Rewriting the dictionary

by rebel8 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Rebel8, I always enjoy your comments. I think I might know the thread that you're talking about; I started a counter-thread that is now only invisibly present on this board. Well, joke 'em if the can't take a...

    Best wishes to you!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Sure, TotallyADD; a person who has had his arms cut off with a machete is identical to someone who was called "stupid" by their parents. Got it.

  • TD
    If you want to equate 2 things, go ahead, but don't rewrite the dictionary.

    Yes. Thank you!

    All of us inject a little subjective perception into the works we use, but that subjectivity is subordinate to anchor points like dictionaries.

  • hamsterbait

    Strange isnt it - The Witchtower will call a life saving, court ordered transfusion RAPE, yet a child being molested is a kid being sexy and seductive.

    See the thread on a pedo being appointed an elder. The WTBTS has redefined the word "KNOWN" as in "no known pedophile" can be appointed.

    Everybody in the congo may know, but they decide he is not "known".


  • hamsterbait

    Strange isnt it - The Witchtower will call a life saving, court ordered transfusion RAPE, yet a child being molested is a kid being sexy and seductive.

    See the thread on a pedo being appointed an elder. The WTBTS has redefined the word "KNOWN" as in "no known pedophile" can be appointed.

    Everybody in the congo may know, but they decide he is not "known".


  • rebel8

    Good point, hamsterbait! (Although in my personal experience with that, they said it would be "like" rape.)

    rmt1--do you know anyone who did not time travel here from the 14th century who defines "seizure" as rape nowadays?

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    Rape is defined as sexual intercourse that is forced on a person without his or her permission. It may involve physical force, the threat of force, or it may be done against someone who is unable to give consent.

    1) n. the crime of sexual intercourse ... without consent and accomplished through force, threat of violence or intimidation

  • rmt1


  • friendaroonie

    Technically all of language is socially constructed. Not just partitioned group usage. We are rewriting the dictionary every moment. The dictionary publishing world radically changed its approach to them in the late 50s. Companies realized that meanings are not dictated through some top down policed sysrem but rather meanings are worked out on the street so to speak. There is no authority on words or language though the rich and influential historically have had more than their share of influence on what is written. The dictionary is not the rock solid arbiter and protector of words you think it is. No word is safe from change and often words end up meaning the opposite of what they started out to mean. In fact I would go so far to say that it is not technically correct to say a certain word "means this or that" but rather "we are currently saying and agreeing that a certain word means this or that." Compliments of college linguistics and semantics.

  • slimboyfat

    friendaroonie, Wittgenstein said: "the meaning of a word is its use in language". Indeed language use is socially constructed, but it is legitimate to point out when others' language use does not conform to the "game" as currently agreed upon. This is indeed an exercise of power within a discourse, and it is for participants to decide whether for good or ill. I think most would agree that rebel8 makes a meaningful distinction between the concepts she was scolded for refusing to equate.

  • VM44

    Watchtower definition....."Truth, anything currently published by The Watchtower"

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