My Jimi Hendrix experience

by confusedandalone 47 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Invetigator74

    My mom was worried but she didn't go nuts. She threw away the cover to "Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Jones" by the Monkees, but not the vinyl. LOL.

    My mom got rid of the cover of my Santana's "Black Magic Woman" album , but let me keep the vinyl. Just after my dad got baptized all my sports cards, Batman/ Green Hornet cards and comics, GI Joes (12") ,etc was all tossed out. Today I see most of these items command a nice premium. I guess they didn't have the foresight I had. lol

  • laverite

    Let's face it, as born-ins we did NOT have normal lives. My father had MAJOR freak outs over all kinds of things. I remember he had a seriously major freak out over the Flashdance song. He thought the singer was saying "Take your pants down. And make it happen!" instead of what was actually sung..."Take your passion" (not take your pants down, for heaven's sakes!!!). Gawd.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Dedicated to c&a:


    P.S. You can't play YouTube backwards.

  • Quarterback

    It's funny, but my mother loved it when I played Jimi Hendrix. She especially liked," Foxey Lady, and Purple Haze". I used to play guitar at some of the witnes gatherings, and those two songs where the most requested songs. Those songs, and "Stairway to Heaven" were the favourites.

  • ShirleyW

    He thought the singer was saying "Take your pants down. And make it happen!"

    Laverite, thanks for the laugh, I'm sure my neighbor heard me laughing too, I think my mother and your father would be in a two way tie as to who was actually worse about playing music. 99.9 percent of the time I would listen to the radio or even watch a channel on TV with music she would say "I don't like that beat, that worldy beat" I'd either turn it down or have to change the channel. Tell me, how many songs do you know of that don't have a beat to them.

    Still laughing at that "take your pants down", you never busted out laughing in his face when he said that?

  • insearchoftruth4

    Lived it, survived it i think, orange sunshine, mescaline and lots of those hallucinogens. Crazy stuff.. but have to admit, the surroundings made a big difference...for me, it was better to be alone most of the time...and jimi's all along the watchtower is still an all time favorite. it still moves me...funny when you see 'yourself' as the 'joker' and the 'thief' and the 'many' who think that life is but a joke...the hour getting late! hey....than i was off to another galaxy.

    "My Jimi Hendrix experience".....a few days later, guess who knocks on my apt door....


  • Dagney

    Hilarious laverite! Now, I guess...right? Back then prob not so much.

  • insearchoftruth4

    Dagney, it was the JWs, handing out invitations to a special talk that Sunday....K/H was about a 5 miniute walk...and so I went for the first time..and this experience (TRIP) lasted 30 something years and I'm still recoving... LOL



    Jimmy Hendrix was a brainwasher. Using subliminal messages and stolen vocals, he brainwashed under the film and music industry control as the industry sought and got power. Blaspemy, tricks with fingers and signs with feet were all performed by Jimi Hendrix and the rest.

  • insearchoftruth4

    Hello BUSTADOLLA and welcome...You are so right about subliminal, music industry, control... kind of like the WTS methods except(maybe) the music.."stolen vocals"?..He sounds original..but maybe you know more..anyway...WELCOME. insot4


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