In the United States I gather that copyright lasts for the lifetime of the author plus 70 years. But what is the law regarding anonymous works, such as the NWT? If copyright only lasts for 70 years from publication of anonymous works, then copyright for the NWT of the Christian Greek Scriptures would be due to run out in a few years. Watchtower leaders probably don't like the idea of others being able to publish hard copies or circulate the NWT in ebook format. That's been a problem for the Mormons since lots of different ebook editions of the Book of Mormon have appeared on Amazon and elsewhere and they can't do anything to stop it.
So what could the Watchtower leadership do? They could announce who the translators of the NWT and thus extend the copyright period for another 50 years or so (from F W Franz's death in 1992) or they could produce a revised edition, again anonymous, but with another 70 years of copyright on it. Letting it be known that Franz was the translator would be too much of a climb down from the stance of "principled" anonymity, not to mention dishonourable since it would be against Franz's wishes. He never thought this problem would arise because Armaggedon was supposed to come within "this generation".
So if the rumours are true, and there is to be a revised NWT released soon, is copyright expiry what prompted it? If so will they be honest enough to explain that situation to ordinary Witnesses, or in true Watchtower fashion will they give false and misleading explanations of their actions? I wonder how thorough a revision it will be, and if it must meet a certain standard of reworking to be considered a new work under copyright law, does anyone know?