absolutes or JW dichotomies. They do actually preach denial. If I'm not mistaken, that's actually the main thing they preach. Cartoons of lions and sheep?

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    @darth frosty!

  • SophieG

    FirstLastname : Ummm are you my twin? That was my life!!!! Isn’t it amazing how when you’ve gotten far away how ALIVE you feel?

    shopaholi c: It’s like a twisted form of reverse cult psychology, to serve a loving God you must be miserable. But if you don’t you’re serving Satan and you’re happy, but not really, you know because you’re going to die. INSANE!

    DarthFrosty: I am going to use that! Yes I am! Yes I am!
    Sister JW: Sophie, did I you miss you at the convention this year?
    Sophie: (launches into the Harry Met Sally restaurant scene) Yes!!! Yes!!! YES-YES-YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! LOL!

    And yes folks it happened AGAIN today. Posted something neutrally positive and yep, I had a JW on my butt. NOW I never go to their pages and rip their beliefs apart and preach my POV! Such presumtiousness !

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