"False Prophets" part notably uncomfortable

by Separation of Powers 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    So, Service meeting last night. Bro handling the "false Prophet" part was notably disturbed. Every time he spoke of previous "expectations" his body language was like "oh my god, can you believe I'm saying this?" A LOT of talk about the "light getting brighter" and the organization is brave for making changes that others will criticize. Then he would revert back to the "expectations" portion and get all jittery. It was like his cognitive dissonance was ready to break. I could swear he looked right at me (I'm sitting in the 2nd row) and as he said "Jehovah's organization has never claimed to be inspired." his head was nodding "yes."

    I'm starting to wonder if he might be one of us.....

    "Hey, if you gave the talk and feel the same as the rest of us...don't worry, you're in good company."

    Just a thought,


  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    "Jehovah's organization has never claimed to be inspired."

    Tacit admission that the Organization is an empty vessel. BTW, does it say that anywhere on the Organization’s website?

    I’m sure there are active, believing JWs here, lurking and reading...doesn’t this bother you? How can an organization talk about “new light” without being inspired?

    In a theological sense, inspiration is defined as “Divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul.”

    The JWs would agree that the ancient apostles were guided and influenced by the Holy Spirit...or “active force” as they define it. Why would God, who never changes, all of a sudden, in our day, decide that He isn’t going to inspire anyone. Yet He will give them “new light.” And “light” in this case is defined as “A state of awareness or understanding, especially as derived from a particular source.”

    A “particular source,” eh? And what might that be?

    The JWs seem to be involved in what many people might say are “weasel words,” which here could be defined as “sneaky” or “evasive.”

    But what could be the Organization’s motivation possibly be to bill themselves as the uninspired kingdom of Jehovah, which should be accepted on the testimony of...who? Do not the scriptures say that in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established? And did not Amos say that surely the Lord God (or “Jehovah-God, if you wish) will do NOTHING save He will reveal it to His servants the prophets?

    So it seems we have an uninspired organization that receives “new light” from a “particular source” that isn’t Jehovah.

    I don’t blame anyone for choking on the words “false prophet” as it relates to religion in our day. But to state that one’s religious leaders aren’t inspired, in public, well, that’s another issue entirely! What are you guys paying them for? And why do you provide expense accounts, travel, and why would you spend hours studying the Watchtower and Awake! magazines?

    As they say down South, “That just don’t hardly make no sense!”

    BTW, I can find uninspired homeless people on the street who would work for a lot less money. Just fire the guys in Bethel first and I’ll send the other guys right over....

  • Watchtower-Free
  • Laika

    It is an odd subject for a talk. I'd have thought they'd be better off never mentioning the 'wrong expectations' at all.

  • frankiespeakin

    Maybe the Service Overseer was having doubt about him and so decided to give him the part to watch his reaction?

  • hamsterbait

    Yet Freddie and Boozie R claimed that jehovah , as editor of the litterature, put his ideas and new understanding into the minds of his "slave."

    Even the Revelation (anti)Climax book says that the annointed resurrected after 1918 have a part in transmoitting new understanding to the BOrg in our day. They havent done a very good job have they?

    There is also an implied claim to be prophets in a 1979 - 80 Awake on alien life.

    After discussing the ideas on this, they say that there cannot be any alien life forms on other planets, because the "slave has not heard about this" and Jehovah will not do anything unless he informs his servants the prophets. (THEM in other words)


  • Glander

    They are not inspired but if you disagree with anything they come up with they will be inspired to fuck you up.

  • caliber

    So it seems we have an uninspired organization that receives “new light” from a “particular source” that isn’t Jehovah.

    . The Spirit-Directed, Uninspired True Prophet ......................i s that who you are talking about here ?

  • frankiespeakin

    Cognitive Dissonance is a real bitch when having to speak with conviction about something that is totally illogical. Ouch!

    I bet he was sweating.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    The elder that gave the item this evening actually mentioned Russell & Co expecting to go to heaven in 1914 and Armageddon supposed to be coming in 1975.

    The COBE was squirming in his seat, I'm sure he was thinking 'Why did I give HIM that assignment?'.


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