I think Heaven and god got sucked into a black hole....the last word god spoke was...Oops!
The Bible and it's promise of Heaven and various other things
by confusedandalone 62 Replies latest jw friends
Believers speak in metaphors because they don't have anything substantial to say.
In fact they talk in metaphors so much they don't realise they are doing it.
When you ask them to explain what they actually mean using literal language you realise how vacuous it all is.
Religion had its place in history to unite specific people and to give certainty in an uncertain world.
Religion had its place in history to unite specific people and to give certainty in an uncertain world.
I think this is possibly a fair comment.
Religion said it's last useful thing a very long time ago.
Religion infantalises it's adherents. It's long past time to outgrow it.
It is one thing to speak in metaphors as a believer... but shouldn't the person you BELIEVE IN WHO WANTS EVERYONE TO DO RIGHT speak directly.
What is the purpose of confusing confused people if it is not to keep them in confusion
And how do you know all these incredible things Tammy?
And why do you ask me questions that you already know the answer to?
As for metaphor... how would you describe something to people that we don't have the words for, or have not seen? I use the word spirit, and spiritual... and Cofty dismisses them because he doesn't have a clear definition, the scientific components that make up these things. Well, we have the physical world to help us understand the spritual. A representation, so that we might get the sense of something that we have not seen, and may be more prepared.
For instance, you could not have described DNA to someone 2000 years ago, and expected them to listen to you or have any idea what you are talking about. They don't have the building blocks to understand DNA. You might be able to help some of them get a sense with some sort of metaphor though, of things they DO understand and have knowledge of.
My lord speaks to me...
What does he say?
He speaks to my heart, if you listen you can hear him.
What does he say?
He is the way and the word. He knows me and he guides me. It's something everyone should find.
What does he say?
Only once we let go of mans teaching and lies can we hear him.
oh shit, I give up.
There is only one reality and that sometimes fails to meet our expectations. That is where imagination comes into play. It enables some people to create a second reality that is nearer to their hearts desire. Alas it exists only in their mind. For some people that is enough - I envy them.
tec you keep acting as if GOD is incapable of revealing things to people in a way they can understand.
Why didn't he just make it clear from birth to everyone if he loves everyone soooo much.
Who needs a freaking book, why cant the info be beamed into our brain in a way we can fully understand it?
For the love of GOD A FREAKING BOOK??? He cant preserve his name in... he can't outright tell us he has to give you riddles... he has to chop up whores and kill thousands of people instead of just demonstrating? A BOOK is the BEST he could do?
this is ridiculous
For instance, you could not have described DNA to someone 2000 years ago
Of course you could. There would just be a lot of other things you would have had to explain first.
You are no less superstitious than people were 2000 years ago. Still ascribing everything to angels and demons.