AHHHHH 1968-69, my last 2 years of HS, dating my wild (son-of the-PO) fiance. We would sing with the car radio at the top of our lungs "All along the Watchtower" and laugh at the irony. We were way too smart at this age to try to bring "drug culture" or any other Questionable records into our homes. I already had gone through the fits of anger and record tossing starting with the Beatles who my father called "long haired faggots". This kind of parenting breaks down all communication and forces the child to do things behind their unreasonable parents' back. It seems the older the parents were in the late 60's and 70's the more they over-reacted to the music of the times because it was completely different that what THEY were listening to as teens in the 30's and early 40's. From the late 50's on music hasn't changed all that much so the parents are not as uncomfortable with their kids music. In fact it's not that uncommon for todays parents and children to actually (gasp) like the SAME music........MY .02
My Jimi Hendrix experience
by confusedandalone 47 Replies latest social entertainment
Rock and roll changed music FOREVER
I have just checked and it must have been 1967 that I went down to the local, rather old-fashioned, record shop and brought home his LP "Are You Experienced ".....man, I played that to death , it was like nothing I had heard before. I remained a massive fan,ever since - later becoming a M S and Elder, but never losing my love of Hendrix and heavy rock. I did not keep it a secret although I did not crusade against the WTS stance - just chose to ignore it, reasoning that it was the human side of the Organization speaking... What a musician! What a debt we owe him! and to Leo Fender and Les Paul who designed the guitars in the first place ! Thanks to the three posters who put up videos, sheer pleasure.....
confusedandalone: The Proctor & Gamble weirdness took place in the '80's. Supposedly, a company representative of P&G was on the Phil Donahue Show and said the symbol on the P&G products was somehow associated with the occult or "demons" in JW vernacular. I could not find anyone who had actually seen the show, but they all knew somebody who knew somebody else who had seen it. ;-) Anyway, my parents (who became JW's after I had already exited - weird family) quit buying Crisco, Duncan Hines cake mix and other P&G products. So did lots of otherwise intelligent people who believed themselves to be Christians. For all their faults, my parents did not shun me. They had known me my entire life, and knew what a goody two-shoes I had always been, so they blamed my JW husband for my exit from the Watchtower. So I had the opportunity to tell them that an inked picture of a crescent moon and stars had no power. They did not believe me, of course. Nevertheless, a few weeks later, my mom started using P&G products again. She explained it with, "Well, now they're ("they" was never identified) saying that's just a lot of bull." Oh, the reasoning skills of Christians!
My previous post was 3 paragraphs, but it's showing up all run together. Sorry, not my fault.
Hey Blues, "What a musician" "What a debt we owe him" so true, and a humble person imo. Maybe you seen this short clip... 3rdgen, I was floating around the East Bay back in the later 70's, it was service in the morning/early afternoons, basketball the rest of the day, then bar/b/q at night everyday!! Some of those brothers could 'jam'. Lots of fun.. The CO then last name was Armor, his wife was a TRIP.... Some of my favorite PEOPLE " the East Bay..The Warriors of '1975'... insot4
Insot4, You have a PM. Sorry Simon
3rdgen, my mailbox is gone...and can't paste this interview on the Dick Cavett show... with... 'move over rover and let 'Jimi' take over'...till then..Its only Rock and Roll but I like it... insot4
WONDERFUL interview ISOT4!
I love Cavett. And Robert Young in the back with a sweet smile.
I saw a Hendrix tribute at the Greek a few years ago with Buddy Guy and I forget who else...I'm thinking his bassist or drummer or somebody. It was great.
As a teenybopper I lived in a small town with one AM rock and roll station. We were so daring to call the station and request "ARe you Experienced?", under assumed names of course. I do loves me some Jimi.
My ultimate after school song going over French homework with a classmate.
Edited to add: BTW, when I first submitted this all the lines ran together into one paragraph, I had to go back and put the breaks in.