Yup....they only lik used goods.
My Mom Isn't Very Motivated With The "Truth" Lately And Wonders If She Recieved Anything From The Demons
by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends
That's really sad. I went out with a JW friend for lunch. And in this town there were some interesting antique shops. I suggested we go browse. But,she said you had to be careful since those places can be demonized. I didn't know the demons went antiquing.
When I was little,my mother threw out one of my dolls,because it looked demonized. I think this all stems from experiences in the old yearbooks about talking snakes.
This is some funny shit there people. minimus: LOL, the iDemon - order, hurry our supply of demons is limited. Wish my phone came with one of these. Paul: I've been to some birthday parties since I left (well, even before I left) and sometimes I wished there WAS some beheading, out of sheer boredom. That guy had a point. One of the guys that writes for the Borg sits in London Bethel and he told me that they have a pretty collection of really ancient Bibles and also some witch craft books (for research only!). Interestingly once he found out about this, he said that he couldn't sleep and felt someone breathing on his face (during the night, I sure hope it wasn't his room mate!). Anyway, I applied the same logical question-answer game (to no avail): why didn't you feel anything PRIOR to knowing about the books? Why would the demons hang around gods personal london city condo? Where are the angels? (Oh, they have dish washing duties and are busy, I understand) Have other people sleep problems as well? Besides this, things that where found in Bethelites rooms (from my time there): stolen goods (gold chain from a sister), porn videos, condoms (single brothers room), stolen documents from bethel departments (night watch guy was taking stuff from desks LOL) and dirty dishes in the clothing drawers, in between socks and underwear (single guys without education can be pigs).
There was a JW elder in Perth, Western Australia, whose (adult) son used to play Tomb Raider.
One day the son received a frantic phone call from the father because he inserted the Watchtower Library CD, and the icon for Tomb Raider showed up for the CD-ROM drive instead*.
*It was on Windows 98, which had a notoriously unreliable icon cache.He was convinced that the game had allowed demons to possess the computer.
Julia Orwell
That's so funny Jeff!!!!
I remember when I was studying with JWs, my teenage brother played a trick where he upended a wine glass just out of the washup water, so you know it had suds and warm water all over it, and told me to watch it, and voila! He said something, and the glass moved of its own accord.
I told my study conductor and she said, "Erm, um, that sounds suspect...don't let your brother do that sort of thing to you, it could be the demons moving the glass..." so silly me thought, Hm, ok.
Then I told an elder about it and he laughed and said it was an old trick, whereby the buildup of heat in the glass from the warm water, which couldn't escape out from under the rim because of the seal caused by the suds, was what moved the glass. An old prank!
BTW my brother is now 30 years old, and although I prayed every day for 15 years for him to become a JW, the prayer went UNANSWERED- thank the Great Atheismo!
Julia Orwell:
Then I told an elder about it and he laughed and said it was an old trick, whereby the buildup of heat in the glass from the warm water, which couldn't escape out from under the rim because of the seal caused by the suds, was what moved the glass. An old prank!
No, that's ridiculous. It was definitely demonses.
min, I take it then that jws never buy used vehicles...........
Blondie, you do know by now not to take me too seriously, right??
Ask your Mom if a Catholic starts to feel unmotivated in his Catholicism, would she think the same way. Would she think he was being influenced by demons...
You may want to ask her if she has been doing any cooking with aluminum cook ware. It could be that.