The Bible and it's promise of Heaven and various other things

by confusedandalone 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • confusedandalone

    Now in no way am I trying to discredit anyones beliefs or make fun, but once you get to heaven what is the plan once you get there.

    Of course, we always overlay extremely physical things upon the experience of heaven... milk and honey... ruiling over the earth etc... truthful the whole idea sounds so boring / mundane /monotonous. Spending all of eternity serving god by carry messages here and there?

    Watching humans... I guess spending time with family that are also there and reminiscing. The whole idea seems so strange. As of the last years of contemplating scripture it begins to really just seem like the stories of men who had very little and had big dreams.

    The stories in the bible seem no different than the stories of every other culture that exagerrate their accomplishments. It's just the fact that as a society we choose to accept them as truth or fact.

    It begins to annoy me more and more. I feel so foolish to have no just looked at the books for what they are.

    Still the best example of insanity that I would accept without question... that god gave some dude power to kill 200 foxes and rip their tails off to make a statement... then he decides to pick up a jawbone of a donkey and beat 1000 people to death with it... and none get away. This is worse than the she-bear. All this and god approves

  • BobFlanagan007

    I always thought the idea of going to heaven was so boring and the idea of living forever on Earth was one thing I initially found appealing about "the truth". Twenty years later I find the idea of eternal life on Earth boring, I mean waking up every morning knowing you'll be doing the same thing an infinite number of times over an infinite number of years. I doubt even Jehovah could find enough to occupy everyone for ever. How depressing when you stop and think about it.

    The Bible is indeed utter drivel, badly writen drivel at that full of utterly absurd stories. The majority of said drivel being writen long after the events it supposedly records and collected in some cases millenia after it was writen. Realizing this was one of the happiest days of my life.

  • problemaddict

    Hey the idea of living forever on earth is still super appealing to me. Doesn't seem boring in the least. I just don't think its going to happen. if it does, I hope I'm here.

  • designs

    Human imagination fills all sorts of gaps in logic.

  • Bella15

    I don't know if you were born/raised JW ... I was ... the heavenly life within Christianity is more than all those urban legends/myths we hear, or the bashing of it we heard from the Watchtower CORPORATION, ... it is a deeper revelation by the Holy Spirit and only then you will understand, get and make yours by FAITH (of course this type of FAITH comes by hearing AND hearing the Christ) (1Corinthians 2). You got to have the revelation of Jesus first, he is THE WAY otherwise you will always get Christianity without the Christ and your knowledge will always be confusing, one needs to be taught by the Holy Spirit, a personal relationship with GOD and He will teach you all the inscrustable things - they will come straight to your heart and you will just know ...

    Don't let a CORPORATION destroy a Higher Power in your life, and I don't necessarily mean God if you just at that point of hating everything God because of that cult, I used to curse, vomit at just the mention of God, I thought maybe I had a demon inside me (their indoctrination) don't let that CORPORATION make you like that ... I was there once and I totally understand you, but truly I was not happy. You don't have to believe in God, the bible or Christian beliefs, millions of people don't and they are okay but don't let a CORPORATION mold your life from now on. GOD Creator is with all and for all mankind!

  • rocketman

    I guess it's like doing anything (like working at a job, even one we like) for a long time - we don't want to do it forever. After a few decades (if that), we're ready for a change, we want to move on to something else.

    If there is a heaven, one would think that getting there would open up incredible vistas that we have trouble conceiving at this time. On the surface, being there forever would appear to be boring. But it's a big universe, and that's just the part we can observe via telescopes.

    But it would have to be purposeful. We'd have to be achieving something up there. Otherwise, what good would it be?

  • designs

    Bella- So what did this Holy Spirit and Jesus reveal to you about heaven.

  • Bella15

    With all respect, there are things that can only be discovered, in my case sacred because of Jesus and will not discuss further for the sake of debunking GOD!

  • designs

    You realize that is the typical answer from Believers. This should be an easy and open answer, something that could be explained to the average person, but it rarely if ever is.

  • Phizzy

    I never wanted to go to heaven, mainly because the place was never "sold" to me, what was there that was appealing about it? the only concepts of Heaven that appealed were actually describing an ideal life on Earth.

    Now, living forever in perfect health on Earth, that woud do me, you need a myriad lifetimes to scratch the surface of knowledge, and I love learning.

    The trouble with the JW "New System" was it always sounded like absolute HELL to me. Ruled by arsehole Elders under WT rules, I would rather slip off in to oblivion thank you.

    I even said this to an Elder whilst I was an active JW, I cannot remember why, but he asked me "Don't you want to live in the new System then?" , I replied "Not if it is the kind of Paradise Bro Nazi thinks it's going to be !" . He smiled a wry smile and walked off, but I really felt that way, that the WT must have it alll wrong about the New System, a loving God would not do that to us.

    The main problem with the concept of a Paradise earth made as a "One size fits all" project, is that my idea of paradise is very different to yours, and that again is very different to the one envisaged by an Inuit or by a Bantu and so on. For all people to be happy, it would require many kinds of Paradise, and the same applies to Heaven of course, your Heaven is my Hell.

    Especially if Bro Nazi is there.

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