What's Your Opinion Of The Personalities Of The Governing Body?

by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I believe the GB has typically been an odd group of men. This new batch, the Faithful and Discreet Slave seem very impressed with themselves....like they are modern day Apostles or something....or maybe it's just me.

  • LostGeneration

    They all suffer from delusions of grandeur.

    The only thing that sort of interests me is whether they actually believe they have been hand-picked by Jesus to represent him on earth or they are simply acting all of this out for their own benefit.

  • frankiespeakin

    Due to years of repeated brainwashing indoctrination recieved from the Watchtower Corporation and isolation from the real world in general the minds of these men have been damaged severly with black and white thinking, and a 'my way or the highway' absolutest mentality.

    In my opinion they all need psychiatric help because Corporate interest has eaten their brains and turned them into a insensitive shell of a human being almost completely out of touch with reality and addicted to narcisitic supply.

  • Vidiot
    minimus - "What's your opinion of the personalities of the Governing Body?"

    A significant number of their decisions and policies reinforce the conclusion that they fully believe they are God's chosen mouthpiece, whilst paradoxically being fully aware of their use of rhetoric, propaganda, and intellectual dishonesty to further their agenda.

    Which leads me to the conclusion that A) they don't experience cognitive dissonance the way the rest of us do, and B) the increasingly unhinged tone of that rhetoric and propaganda strongly suggests a growing sense of desperation and paranoia.

    After all, if "Satan's World" is permitted to take them to task for their transgressions and succeed, it seriously calls into question their insistant claims of legitimacy and authority.

  • sspo

    Liars....i don't think they believe the things they teach and they know that God has nothing to do with them.


    What's Your Opinion Of The Personalities Of The Governing Body?

    ......................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • man oh man
    man oh man


  • Gopher

    They actually have personality?

  • eyeuse2badub

    Desperate, devious, dillusional, and borerline dangerous. I'm blown away with the rapid-fire 'nu-lite' that is issuing forth from these guys. It's like they can't get enough of their "we love this teaching" crap out in the open. Use to be only 1 or 2 'nu-lite' revelations per couple of years so that we could all gradually get use to the 'nu-lite'. (gradualism) Now they are testing the shock value of the rank and file. Last May at our 2 day Circuit Assembly I was shocked to actually hear our new DO say, from the platform, that many may be 'DISTURBED' by the 'nu-lite' revealed in the 7/15/13 WT. For him to actually say the word DISTURBED, made me think that he and other DO's and CO's are disturbed by the 'nu-lite'.

    Now we have the 11/15/13 WT preparing us to follow directions from the GB even if it "seems contrary" to 'common sense' and normal human thinking. More cult-like every week. I see a sort of pattern here. Seems like when a generational 'changing of the guard' takes place within the WTBTS, the new GB guys get rid of the 'old-lite' teachings from their former GB predecessors as if to make the JW religion their own and create their own legacy.

    We can certainly see that's what happened during Rutherford's reign; doing away with all of Russell's teaching over a period of time. Knorr still had old Freddy to deal with so he couldn't get rid of Rutherford's crap as quickly. But, alas, today JW's don't cling to any of Rutherford's crap. All been 'nu-lited'. Now the Knorr/Freddy crap has all but been 'nu-lited' or will be. If they get rid of the stupid 'blood' and shunning doctrines, they will have made full circle.

  • frankiespeakin

    Hopelessly out of touch with reality old busy-bodies who warn deaf people not to masturbate in private, and take way harmless toys from children.

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