Narcissists and narcissistic suppliers (co dependents)
Are JWs creationists?
by Jeffro 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Length of the creative days hmmm not sure Length of the millennium absolutely 1000 years. The modern pseudoscience of the guys from Brooklyn.
Length of the creative days hmmm not sure
It's been a few decades since they've explicitly said that the creative 'days' were all exactly 7000 years each. However, the Watch Tower Society has never said the creative days were longer than thousands of years. Though they allow for an unspecified length of time between the beginning of the universe and the creation of Earth, they've never said the subsequent 'creative days' were each millions or billions of years - only ever thousands.
Jeffro- isn't it funny how they come up with their parsing of Genesis. I remember being embarassed in front of a college audience giving a talk on Fred Franz's view then the AID book came out with the 'undisclosed' time period. I guess there must have been some real dog fights in Bethel at the time (late 1960s).
They mean that they aren't young earth. Although they sort of shift back and forth on this it seems.
*** g 11/11 p. 7 Which Approach Is More Reasonable? ***
Religious people too may have preconceptions that distort their attitude toward science. For instance, as mentioned earlier, some creationists cling to the erroneous notion that God formed the world in six literal days a few thousand years ago. Having made that prior commitment, they try to force the evidence to fit their extremely literal interpretation of the Bible. (See the box “How Long Is a ‘Day’?” on page 9.) People who have such extreme interpretations of both the Bible and science are left without satisfying answers when they try to seek evidence for their faith.
*** g 9/06 p. 3 Whom Should You Believe? ***
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe the creation account as recorded in the Bible book of Genesis. However, Jehovah’s Witnesses are not what you might think of as creationists. Why not? First, many creationists believe that the universe and the earth and all life on it were created in six 24-hour days some 10,000 years ago. This, however, is not what the Bible teaches. Also, creationists have embraced many doctrines that lack support in the Bible. Jehovah’s Witnesses base their religious teachings solely on God’s Word.
Furthermore, in some lands the term “creationist” is synonymous with Fundamentalist groups that actively engage in politics. These groups attempt to pressure politicians, judges, and educators into adopting laws and teachings that conform to the creationists’ religious code.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are politically neutral. They respect the right of governments to make and enforce laws. (Romans 13:1-7) However, they take seriously Jesus’ statement that they are “no part of the world.” (John 17:14-16) In their public ministry, they offer people the chance to learn the benefits of living by God’s standards. But they do not violate their Christian neutrality by supporting the efforts of Fundamentalist groups that try to establish civil laws that would force others to adopt Bible standards.—John 18:36.
From the Oct 2013 Study WT
3 On the other hand, fundamentalists of Christendom teach that the universe, including our earth and all life on it, is only a few thousand years old. Those who teach this doctrine —known as creationism— may have high regard for the Bible, but they contend that God created all things in six 24-hour days just a few thousand years ago. They reject credible scientific evidence that contradicts their view. As a result, the teaching of creationism actually discredits the Bible, making it appear unreasonable and inaccurate. Individuals who promote such views might remind us of some in the first century who had a zeal for God “but not according to accurate knowledge.” ( Rom. 10:2 ) How can we use God’s Word to overturn the “strongly entrenched” doctrines of evolution and creationism? * We can do so only if we personally work hard to gain an accurate knowledge of what the Bible teaches.
So I guess this means JWs are going to engage in debates against creationism?
Although Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in creation, we are not anti science.
We believe that true science and the Bible are compatible.
What a load of propagating bullshit. In other words we decide what is lying science and what is true science on are own.
Firstly most of the WTS. heads (GB) don't even have a high school diploma and probably never spent
more than a minute inside a University or College, the majority of them are not well educated men, fact.
They dispel most scientific findings and discoveries, such biological evolution, astrophysics, geological evolution
the list goes on.
Thats just good old fasion bullshit to support the organization, the GB heads do it and they instruct their devoted
members to do it as well and that is to Lie.
Bloody Hotdogs!
JWs love to say they're nothing like those crazy Young Earthers. They list two important differences:
1. JWs believe creation took place over much longer time period.
2. JWs don’t push their views politically.
What Witnesses fail to point out, is there really aren’t any other differences.
Young Earthers claim that the earth gets it's appearance of great age from Noah's Flood, which caused: collapse of the 'heavenly ocean', changes in radiation levels, shortened life spans, messed-up radio carbon dating, re-shuffling of continents over a few months, flash ice ages and frozen wooly mammoths, disappearance of dinosaurs, change in human and animal diets, carving of great canyons, rising of mountain ranges, all sedimentary rock layers, sea shells on top of mountains, super fast "micro" evolution, and so on....
Young Earthers also believe in: Noah's arc, angels, demons, God, sin, heaven, Jesus, human sacrifice pleases God, inerrant bible, 6000 years of human existence, nearly all secular ancient world history is a lie, and so on....
This is precisely what Jehovah's Witnesses believe.
Here is my article on this subject for anyone interested...
Some on the JWsurvey comments have already remarked that they believe JWs reject the "creationist" label just for the sake of being different, and because they don't like any worldly labels - especially those with negative connotations. I think there may be some truth in this. Basically, they're just being awkward and pedantic.