"False Prophets" part notably uncomfortable

by Separation of Powers 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fernando

    What caliber said: " The Spirit-Directed, Uninspired True Prophet ......................i s that who you are talking about here ? "

  • nugget

    I was under he impression that today the GB makes decisions based on a 3 thirds majority vote. It is not a unanimous decision.

    They can't help themselves they lie and lie and lie. Not inspired but they are God's representatives. How do they even know that if God isn't talking to them. Not inspired, often wrong but believe what we say is right now even though it may change later.


  • bnybyt

    The brother who gave the talk in the Congo I attend first gave an introduction saying what part we'd be considering, saying the title, then where the source info was from, then had his wife come up and do a presentation at the door. Then... he opened up the discussion by asking the audience "how would you respond to the question?"

    At first I thought, maybe he knows TTATT and doesn't want to say anything himself. Then I thought, not this guy, he wants people in the audience to open themselves up and if anyone says anything not supportive of the current view then they'll be marking that one.

    I don't know, maybe I'm being very paranoid. But it sure sounded to me like a trap to get those who do know the WTS has likened itself to an inspired prophet and made false prophesies to expose themselves by giving information that proves the WTS has acted in the past as a "false prophet".

    Besides why title a part like this unless there are people out there actually claiming the WTS is a false prophet and requiring attention be given to this by the writers of the OKM rag.

  • Damir Desevac
    Damir Desevac

    Officially, there are approx. 60 active communities in Denmark. Some of them have been around for many years, while others have showed up much later. In the last group we find the so-called new religious movements.
    Some religions say that they use the Bible as the basis for their beliefs and teachings, but for many of them it is almost only as a side issue and not as God's infallible word. Most admit openly and honestly that the Bible is NOT the only thing they are based on, it means that you at least ARE aware of this fact at an early stage. But with Jehovah's Witnesses, it is completely different, they are like the snake in the Garden of Eden.

    Now the serpent was the cautious of all the beasts of the field which Jehovah God had made so that it said to the woman: "Is it really so that God said you must not eat of every tree of the garden?" 1 Genesis 3.1.

    Jehovah Witnesses don't come openly and honestly forward, but expresses just as the serpent, being COMPLETELY different than they really are. Unfortunately, many people only find this out when it is too late.

    Witnesses claim to be a Bible knowledgeable people - they also are, BUT NOT in a good and positive way, because no one can as they get Scripture to say things that there is nothing about in God's Word Bible.

    Next time you have a conversation, or a bible study with them, then try and take a tape recorder with YOU, NOT IN THE HIDDEN but open record what is being said.

    I have often found that Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT want to say anything while the recorder is turned on, as it will reveal how in a short time they change their view from one position to another.

    Jehovah's Witnesses and the Bible

    Bible texts in this book are from, Jehovah's Witnesses own Bible translation.

    New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
    Translated from the English translation of 1984 and the revised version of 1993
    Carefully read in conjunction with the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek basic text -1985 -

    However, there are a few exceptions, but these are marked by which translation it is used.
    When Jehovah's Witnesses own translation is used, it is to give as true a picture as possible, of the Jehovah's Witnesses teachings. With Bible translation as with their teachings, this IS VERY special, and in MANY ways quite incomprehensible to ordinary people.
    The translation is perfectly suited to the purpose for which Jehovah's Witnesses use it. It is filled with many words which can not be explained, which provides many opportunities for witnesses who are pure adept at exploiting them. For example, it often happens that the same word has several completely opposite meanings.
    (See, for example. Term PRESENCE).

    Witnesses way to use the Bible is also very special. It is, for example. quite common that they twist the scriptures around. It will again say that they find some TOTALLY IRRELEVANT scriptures forward and place them in places where they do not belong. Contrarily, the FAILS to include the scriptures that clearly belong to the item's context.
    These things may NOT have happened by mistake, but can be described as THE SUBJECT fudge factor with biblical texts. Unfortunately, it is not only themselves drawn into the mud by this, but also the word of God, and it must be deeply regretted.
    It should however be noted that it is NOT managed Jehovah Witnesses to destroy God's word completely.

    For "all flesh is as grass, and all their glory is like grass, flowers and grass withers, and the flower falls off, but Jehovah's words remain forever." And this is the "word", it has been you served as a good news. 1 Peter 1.24 to 25.

    YEAR 1914 or?

    Unfortunately, Jehovah's witnesses have a VERY unbiblical habit of claiming something the Bible says even though there is nothing that support their claim. Just take a look at this:

    How would Jesus come back?

    "In the same manner as ye have seen him go into heaven." They saw him go away, but they would not see him return. Angels words: "the same way" does not mean the same body. 'About the way he disregarded it is said that "a cloud took him out of their eyes" - he was so invisible to them. Therefore, his coming would also be invincible. The words "in the same way" draws our attention to the world's people do not generally saw Jesus get to heaven, only the disciples who were with him, the "Galilean men," saw him leave the ground.
    It is impossible for God to lie 330

    Here Jehovah's Witnesses want to give the reader the impression that NOONE will see when Jesus comes back again .
    " ... But they shouldn't see him come back ... "
    This is an unbiblical claim and therefore not something they find in the Bible, rather the contrary.

    And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.

    And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;

    Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. Acts 1.9 to 11 .

    Jesus will come in like manner as he ascended into heaven . Jesus disappeared gradually out of the disciples' field of vision , like when we are in an airport and sees an airplane light, it disappears from our point of view. But when it comes back , perhaps long after , it happens in reverse order , first we can only see it as a very small and insignificant spot , but gradually , as it comes closer , we can see it clearer and clearer. In the same way, it is that Jesus is coming again .
    First we see the signs that he is NEAR the door. (Matthew Chap. 24 and Mark chapter 13 )
    When the day comes that he ( Jesus) comes back , we will se him like an airplane coming back . First , he is far off in the distance, but he comes closer and closer , THAN HE IS HERE .

    JESUS ??WON'T COME COMPLETELY DOWN ON THE EARTH , as it has not been cleaned yet , but he will be in the air in the cloud and only the dead in faith shall arise, then the believers who LIVE and NEVER died and who does NEVER shall die will be caught up together with the resulting dead , to meet the Lord in the air, and so we must ALWAYS be with our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, who was willing to come down on this sinful earth to die for our sins .

    For this we say unto you by the word of Jehovah that we live which will be returned to the Lord's presence , certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep [ in death ] , for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a military commands , with the archangel voice and with God's trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first . Then we which are alive and which remains , along with those caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore continue to comfort one another with these words . 1 Thessalonians 4.15 to 18 .

    The year 1914 has been thoroughly inculcated in all Jehovah's Witnesses consciousness, but this has not always been so . For the end of the last century and the beginning of this year was the 1874th.

    "There are two important Dates here that we must not mix together, but clearly a distinction between: the beginning of the" end time "and the time of the Lord's presence." That time "includes, as we have seen, one term from 1799 forward to the time when Satan's kingdom will be completely overthrown and the Messiah kingdom established. Time for the Lord's presence began as shown above, in the year 1874. God's harp 216

    " This large Increasing the knowledge and the huge abomasum hither and thither by people of all Treasury of the Earth is without any doubt a fulfillment of the prophecies that speak of the End Times . These external facts can not omdisputeres , they should be sufficient to to convince any thinking person that we have since 1799 has been stuck in the " End Times . "
    The last part of the Time of the End call Jesus a Harvest time . He says, " The harvest is world [ of the age ] End . " At that time he would be present , he declared. In 1874 began the Lord's second presence , as has been previously proposed.
    As the apostle Paul lists a great many things that happened to Israel , he says that all this " happened to them as exemplary , but it was written for our admonition , upon whom the ends has come. " (1 Corinthians 10.11 . ) One must assume then that these things should be understood by " the end of time " or " time of the end . "
    Lord's Image of the sun that rises in the east, and shines even to the west , which picture should have its fulfillment in the life of his presence , gives us explanation for the increased light that we have been allowed to see in our time . Quite probably , this prophecy has been fulfilled. Working classes have always been depressed and held for Suppression of the financial, ecclesiastical and political rulers . It was in the year 1874 Beginning of the year for the Lord's second presence, that the first Labor Organization was created in the world. From that time on we have witnessed a strange Increasing the Light. The Inventions and discoveries that have been made ??are too numerous for us to mention them here. We just mention some of the things that has emerged since 1874 , as a further proof that the light from the Lord's presence is by meeting the earth Aluminium, antiseptic surgery , automatic couplers , automobiles , Celluloid , Centrifuges, Bicycles, steam plows, Dynamite , Dynamos , electric railways , electric "
    God's harp 219

    But this year 1874 could not hold in the long run , it WAS built on sand and Jehovah's Witnesses had to change it.

    "First and foremost thought Pastor Russell and those who joined him that Christ's invisible presence in spirit had begun in 1874. They understood that Christ's grandest deed at the time was to collect those who heard him and rid them of the many conflicting perceptions of what God's will for them was . They believed that the purpose of Christ's coming was that he would collect them, restore true worship , and then , in 1914 , at the end of the " times of the Gentiles " , lead them into the kingdom of God , which a bride is retrieved by her husband .
    Jehovah's Witnesses and the work of God 23

    " In Chapter 16 of this book , we examined the biblical evidence that Christ would come again and begin to reign in the midst of his enemies in 1914. Now let us in the next four pages carefully consider the various features of the predicted sign of Christ's presence , and other things that should characterize "the last days " of Satan's system of things , and see how these things come true since 1914. "
    You can obtain eternal life in a paradise on earth 149

    "When the Messiah or Christ nineteen hundred years ago was physically " present " here on earth , the time had not come for this prophetic vision to come true. But when the Gentile Times had ended in 1914, the time had come to Daniel's vision was have its fulfillment , and it was also , as evidenced by the many parts of the " sign" of Christ's second " presence " or parousia has been shown . "
    It is impossible for God to lie 336

    " The Bible refers to the times we live in , as" the last days "or" time of the end . " ( 2 Tim 3,1 ; Dan 11.40 ) . Facts show that it is a limited time starting at a particular time and ends at a certain time . it began in 1914 when Jesus Christ was inserted on the throne as king of heaven. it will end when God destroys the present wicked system of things . What a relief when the systems and people who deceive and oppress is gone, yes when all that threatens the safety of others are gone!

    When does it happen ?

    God's own Son , Jesus Christ, gives us the answer . After having drawn attention to many things that have characterized the period since 1914 as the " time of the end , " Jesus said, " This generation shall not pass away before all this happened . " (Matthew 24.34 ) .
    Which generation did he mean?
    Jesus had just referred to them as to ' see all this happen. ' " All this " is everything that has happened since 1914
    The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life 94

    The Jehovah's Witnesses also in this case built on sand , they can not explain away , and they are therefore looking now for a new year, the year in which NOOONE know,not even Heaven's angels.

    " But of that day and hour nobody knows , neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son , but only the Father . " Matt . 24.36 .

    Do Jehovah's Witnesses made ??a mistake in some learning issues ?

    "Witnesses do not claim to be inspired prophets . They have occasionally been mistaken . Just as Jesus' apostles , they sometimes had some wrong expectations . - Close 19.11 ; Acts 1.6 .
    The Bible contains time elements that have to do with Christ's presence and those Jehovah's Witnesses have studied with great interest. (Luke 21.24 ; Dan 4.10 to 17 ) . Jesus also described a sign consisting of many details that , in the context of time prophecy fulfillment , to appoint the generation that would come to see the end of Satan's wicked system of things . (Luke 21.7 to 36 ) . Witnesses have pointed to the evidence that this sign can now be recognized. It is true that the Witnesses have been mistaken in their understanding of what would happen at certain time periods, but they have not made ??the mistake of losing faith or ceasing to have a keen eye for the realization of Jehovah's purpose . They have continued primarily to have Jesus' advice in mind : " Keep awake therefore , for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come . " - Matt . 24.42 . "
    Lets reason from the scriptures 92

    Now the question is , when change year 1914 to a new year ?

    The years 1954 and 1975 have been mentioned, but yet it is held in 1914 although the foundation this time is quicksand .


    Jesus' return . PRESENCE (pa - rou - sia ) .
    For most, the presence of something literal and visible , but this is not to the Jehovah's Witnesses that is, for them is the presence of something unreal , INVISIBLE mysterious something , at least when it's the return of Jesus is talking about , but it's also something terribly something special for Johovas Witnesses.

    " And they keep saying to the mountains and rocks, ' Fall on us and hide us from him who sits on the throne of his face, and the wrath of the Lamb , for their wrath big day has come , and who can pass . " Revelation 6.16 to 17 .

    Whereas for the rest of the Christian world is a happy day .

    "Behold , I come quickly , and the wages I give , I have with me to give each one as his work is. I am Al'fa and Ome'ga , the first and the last , the beginning and the end. Happy are those who washes their long robes , so right [ to go ] to the trees of life may be theirs and they can access the city through its gates . Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and the fornicators and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and makes a lie . ' ' I, Jesus , have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am David's root and offspring , the bright morning star. ' " And the spirit and the bride keep on saying:" Come! " And let everyone who hears say , "Come ! " And let anyone thirsting come, let anyone who wants it , free to take the water of life. Revelation 22.12 to 17 .

    And in that day shall say, " Behold, this is our God . We have hope in Him, and He will save us . This is Jehovah. We have hope in him. Let us be glad and rejoice in salvation by him. " Es 25 , 9

    Unfortunately, it is no surprise that Jehovah's Witnesses in this case , with the presence (pa - rou - sia ) have tampered with clear biblical texts .
    According to the witnesses' self-declaration , there are 24 places in the New Testament where the word presence is used , but not all places with the same meaning , in some places IS in their opinion , talk about A GENUINE AND literal PRESENCE where accepted in other places , by Jehovah's Witnesses believe , is the opposite , namely an UNREAL and INVISIBLE PRESENCE .

    Let's look at only Matt 24.3.

    While he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him as they were for himself and said, "Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?"

    This is one of the verses that play a VERY important role in Jehovah's Witnesses learn about the unseen presence. In the first volume of The Expositor Greek Testament page 289 it is said that this is a literal PRESENCE.

    The conclusion must therefore be that, a VERY good will and some imagination before you can use the word pa-Ruo-sia, in the way that Jehovah's Witnesses do.
    Let us now look at the 24 places in the New Testament where parousi'a used.

    "While he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him as they were for himself and said," Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things? "Matt 24.3.

    If you take this verse out of its context, one may well get the view of Jehovah's Witnesses that WHEN these signs occurs, it IS Jesus present, however, this is NOT what it says. The disciples ask Jesus two questions.

    1 When will these things happen?
    2 What will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?


    "And in answer Jesus said to them:" Be careful that no one deceives you; "Matt 24.4.

    WARNING THAT NO lead you astray!

    Jesus was aware that there WOULD be made many attempts to mislead the people with regard to the coming of Jesus (presence) and therefore he warned about this. Jehovah's Witnesses are in this area, the true masters of juggling with scriptures and come up with misleading explanations of what each scripture says. One of their specialties is to take scriptures out of context and place them in a new context, where it don't belong for ordinary people.

    Let us now see what the other two Evangelists Mark and Luke says of Jesus' presence . ( parousia) .

    "Tell us, When will these things be , and what will be the sign when all these things must come to an end ? " Mark 13.4 .

    So Jesus said to them : " Be careful that no one misleads you. Mark 13.5 .

    So they asked him , saying, " Teacher , when will these things then happen and what will be the sign when these things should happen ? " Close 21.7 .

    He said: " Be careful that you are not led astray for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ' It's me, ' and , ' The appointed time is coming near. ' Do not go after them. Shut 21.8 .

    Note that they both have the very serious warning " ... Beware that you do not run wild , do not go after them ...

    But learn the following of the image with the fig tree : As soon as its young branch becomes soft and shoot leaves , you know that summer is near. Thus, you also know when you see all these things that he is near the door. Matt from 24.32 to 33 .

    But learn the following of the image with the fig tree : As soon as its young branch becomes soft and shoot leaves , you know that summer is near. Thus, you also know when you see these things happen, that it is near the door. Mark 13.28-29 .

    Then he spoke to them with an image speak : "Behold the fig tree and all the trees: As soon as they pop out , you know of yourself from what you see that now the summer is near. As you also know , when you look these things happen, that the kingdom of God is near.

    When you see these things happen , he NEAR the door.
    Being NEAR is NOT the same as being HERE .
    If Jehovah's Witnesses simply could or would understand this , then there would be at least one opportunity to lead a sensible conversation with them . It is as if Jehovah's Witnesses WILL forget to read some of the verses.

    But when these things begin to happen , then look up, and lift up your heads , because your liberation is approaching. "

    ... liberation is approaching, but it is not here yet .

    ( 2 )
    For as the lightning deleted from the east and lights over to the west, so will the Son of Man presence be. Matt 24.27 .

    Comparison of the Son of Man presence , with a lightning emanating from the east and lights over to the west. How such a lightning can be INVISIBLE is incomprehensible to anyone except Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Note that this was said in connection with Jesus , AGAIN had warned that there would be some and say that the Messiah is here, like Jehovah's Witnesses do.

    If someone says to you, ' Look , here is the Messiah , ' or, ' There ! ' think not. false Christs and false prophets will indeed shew great signs and wonders to deceive even the elect if possible . See , I have warned you in advance . If people therefore say to you , ' Look, He is in the desert , ' go not , ' Look , he is in the inner rooms , ' think not. Matt. 24.23 to 26 .

    To tell how clearly the Son of Man presence would be , and that there should be no misunderstanding , Jesus compared this with a lightning bolt that shone from east to west , truly a great spectacle, and certainly nothing that can not be done without anyone seeing it .

    " The Lord said of the Way , he would reveal himself to: " Behold, I have told you before . If therefore they shall say unto you , Behold, he is in the desert; go not : behold, he is in the chambers as believe not " (Matthew 24.25-26 . )
    Here is a warning against the error of believing that he would reveal himself in the wilderness , or that he will come into view in a chamber , as spiritualists say he has proven them.
    Then he continues : " For as the lightning deleted from the east, and shineth unto the west , so shall the Son of man 's presence be. " (Matthew 24.27 ).
    The word " lightning " is translated from the Greek word astrape that really means clear beam or bright beam Launcher. We know that lightning is not out of the east and shines even to the west , for Lynglimtene coming from all directions , perhaps more often from the West than from the East . The bright beam or beam Kaster here means in reality the Sun. God's harp 208

    (3 and 4 )
    For as in the days of Noah were , so will the Son of Man presence be. For as they were in the days before the flood , they were eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage , until the day Noah entered the ark, and they gave no heed until the flood came and took them all away , so will the Son of Man presence be . Matt from 24.37 to 39 .

    Remember that Jesus is talking about is the characters that will happen BEFORE his presence and NOT the very fact that he is HERE . ( see again v. 33) He is not here yet - he's only near the door.

    ( 5 ) 1 Corinthians 15.20 to 23 .
    Here we must have verses 20 to 22 in order to get a connection .

    Now Christ , however, been raised from the dead , the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep [ in death ] . For since death is through a man , the resurrection of the dead is also through a man . For as in Adam all die , so also will all be made ??alive in Christ . But each in his own order: the firstfruits Christ, then , under the Messiah's presence , those who belong to him. " 1 Cor 15.20 to 23 .

    All who die will be quickened , - first - firstfruits Christ, then the dead belonging to him , this will only happen when the Messiah IS present .

    I encourage you to even consider the other references .

    1Co 16.17
    2Co 7.6
    2Co 7.7
    2Co 10.10
    Phil 1.26
    Phil 2.12
    1Thess 2.19
    1Thess 3.13
    1Thess 4.15
    1Thess 5.23
    2Thess 2.1
    2Thess 2.8

    What will happen to the lawless one, whom the Lord Jesus will destroy with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence ?

    Then the lawless one will be revealed , whom the Lord Jesus will destroy with his mouth spirit and bring to naught by the manifestation of his presence . 2 Thessalonians 2.8 .

    If, as Jehovah's Witnesses preach that Jesus presence is since 1914 , then they should outlaws indeed have been eradicated long ago.

    2Thess 2.9
    James 5.7
    James 5.8
    2 Peter 1.16
    2 Peter 3.4
    2 Peter 3.12 .

    That Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT happy with Jesus Christ, Son of God , they are NOT trying to hide , therefore it is no wonder that they ( Jehovah's Witnesses ) do NOT want his coming ( presence ) as a real event .

    Jesus' manifestation , Jesus visible in the clouds of heaven , is the Christian one of the highlights of the whole plan of salvation .

    Messiah was offered as a sacrifice once and for all to bear the sins of many , and the second time he appears is separated from sin and for those who eagerly wait for Him to [ their ] salvation. Hebrews 9.28 .

    And then will the son of man signs will appear in heaven , and then shall all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they shall see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory . Matt 24.30 .

    And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory . Close 21.27 .

    while we wait for the happy hope and the great God and our Savior , Christ Jesus , glorious manifestation . Tit 2.13 .

    And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. Mark 13.26 .

    See ! He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him , even they who pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him. Yes , amen . Revelation 1.7 .

    Scriptures like these HAVE been looking and looking STILL many, many Christians, even though Jehovah's Witnesses diligently trying to destroy this joy by making Jesus come to something unreal thing.
    During the examination of Jehovah's Witnesses books I had time and again a perception that the coming of Jesus is something occult and spiritualistic something , something unreal that NONE of joy to look forward to .

    Thankfully, it is NOT !

    Hallelujah , PRICE LORD OF IT!


    Jehovah's Witnesses hold VERY HARD that the commandments of God must be respected, regardless of the consequences .

    The following 17 pieces are all taken from J's.s own writings proves this.

    From 1919, Jehovah's Witnesses refused to participate in the international worship of the political state and the League of Nations and its successor. The United Nations. Instead they are held to " commandments of God and the faith of Jesus [ the faith of Jesus , NW ] . " (Matthew 4.8 to 11 ) To maintain the undivided worship and absolute devotion to Jehovah God through Jesus Christ has called endurance of " the sacred , " the earthly remains of the anointed 144,000 . Even to this day they have refused to imitate this world and to bow to the beast and his image, in spite of all the persecution that has cost them from church and state . They are indeed persecuted, but they do not drink the cup of God's wrath and suffer no pain because of the devastating fire and brimstone .
    Some of the anointed rests members suffer death for idolaters hand because they keep the commandments of God and the Lord Jesus faith. Yet they do not need to fear for the future ( Matt. 10:28 , Luke 12:4-5 . ) They know that their death will not last forever , but they will be resurrected to life in heaven .
    Babylon the great is fallen 59

    Therefore, it is VERY important that ALL is clear and unambiguous knowledge of God, and of what it means to comply with them , and perhaps more importantly, what the consequences are , DO NOT obeying God .

    Jehovah's laws are immutable. ( * )
    They have general validity for all his intelligent creatures . (**)
    He lay down in his word the rules by which all who enter the course , must abide . " He has told you, O man , what is good , and what does the Lord require of you, without you having to do justly and to love mercy, and walk humbly with your God? " (Micah 6.8. ) It says here that there will be demanded of men that they should do judgment , and that they will be taught what is right , so that they can not be mistaken , what is right for them to do . There is also said that they should put price to get the opportunity to show love. If anyone sees one of his fellow creatures to fight , and fight his way down track , it must be his pleasure and delight to help this and take good care of him.
    This Act also provides expression for that men must walk humbly with their God , that is, they must willingly obey God's laws . The new covenant which we have previously mentioned , will carefully make an account of the fundamental laws and detailed regulations laid down for men during this recovery . To walk humbly before the Lord will say then that will be required by the individual that he gets acquainted with these laws and comply with them strictly . (***)
    Now there are many who find it difficult to always know what is right , but then there will be no difficulty of the kind . Anyone who wants to do right and try then , will help to make it right .
    World Liberation 328 and 329

    * Here we are told that Jehovah's laws are immutable.
    ** That they have general applicability for ALL his intelligent creatures .

    When the great Creator put man in the Garden of Eden , he gave it life and right to life, the right to life should last forever if man would fully sound and comply with the law of God . All goods and blessings were dependent on that life was maintained. Apart from life itself consisted these goods of Peace, Freedom , Prosperity , Health and Happiness . As a consequence of that man violated the law of God , took the great Creator of life from him as well as the right to life and the good things that come with life . God will now put his great love for the day to men, since he will open access for them to full recovery so that they can achieve all these blessings on the supposition that they will meet the God asked Conditions . Recovery means when it to lift men up from sin and degradation .
    World Liberation 329

    Law of Jehovah is perfect, gives the soul new strength . Jehovah's admonition is reliable, making the inexperienced manner. Jehovah's provisions are righteous rejoice the heart ; Jehovah's bid is pure, enlightening the eyes light. Psalm 19.7 to 8 .

    ' bending down next to nothing. ' The idea one that leans forward for classifying an object in detail. (Compare Jn 20,5 and 11 ; 1 Peter 1.12 . ) This is precisely the doer does. He examines carefully the perfect law with the desire to act upon it as he sees himself , his life, in relation thereto . Since this law is perfect, is the partial or complete. It includes everything required of a Christian . It is not necessary to build on it with human traditions to remedy any deficiencies. Its bid and principles is a complete guide that teaches us the behaviors that will lead to salvation and God's approval . (Proverbs 30.5-6 ; Psalm 119:105 , 140) .
    Comment on James, 44

    The Christian ' remains with ' (Kingdom Interlinear Translation) the perfect law , "he continues " to examine it carefully to put his life in strict accordance with it. (Psalm 119.9 , 16 and 97) . It is necessary to immerse themselves in this Act and to be guided by it.
    Comment on James, 45

    Please note that reference to the Old Testament , in particular . a to Psalm 119 , and speaking of the Christians today.

    PSALM 119.1 to 20 . Happy are those who are unassailable on [ their ] way , those who walk in the law of Jehovah . Happy are those who abide by his exhortations , with all [ their ] heart , they seek him. Yes, they have not done no violence . On his ways has the horizontal. You have to orders given your rules , that they must be carefully observed. Just my ways were steadfast , so [ I ] met your regulations ! Since I will not be ashamed when I look to all your bids. I will praise you of an upright heart as I learn your righteous judgments . Your regulations I continue to adhere to. Do not leave me completely. How does a young man his nose clean ? By being vigilant [ and act ] according to thy word . With all my heart I have sought you. Take me not wander from Your commandments. In my heart I have saved what you have said , that I may not sin against you. Blessed art thou , O Jehovah . Teach me your regulations . With my lips I have served all your oral diseases. I've been looking over your formaningers way as the all kinds of wealth . Your rules , I will have in mind , and I will consider thy paths . Your regulations I like . I will not forget your word. Do good to your servant , so that I may live and keep your word. Close my eyes so I can see the wonders that are in your law. I live as a foreigner in the country. Do not hide your bids to me. Constantly consume my soul with longing for your judgments .

    JW's tells us that it was because of that man violated the law of God in Eden, that man lost the right to life and the goods that were destined to follow in life.
    Man CAN However , because of God's infinite great love for man , full recovery and regain all the blessings that were intended to accompany a life in harmony with God's plan. The precondition is that man will meet the God favored conditions, namely : TO PEOPLE LIVING IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH GOD'S LOVE . ( tender rules and regulations ) .
    Such was the plan then, at the beginning of human history for approx. 6,000 years ago . How so with today?
    Do Jehovah's laws still universality of all his intelligent creatures ?
    Needed it remains that the individual gets into what God's law says and observe it closely ?
    Jehovah has changed in the , then, immutable laws ?

    I do not profane my covenant , and what is deleted from my lips I change not . Psalm 89.34 .

    The end of the matter , when all of this is heard , is : Fear the [true ] God and keep his commandments . For it is all that man has [ to do. ] For the [true ] God will bring every deed to court, every hidden [ deed ] whether it is good or bad . Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 .

    Rejoice , young man , in thy youth , and let your heart make you comfortable in your young manhood days , and walk to your heart's roads and by what your eyes see. But know that for all this, the [true ] God bring you to justice. Ecclesiastes 11.9 .

    In some countries it might even required by law that all should honor or worship such an object . But according to the law of God must be His servants not do this. ( 2 Exodus 20.4 to 5 ; Matt 4,10 ) . What are the servants of God before done in similar situations?
    In ancient Babylon King Nebuchadnezzar erected a giant statue of gold and demanded that all should bow down in front of it. ' If someone does not do it, ' he said , ' he will be cast into the fiery furnace . ' The Bible says , however, that there were three young Hebrews who refused to follow the king's command , it was Shadrach, Meshach , and Abednego . They refused it because it was about an act of worship , and it was for only Jehovah to be worshiped . God had pleasure in what they did , and he saved them from the wrath of the king . Nebuchadnezzar came to realize that these servants of Jehovah posed no danger to the state, so he introduced a law that protected their liberty. ( Dan 3.1 to 30 ) .
    Do not you think these young men's loyalty was admirable ?
    Will you show that you fully believes in God's new system ?
    You can show it by obeying all the laws of God . - Acts 5.29 .
    Satan does not want us to serve Jehovah . He wants us to serve Him. He therefore tries to get us to do his will, because he knows that one becomes a slave or servant of the one you obey. (Rom 6,16 ) . In different ways , including through TV programs, films , certain forms of dance and immoral literature calls Satan both adultery and sexual relations between unmarried . He makes it look like the sort is in order. But it is not: it is contrary to God's laws. (Hebrews 13.4 , Ephesians 5.3 to 5 ) . It makes such things actually shows that he is in favor of Satan's world .
    You can obtain eternal life in a paradise on earth 215

    Watchtower published in 1970 (UK 1965) quite excellent book, " MAKE SURE YOU FOR EVERYTHING , HOLD FAST TO THE GOOD " in which one can find answers to many of the questions which may be put on various biblical topics.
    In this book we can find answers to how we now have to deal with God.
    Here we can see that it is still VERY important to keep the commandments of God.
    One can then ask the question , what is God's commandments ?
    On pages 54 and 55 is the Ten Commandments ( Exodus 2 20.1 to 17 ) is set , it is said about obedience .

    Obedience to God required of all .
    Ecclesiastes 12:13 " The end of the matter , when all of this is heard , is : Fear the [true ] God and keep his commandments . , It 's all humans have [ to do. ]
    1 Samuel 15:22 , "I wonder if Jehovah have as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obedience to the voice of Jehovah ? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice , and to hearken attentively [ better ] than ram's fat. "

    5 Mos 10.12 to 13 . " And now , Israel, what does Jehovah your God you about anything but to fear Jehovah thy God , to walk in all his ways , and love him and serve Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul , to keep Jehovah's commandments and his statutes that I am up today for your best ? "
    Heb 5.8 . " Though he were a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered . "
    Jak 1.22 . " But become doers of the word , and not only [ its ] listeners , otherwise lead yourselves deceived . " Coming before obligations to the people
    Acts 5.29 . "In response said Peter and the [ other ] apostles : " We must obey God as ( our ) ruler rather than men . "
    Acts 4.18 to 20 . " Then they called them in and gave them the order that no place had to speak or teach on the basis of Jesus' name. However, in response said Peter and John to them," Judge for yourselves whether it is right in the sight of God to hear more for you than for God. But for our part, can not stop talking about what we have seen and heard . " Obedience should come from the heart , does not feel like an unpleasant burden.
    Psalm 112.1 . " Happy is the man who fears Jehovah (and ) who really want to His commandments. "
    Psalm 119.11 . " In my heart I have saved what you have said , that I may not sin against you. "
    Make sure you of all 272

    God's law is perfect
    Psalm 19.7 to 8 . Law of Jehovah is perfect, gives the soul new strength . Jehovah's admonition is reliable, making the inexperienced manner. Jehovah's provisions are righteous rejoice the heart ; Jehovah's bid is pure, enlightening the eyes light.
    Rome 7.12 . So is the law on his side holy, and the commandment is holy and just and good .

    Now it is true that God's law is perfect and demands perfection. It might therefore seem hopeless for the imperfect man trying to live according to God's word.
    Would it say that God is unfair ?
    No, but he wants us to realize that we can not by themselves. We rely on his help.
    Answers to 20 questions to Witness 30

    a few thousand to preach the good news of the Kingdom , now count the more than three million ! We live in a time where it is extremely important that we carefully observe the rules of both eternity great king, Jehovah God , and King of kings , Jesus Christ has laid down.
    The Watchtower June 1, 86 , page 23

    What are the rules that it is extremely important that we carefully follow ? The same article provides the answer .

    Jehovah is his people Organizer
    At Mount Sinai , God spoke to Moses and gave him his rules for how Israel was headed . These provisions include primarily the Ten Commandments that God wrote with his finger on two stone tablets . ( 2 Exodus 20.1 to 17 , and 31.18 )
    Watchtower 1 June 86 , page 21,

    Now, you might ask the question : If it were not for Israel, and ONLY to those that the Ten Commandments , God's law was given ?

    Is it necessary to do more than keep the ten commandments for salvation
    John 17:3 . " This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you , the only true God, and him whom you sent forth , Jesus Christ. "
    Heb 5,9 " He ( was ) responsible for the eternal salvation for all who obey him. "
    Make sure you of all 55

    Is it necessary to do more than keep the Ten Commandments , to achieve salvation?
    This is written for us living now today as the commandments were NOT given only to Israel , but also for you and me.
    But let us even see whether, in the Ten Commandments says something about this.

    But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. Do not do any work , neither you, nor your son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your livestock , or the alien resident who is among you , within your gates. 2 Mos 20.10 .

    Note that slaves and foreigners (foreign) and even farm animals should comply with these laws .

    What then eventually at Armageddon ? Is God's laws as still valid ?

    Unlike human wars that kill both good and evil, Armageddon will only wipe out the bad guys. (Psalm 92.8 ) Jehovah God will be the judge, and he will remove anyone who deliberately refuses to obey his righteous laws. Many today see nothing wrong with fornication, drinking , lying or fraud But according to God is the kind of wrong. At Armageddon , he will not spare those who continue to do such things. (1 Corinthians 6.9-10 , Rev. 21:8) . If you do something that you know is wrong according to the law of God , it is important that you change your behavior.
    You can obtain eternal life in a paradise on earth 155

    It is God's laws which determine who is saved and who gain eternal life and eternal annihilation.
    Jesus said:
    I can not believe that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets . I am not come to destroy , but to fulfill , for I must tell you a truth that would rather heaven and earth disappear over as much as the smallest letter or a small part of a letter will disappear from the Law and not all find place . Therefore, any it breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches people the kind being called ' minimum ' with regard to the kingdom of the heavens . But whoever does them and teaches them will be called 'great' in kingdom of the heavens . Matt from 5.17 to 19 .

    These words are fully consistent with what we have seen so far , concerning God's laws , commandments and regulations.
    Rather, heaven and earth disappear , than so much as the smallest letter or a small part of a letter will disappear from the law. WHERE IS IT TRUE!

    His hands works are truth and right , all his rules are reliable, 8 sound forever, to time indefinite , enforced in truth and righteousness . ... Psalm 111.7-8 .

    The Bible shows that what he requires of us , he requires in order to benefit us , for our eternal welfare . It is true that there may be times when we as a people with a limited knowledge and experience do not fully understand why a particular law that God has made ??is so important or why it really would be beneficial for us. But our firm belief that God obviously know a lot more than we that his experience is far greater than ours, and that what he does is for the eternal benefit of us , the faith will get us to obey Him with a willing heart. - Psalm 19.8 to 12 ; Micah 6.8.
    The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life 21

    Another thing we can rejoice in the law of God is that by holding it , we honor God's holy name.

    How can we holy name of God ?
    Another thing we can do is to obey God's laws and commandments , Jehovah told the Israelites , "You shall keep my commandments and follow them. I am Jehovah. And you shall not profane my holy name, but I shall be sanctified among the sons of Israel . you are Jehovah who sanctifies you. - 3 Mos 22.31 to 32 .
    How did Jehovah's name sanctified through the Israelites kept His law ?
    Yes, they had the law on the basis of his name. ( 2 Exodus 20.2 to 17 ) . When they complied with the law , they showed all the proper respect and reverence for the name. Furthermore, Jehovah's name called by the Israelites as a nation considered . ( 5 Mos 28.10 . 2 Chronicles 7:14 ) . When they acted right , they brought him price, like a child who behaves well, making his father 's honor.
    The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever 29

    Are we on the other hand NOT God's law , so we desecrate God's holy name, JEHOVAH !

    When the Israelites however, did not keep God's law, they profaned his name. Sinful acts as sacrifice to idols , perjury , oppress the poor and commit fornication, described in the Bible as ' profane the name of God ' . - 3 Mos 18.21 . 19.12 . Jer 34.16 . Ez 43.7 .
    Like the Israelites , Christians have received tenders or commandments in God's name . ( Jn 8,28 ) . They also belong to ' a people for Jehovah's name.' (Acts 15:14) . A Christian who sincerely pray, " Hallowed be thy name," will devote this name in his own life , by obeying all of God's commandments. (1 John 5:3) . This also includes the bid given by the Son of God , Jesus always glorified His Father.
    The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever 29 and 30

    Who would venture and say that the name Jehovah , and to honor it , ONLY applied Israelites ?
    Jehovah's Witnesses ?
    Why are there so many bad things in the world today ? Why doth curse the country?

    The country has been hit by grief, has languished . The fertile land is withered , it languished . The senior among the people in the country have withered . And the country has been sullied during its inhabitants, for they have transgressed the laws , changed the regulation , broken the lasting covenant . For this reason, the curse devoured the country , and those who live in it are held guilty. For this reason, the country's population dwindled in numbers , and very few of the mortal remains. Es 24.4 to 6 .

    As it was predicted long ago, has today raised the political governance , both totalitarian and the so-called democratic, and they have deprived parents who fear Jehovah God and follow in Jesus Christ 's footsteps , the opportunity to teach their children. It is time that parents follow the apostle's decision : "We must obey God as ruler rather than men." And the greatest ruler commands parents who have dedicated themselves to him to lead their children on the path of life. " (Acts 5.29 , NW ) . Such parents will obediently teach their children that obedience to God's law and the bid is a person's greatest commitment , and that it is always right to obey them when man- laws say the opposite.
    This means everlasting life 242

    Why were these laws , commandments and ordinances given?

    " Your rules , I will have in mind , and I will consider thy paths . Your regulations I like . I will not forget your word. " - Psalm 119.15-16 .
    Everything and everyone is subject to the Almighty God Jehovah's provisions , he is the King of eternity . He has created the universe and is the source of all life. He formed the earth and prepared it to be inhabited . He is a God of order , and when his instructions are followed will there be order in the whole of his creation. - Psalm 36.9 . Isaiah 45.18 . Revelation 15.3 .
    It is Jehovah God who commanded the stars to fold up like a tent over the earth , and who later called his people : "Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these ?
    It is He who leads their army by number, He calls them all by name . "

    After reading these pieces from JV.s own writings there can not be any doubt that we are obligated to comply with the law of God , decrees and regulations , but Jehovah's Witnesses make the same mistake as several other communities, the mixes all God's laws , regulations , decrees and regulations together in a large group.
    But by comparing all the scriptures that talk about these things , there can not be any doubt that there was a difference between God's law, rules , regulations and devices .

    Some were given to the Israelites to remember or recall certain events , such as . The Feast of Unleavened Bread . 2 Mos 13.1 to 16 .
    Others were given to the children of Israel might know how Jehovah wanted them to behave towards him and towards their fellow human beings. 2 Mos 20.2 to 17 .
    There were also laws that would turn towards the Messiah, the Savior of the world Jesus Christ. Here is the example . Sanctuary and its service as an example. 2 Genesis Chapter 25 and more.

    The Bible is mentioned well over 100 different laws , regulations, statutes and devices . All of these can be an in-depth study are divided into two groups.

    I. .. The laws that the Israelites were given with regard to their behavior towards Jehovah God and to their fellow men , are as valid today as back then . These Love is also the basis of many nations judiciary, and many church groups today. Fortunately, as also the majority in the Jehovah's Witnesses agree that these laws are part of the moral foundation as Jehovah's Witnesses are based.

    II ... The laws , which turned towards the Savior of the world , the laws which should help the Israelites to remember that one day there would come a liberator ( a deliverer from sin ) a Messiah that would establish a new kingdom and restore the conditions that were BEFORE the Fall.
    These laws lost their importance as Liberator came and died on the cross of Calvary , to raise man atonement of sin, once and for all . As the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two pieces WAS the earthly sanctuary service and the laws that heard it NOT necessary more for NOW WAS JESUS ??CHRIST SATISFIED THE CEREMONIAL LAW WHICH SHOWED UP AGAINST THIS GREAT ALL CRUCIAL MOMENT IN THE PLAN OF SALVATION .

    I. ..
    As soon as he had finished speaking with Moses on Mount Sinai , he gave him two tablets of testimony , tables of stone written with the finger of God .
    2 Mos 31.18 .

    And the tablets were the work of God , and the writing was God's writing, engraved on the tablets .
    2 Mos 32.16 .

    Then he wrote on the tablets the same as the first was written . The ten words which Jehovah had spoken to you on the mountain out of the fire on the day of the assembly , which Jehovah gave them to me. 5 Gen. 10.4 .

    and was used in Paktens Ark .

    Then he took the testimony and put it in the ark and put the poles on the ark and put the lid on top of the ark. 2 Mos 40.20 .

    So I turned around and went down from the mountain and put the tablets in the sheet that I had made, and there they were , just as Jehovah had commanded me. 5 Mos 10.5

    There was nothing in the ark in addition to the two stone tablets that Moses had placed there by Ho'reb as Jehovah had joined [ covenant ] with the children of Israel when they came out of the land of Egypt . 1 Kings 8.9 .

    This had a golden censer and the ark of the covenant , as everywhere was covered with gold and where gold jar of manna was and Aaron's rod that had once shot buds and Charter boards; Heb 9.4 .

    II ...
    And the book that Moses wrote

    So Moses wrote down this law and gave it to the priests , Le'vis sons of those who wore Jehovah's ark of the covenant , and to all the elders of Israel . 5 Gen. 31.9 .

    And as soon as Moses had finished writing the words of this law in a book all the way to their end , 5 Mos 31.24 .

    And that was placed OUTSIDE Paktens sheets.

    " Take this book of the law and place it beside Jehovah your God ark of the covenant . So it must serve as a witness against you there. 5 Mos 31.26 .

    At Jehovah's Witnesses ONLY ONE law , law of Moses , and in their view consists law of Moses by ALL the laws that were given .

    WHAT LOVE Jehovah God wants us to obey ?
    Should we keep the law called " Law of Moses " ?
    In the Bible it is called sometimes simply "The Law " , and sometimes " the law of Jehovah 'because it was he who gave it. (1 Kings 2.3 . Tit 3.9 . 1 Chronicles 16.40 ) . Moses gave the law only to the people .
    Law of Moses consists of more than 600 individual provisions or tender , including the ten basic commandments. As Moses said, 'Jehovah commanded you to keep [ the Ten Commandments ] , and he wrote them on two tablets of stone . ' ( 5 Mos 4.13 . 2 Genesis 31.18 ) .
    You can obtain eternal life in a paradise on earth 203

    It is evident that after the Jehovah's Witnesses believe , NO difference is in the law that Jehovah wrote with his finger on two stone tablets .

    At Jehovah's Witnesses there is NO difference to produce paintings and sculptures , and then worship them .

    And I saw their abominations and their foul gods, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were among them ;) to there among you must be a man or woman or family or tribe whose heart today turn away from Jehovah our God to go and serve these nations gods , for there among you must be a root that bears poison plants and Wormwood fruit. 5 Mos 29.17 to 18 .

    And to sacrifice various Atonement and sin offerings .

    And on the tenth [ day] of this seventh month you shall have a holy assembly , and you shall afflict your souls. I shall not perform any work . And as a burnt offering to Jehovah , as a restful odor , you shall offer a young bull, one ram , [and] seven yearling lambs . I need to make sure that they are healthy . And as their grain offering of fine flour with added oil : three-tenths [ ephah ] for the bull , two-tenths for the one ram , [and] one -tenth for each of the seven lambs ; [ also ] a male goat for a sin offering , besides soningssyndoferet and the continual burnt offering and its grain offering, with their libations . 4 Mos 29.7 to 11 .

    In most other Christian denominations , there is a big difference!

    To JW's there no difference and yet, you have just now read several piece from JV.s own writings about how important it is to keep all of God's laws, regulations, instructions and rules , including the Ten Commandments.
    These pieces have a very strict adherence to the laws of God , the condition to honor Jehovah ! And to achieve eternal life .
    But now it becomes confusing for when we read her tongue in JV.s own writings say very clearly that all the laws of God , tender , regulations, rules and instructions is not valid anymore .

    The law, which was nailed to the tree , Christ died , was the Mosaic law . It was called " the law of Moses ," not because he was its author , for he was not , but because he was the man when God gave the Law to Israel.
    God must be truthful 190

    When Jehovah before announcing a new covenant with his chosen people , he made the Law covenant with Moses outdated, and he said that it should disappear at his coming , which was a major mediator than Moses and a greater high priest than Aaron .
    This means everlasting life 103

    After this brief review of a few of the many references in the Bible and Jehovah's Witnesses writings on the law of God , the confusion is almost total . In some of their writings say it that God's law is still valid and that it is very important that we still follow them and adhere to them , elsewhere we read that all these laws have ceased - obsolete .

    A closer study of JV.s learn shows that you have selected the few laws and regulations which is a very fanatical and often unbiblical way requires JV.s own members must comply.
    These special laws for JV.s members is a scrolling of the sermonielle laws and the eternal laws. There is, for example . more of the eternal laws of the Ten Commandments , they completely disregard .

    THE 144,000

    To the 144,000 is a VERY special crowd , all Christian denominations agree .
    But there is disagreement about how many there are in this crowd . Some believe such . Witnesses that 144,000 is the literal number of people.
    Others believe that 144,000 is a symbolic number, or that it is the name of this very special group of people , and that number is therefore much greater than 144,000 .
    The Bible does not give much information about this particular groups of people , and this has given rise to MANY , very amazing theories on the 144,000 , some of these very fantastic theories comes from Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Let us first see what the Bible says .

    And I heard the number of those who were sealed , one hundred and forty-four thousand , sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel : Rev 7.4.

    Here we get the figure of those who were sealed .

    And I looked, and behold ! Lamb stood on Mount Zion , and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand who had the same name and his Father's name written on their foreheads . Revelation 14.1 .

    Here are the 144,000 with the Lamb on Mount Zion .

    And they sing as a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders : and no man was able to learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand , which were purchased from the earth. Revelation 14.3 .

    Here they sing a song that no one other than the 144,000 are able to sing .

    This is all that can safely be said about this very special crowd .

    Revelation 14.4 to 5 , is just like in the link which is in verses 1 through 5, and most are indeed agree that it is the 144,000 who are involved in these verses.

    They are the ones who have not defiled with women; yes, they are virgins. They are the ones who continue to follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were bought from among mankind as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb , 5 and in their mouth was found no guile: for they are blameless . Revelation 14.4 to 5 .

    Do these things now understood literally or is it symbolic ?
    The group believes that these things are symbolic , is by far the largest , and it is also where we find Jehovah's Witnesses.
    The use of different faiths many other scriptures that each of them believes supports the theory they now have , for example . Jehovah's Witnesses have a theory that if not all, then at least some of the 144,000 have been beheaded or be beheaded .

    Not all of the 144,000 have been beheaded by the enemies of God because they have testified about Jesus and God. But they all refused to worship the symbolic animals of this world political system , and since the formation of the League of Nations and the United Nations have also all refused to worship the symbolic animal political "image" . They have neither been marked on their foreheads or on their hands as a sign that the toils of this world political system or worship it. They have not imitated Babylon the Great and engaged in religious fornication with earth policy kings or rulers. They have kept clear of politics, they have given Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's . (Matthew 22.21 ) . They have been waiting for the kingdom of God should be created. They all remain faithful to their sacrificial death , and therefore the need for a resurrection from the dead .
    Babylon the great is fallen 182

    These things are theories that do NOT have any support in the Word of God . The Bible does not say that the 144,000 , or some of them have been slain or be put to death , and certainly not by beheading .

    Another fantastic theory , and is not built on solid biblical basis, the doctrine of a continual resurrection of the 144,000 .

    In more than 1,900 years have therefore carried out a gathering of the "little flock ' consisting of 144,000 Christians who will rule with Christ. There are only a few of them back on the ground, most of them exists already with Christ in heaven . (Luke 12.32 , Rev. 20.6 ) .
    You can obtain eternal life in a paradise on earth 163 and 164

    Correspondingly, it was at Pentecost 33 to the first of the 144,000 were offered to God by the heavenly High Priest, Jesus Christ, who poured out holy spirit upon them and thus anointed them to be members of his church , his bride crowd . Since the Jewish Pentecost occurred already on the fiftieth day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead , this shows what would happen in 1918 , according tidsparallellen . What then?
    That those of the 144,000 who were already dead and had been faithful to their deaths, was raised invisible in spring 1918 , not with bodies of flesh and blood, but with invisible spiritual bodies .
    Babylon the great is fallen 10

    The day ' for " the first resurrection " is already available. The apostles and other Christians from the first time are no doubt already been resurrected to life in heaven . -
    2 Timothy 4.8 .
    You can obtain eternal life in a paradise on earth 173

    But also in our time, under Christ's invisible presence , living there Christians who have this hope of having to reign with Christ in heaven . They are a remnant that is left of the 144,000 . When they rise up ?
    They do not have to sleep in death, but will occur immediately when they die . The Bible explains: "We shall not all sleep in death , but we shall all be changed , in an instant , in a moment , during the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead will be resurrected . " - 1 Corinthians 15.51-52 ; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 .
    You can obtain eternal life in a paradise on earth 173

    2 Timothy 4.8 says nothing about the apostles and other Christians from the first time , without a doubt already been resurrected to life in heaven . The Bible says however that .....

    For this we say unto you by the word of Jehovah that we live which will be returned to the Lord's presence , certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep [ in death ] , for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a military commands , with the archangel voice and with God's trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first . Then we which are alive and which remains , along with those caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 .

    Note that in verse 17 says ... " together with them be caught in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air" ... this ones , whereas those who are dead in union with Christ . (v 16). ALL the dead in union with Christ , caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air.

    The reference to 1 Cor 15.51 is erroneous because these are some who sleep in death, but who lives and transformed .

    See ! I tell you a sacred secret: We shall not all fall asleep [ in death ] , but we shall all be changed , in an instant , in a moment , at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable , and we shall be changed . For this corruptible must put on the imperishable , and this mortal must put on immortality. 1 Corinthians 15.51-53

    1 Corinthians 15.51-53 and 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 , is both a description of the resurrection of the dead in union with Christ and the transformation of these , but it is also a description of the transformation of the living who are in cohesion with Christ and who have fallen asleep .

    Another unbiblical theory is that the number of those who will belong to the heavenly congregation is 144,000 .

    As the number of spiritual underperforming in the Holy of Jehovah's spiritual temple clearly grown , and they were evidently whole number that was needed to complete the predetermined crowd of 144,000 spiritual underperforming the High Priest Jesus Christ. There were truly been a build-up of the team priests who served in the Holy One of Jehovah's true temple.
    Paradise restored to mankind 103

    In reality, all the rest that was needed to complete the predetermined number of 144,000 " Empire's Children , " collected during "the conclusion of the system of things . "
    Paradise restored to mankind 158

    The Bible says firmly in Revelation 14:1,3 that the final number of those who come to hear the heavenly congregation , is 144,000 , according to God's provision.
    God must be truthful 136

    And I looked, and behold ! Lamb stood on the mount Zion , and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand , having his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads . And I heard a sound from heaven like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder , and the sound which I heard was as of singers who accompany themselves on the harp playing on their harps . And they sing as a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders : and no man was able to learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand , which were purchased from the earth. Revelation 14:1-3 .

    Can anyone decide to " join " in this church just by getting his name written into a book here on earth ?
    No, as Hebrews 12:23 says , this is an example of a " church of the firstborn , which are written in heaven . " It is God who selects the members. He places them in the church as he sees fit . ( Cor 12,18 ) . They are the ones who should be with Christ in heaven . Jesus revealed that their number is limited to 144,000 and the church that is in no way cover all who claim to be Christians - Revelation 14:1-3 , Luke 12:32 .
    It truly is a group of people who are taken or called out of spiritual darkness with a specific purpose. While they are here on earth , they boldly and widely preach the Most High God , " shew forth the praises force , who called [ them ] out of darkness into his marvelous light. " (1 Peter 2:9) . And after their resurrection they get the great privilege to reign with Christ in his heavenly kingdom . - Close 22.28 to 30 .
    The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life 115

    The Bible speaks at any time to the number of those who come to hear the heavenly congregation of 144,000 .
    Jesus said, " In my Father's house are many mansions . If not , I would have told you , " .... John 14.2 .
    In Revelation 7.9 speaks of a great multitude which no one was able to count.

    After this I saw , and behold ! a great multitude which no one was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb , clothed in white robes , and there were palm branches in their hands. Revelation 7.9 .

    Not all Jehovah's Witnesses are waiting to go to heaven . It is in fact only a few of them, a " little flock , " who hopes for it. (Luke 12:32 ) . God Almighty affix even members of his organization wherever it pleases him. He has limited the number of members on the " body of Christ " to the 144,000 who will rule with Christ Jesus in God's heavenly kingdom. Only a small amount , sufficient to complete said body , are left on the ground.
    God must be truthful 239

    It is sad to note how Jehovah's Witnesses leadership has managed to brainwash their followers to NOT want to be where Jesus is , and where he has prepared a place for them.

    " Let not your heart is disturbed . Believe in God , believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions . If not , I would have told you , for I go to prepare a place for you . And when I'm gone and has prepared a place for you , I will come again and receive you unto myself , that you also may be where I am. " John 14:1-3 .

    And what line is there between the temple of God and idols ? We are a living temple of God , as God has said : "I will dwell among them and walk among them , and I will be their God, and they shall be my people . " 2Co 6.16 .

    Then I heard a loud voice from the throne say: "Look ! God's tent is with men , and He will dwell with them , and they shall be His people . And God himself will be with them. Revelation 21.3 .

    Although a large number of Jehovah's Witnesses believe in their leaders' contention that they should not be where Jesus wants them , there are some who have a different view.

    However, it was God's provision that Jesus should not be the only one who got a heavenly resurrection. Other be able to share with him in this resurrection. (John 14.3 ) . About those who would be partakers with Christ Jesus not only in his suffering , but also in his resurrection , says Rom. 8:29 . "Those whom he first recognized certain he also prior to being formed image of His Son , that He might be the firstborn among many brothers. " (NW) . Thus opened a new path for the Son of God successors, those who would be Christ's brethren, and they were given new hope . This hope goes out that they have a share in the divine life by their resurrection from the dead . "For we are united with him in a death that looks like his , we shall be also in the resurrection , similar to his . " (Romans 6.5) . To get " a resurrection , similar to his , " means to share in a heavenly resurrection with him , and to be able to share in it, must be faithful until death , just as Jesus was.
    God must be truthful 286

    In the course of the entire Gospel back from Pentecost until now , the Lord has been busy preparing his bride , the church . Many are called but few are chosen , and fewer still will remain faithful. It is only the faithful , he will receive as his bride . Shortly before his death at his first advent , he said: " In my Father's house there are many mansions . If it were not so , I told you , for I go to prepare a place for you . And when I go and has prepared a place for you , I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also . " -
    John 14.2 to 3 .
    God's harp 241

    The haughty tendencies which were the cause of Satan's fall . Ezekiel Chapter 28 , is evident here , as it well , according to management 's own opinions ONLY those of you who EVEN believe that they are worthy of a place in Jesus who gets it. Many HAVE already taken their places in heaven .

    God is now almost complete and to select and prepare them whose numbers are predestined to be 144,000 . At the same time , especially since 1935 , is a " great crowd" of people compared to get divorced from the evil elements in human world. They collected now to fellowship with the rest of the 144,000 , so there will be " one fold " under the leadership of " a shepherd . " (Rev. 7.9 to 17 . Jn 10.16 . Matt. 25.31-46 ) . These " other sheep " brands also God's mercy in these times where
    It is impossible for God to lie 311

    Another very strange things on the 144,000 , their relationship to the animal , its image and its brand.

    The animal is , among other things mentioned in Revelation 13:11-18 .

    And I beheld another beast coming up out of the ground, and he had two horns like a lamb , but it began speaking as a dragon . And it carries the first wild animal whole authority of its eyes. And it makes the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast , whose deadly wound was healed . And he doeth great wonders , so that he maketh fire come down from heaven to earth to men's eyes . And it deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs was given to do for wild animal's eyes , while saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast who had the wound by a sword , and yet came back to life. And there was given unto him to give the beast picture breathing , so the beast picture could both talk and get all those killed in no way would worship the beast picture. And it brings forcibly to all , the small and the great , and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves that you give these a mark in their right hand or on their foreheads , and that no man might buy or sell, save he that has the mark , the beast 's name or number of his name . Here it is wisdom : Let the one who has sense calculate beast figures for the number of a man and his number is six hundred and sixty six. Åb.13 0.11 to 18 .

    And I saw something that was like a sea of ??glass mingled with fire , and those who come victorious from the beast and from his image and from the number of his name , stand on the sea of ??glass with harps of God . Revelation 15.2 .

    Devil Organisation described in Prophecy and also in Revelation by the symbolic expression " a beast " and also as " the beast picture . " Those who promise to belong to heaven Kongeæt , such that under no circumstance will provide " beast " Devil's Organisation , the slightest support or be the submissive . According to Scripture : "I saw thrones , and they sat upon them , and judgment was given unto them : and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God , and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, neither had received his mark on their foreheads or in their hands : and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years . " - Revelation 20.4 .
    The apostle shows that all who belong to the royal family , subject to the same temptation. (Hebrews 2:18) . The same temptation that had been set for Eva and she gave in to , was also formulated Church Men , clergy , within the different systems , and they also allowed for this and fell . The Lord Jesus was faced with a similar temptation , but he withstood it and won . All of which will belong to the royal family , are faced with the same temptation. Only the overcomers will share in the kingdom. Winning Victory means to overcome Satan's Organisation at unconditionally refuse to support or sounds any part of it, but rather put Loyalty and faithfulness of the day to God to the end. For such overcomers given these promises :
    " He who overcomes , I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God , and he shall go no more out there , and I will write upon him my name of God .
    World Liberation 230

    The 144,000 will be victorious over the beast, his image and brand. To overcome the animal can only be done if the animal is at the same time with them , and that the animal has the power to do anything. According to Jehovah's Witnesses, the animal was first immaterial in 1920.

    which shows that the political "image of the beast" as a whole is an eighth world power. But it owes the seven symbolic "heads" its existence, especially the seventh "head" who has given the breath of life . It was the breath of life and began to operate on 10 , Jan. 1920.
    God's secret rådslutning served 347

    Who is it that has gotten the victory of the battle with the devil visible political organization and the League of Nations and its successor, the United Nations and the fight against the imperfection , failure and oppression as the symbolic wild animal talnavn stand for?
    It's the rest of the Lamb of God 144,000 followers who are still on earth. Their food just for this day testifies that they have gotten the victory of the battle ; their foreheads and their hand is free from any brand that means they agree with , cooperate with and compromised with the emblematic animal and its provided . They do not worship these political institutions. They are not labeled with the animal talnavn if digits making up 666 They have listened to the third angel's warning that we read in Revelation 14:9-12 , and they have endured all the persecution and resistance which the world has inflicted on them because they have faithfully kept the commandments of God and Jesus Christ faith.
    Babylon the great is fallen 72

    This means that there is someone who has been able to fulfill the condition of victories over the animal until AFTER 1920 and that, therefore, according to the witnesses' own statements also can not be any belonging to the special crowd of 144,000 until after this year .
    With the option for the 144,000 , as Jehovah's Witnesses and the theories they build their doctrines , there will automatically be some very amazing situations. One of these is that at one time had come for many to heaven. This means that the number 144,000 WAS REACHED .

    When Jehovah God had made the Lamb as his king on the heavenly Mount Zion in 1914 , the time had come to lamb 144,000 faithful disciples were assembled with him there.
    Babylon the great is fallen 8

    Here are NOT talking about a part of the 144,000 , but about them ALL to be assembled with the Lamb on Mount Zion .

    Since Mount Zion in Revelation 14.1 is a heavenly mountain and since the 144,000 faithful disciples could not inherit the heavenly Zion in " flesh and blood " and human corruption over which they had raised in " a spiritual body " like the heavenly Lamb , the glorified Jesus Christ. So took their resurrection to live in heaven with him , invisible to the human eye. This is in harmony with the Revelation 14.3-4 says about them : " The hundred and forty-four thousand ... are redeemed from the earth .... They have been redeemed from mankind as firstfruits to God and the Lamb . "
    This means that these 144,000 were no longer part of the human race , they would no longer be people of flesh and blood . They had to be the first fruits of the Jewish high priest took the wheat harvest and sacrificed to Jehovah God on the day of Pentecost in the temple in Jerusalem. ( 2 Gen. 23.16 . )
    Babylon the great is fallen 9

    This means that these 144,000 were no longer part of the human race , they would no longer be people of flesh and blood . Then came Armageddon is not such as Jehovah's Witnesses else had said it would , and there was therefore a need for several of the SELF APPOINTED witnesses could join the select group of 144,000 . How to have done the problem with getting some of them already HAD come to heaven , down again , it has not been possible for me to know , but you admit that the figure HAS BEEN FULLY . How many seats were provided and how many can still be free can not be disclosed , but in the book " IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE , " which appeared in English in 1965 , and in Danish in 1966 , said that on page 338 there is below 12,000 .

    Today, there are only some residue left on the soil of the 144,000 " selected " - dedicated , baptized Christians who are bred by Jehovah God's spirit to become joint heirs with the Son of God Jesus Christ in the heavenly realm . (Romans 8.14 to 17 ) . Our reports show that the number of those who now remains of this crowd is 12,000 .
    We will look at this side of " character . " After the " beginning of sorrows " in the years 1914-1918 and since the first post-war years 1919 , these anointed , spirit-begotten " selected " anywhere on earth were combined into a single unit , a Christian organization. Where are they collected ? " From the four corners of the earth and from the heavens outer limits. " You can now find them in all parts of the world , from east to west and north to south. It is impossible for God to lie 337 and 338

    One last thing regarding the 144,000 which shows how even within witnesses managerial ranks are confused as to what to believe.
    In the book " BABYLON THE GREAT IS FALLEN " page 8 is said that it was in 1914 , the 144,000 would be assembled with the Lamb in the heavenly Mount Zion .
    In the same book, page 10 , they are first raised and taken to heaven in 1918.

    Correspondingly, it was at Pentecost 33 to the first of the 144,000 were offered to God by the heavenly High Priest, Jesus Christ, who shed holy spirit upon them and thus anointed them to be members of his church , his bride crowd . Since the Jewish Pentecost occurred already on the fiftieth day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead , this shows what would happen in 1918 , according tidsparallellen . What then? That those of the 144,000 who were already dead and had been faithful to their deaths, was raised invisible in spring 1918 , not with bodies of flesh and blood, but with invisible spiritual bodies .
    Babylon the great is fallen 10

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    Earth and in particular human creation or development is one thing that has included and still occupies many people. Some believe that it is something that has happened gradually and over a very long period of time. If this is true , should humans have evolved from being some unknown individual, through among other apes , to the type of people we know today .
    Others , including many scientists believe in the biblical account of creation , as it is depicted in the biblical Genesis , as it is depicted in the Bible's first two chapters.
    A literal creation by the word of God in six literal days.

    Heaven was produced by Jehovah's word , and its entire army at his mouth spirit. He collects sea water as a dam , down the rushing waters of the storehouses . Let all the earth fear Jehovah. Let all the productive land inhabitants dread him. For he spoke, and then it happened : he commanded, and it stood fast . Psalm 33.6 to 9 .

    He spoke , and then it happened , He commanded, and it stood fast .

    In Praise Jah ! Sing praises to Jehovah from heaven . Sing praises to Him on high. Sing praises to him , all his angels. Sing praises to him , all his host . Sing praises to Him , sun and moon . Sing praises to him , all shining stars . Sing praises to him , heaven of heavens , and the waters that are above the heavens . Let them praise the name of Jehovah , for he commanded and they were created , and he lets them last forever , forever . He gave a regulation, and it will not disappear . Psalm 148.1-6 .

    He commanded and they were created .

    This creation myth , large parts of the Christian churches agree . Witnesses on the other hand , has a strange mixture of evolution and biblical creation.

    each of these days was 7,000 years long. Man was created at the end of the sixth day and then put on the ground at the end of the 42,000 years that was used in the soil preparation . When this huge time period of seven "days" is completed, it will therefore be 49,000 years long in total. Bible chronology shows us that there is now a little over one thousand years of this period.
    God must be truthful 175

    For he spoke, and then it happened : he commanded, and it stood fast . Psalm 33.9 .

    Here are NOT talking about a period of several thousand years , but the LORD spoke then it happened . This shows how powerful a God that we serve. He WAS and IS able to create heaven and earth , animals and people, simply by a word in his mouth breath.

    Heaven was produced by Jehovah's word , and its entire army at his mouth spirit. Psalm 33.6 .

    The right distance from the sun.

    One of the many ideal conditions that allow life on earth, is the amount of light and heat that the earth receives from the sun . Earth is only a small fraction of the sun's energy. But that is exactly the amount needed for life to go on . How is it because the land is in the right distance from the sun - average 150 million kilometers . If the earth had been much closer to the sun or much farther away from it, there would have been too hot or too cold for life to exist here .
    Life - how it has come here 131

    In the case of the sun gradually came closer to the earth , - or that it gradually got more power, then this ratio would NOT have been present . Which does NOT Jehovah's Witnesses also have this view.

    Light came manifest by a gradual process, during a longer period of time , and not suddenly ...
    Life - how it has come here 27

    At the end of this third creative period was thus created three broad categories of plants on land . The diffused light must surely have been so high that it enabled photosynthesis, which is essential for green plants.
    Life - how it has come here 31

    Photosynthesis is a very amazing process. Unfortunately, JV . deftly avoided giving a detailed account of this process. This is perhaps due to they would get in trouble with the diffuse light and with a creative period of approx. 7,000 years to the crop without the sun to provide them with the amount of light that is needed for this process.
    To give just a small glimpse of what photosynthesis is and its purpose , I have in this one case, have felt compelled to take other literature to help.

    Biology Textbook No. 1, page 11

    Photosynthesis is the condition that there is life on Earth. Without the sun's light as an energy source and without plant chlorophyll can not be formed plant matter .
    Such a process is not something that just happens by chance , but is VERY dependent on the sun's light output .
    Witnesses make as even a question about these things.

    Every 24 hours making the earth also a complete rotation on its axis . This means that we have regular periods of light and darkness. If the land had been a whole year to make ...
    Life - how it has come here 132

    Animals and plants are highly interdependent . But consider that, according to Jehovah's Witnesses theory of creation should have been a period of approx. 14,000 years , the plants should have done WITHOUT insects and other animals.
    Again, this is contrary to their own opinions.

    Ants with sting live in akacie trees hollow thorns. They keep leaf -eating insects away from the tree and kills climbers attempting to climb the tree . On the other hand wood secretes a sugary liquid which the ants like, and it generates a tiny fake fruit that serves as food for the ants . Was it the ants that first protected tree, then the tree rewarded them with fruit?
    Or was it the tree that first made ??the fruit to the ants , after which the ants then thanked the wood by protecting it ?
    Or did both happen at the same time ?

    There are also many examples of cooperation between insects and flowers. Insects pollinate the flowers , and the flowers provide turn insects with pollen and nectar. Some flowers produce two kinds of pollen . One kind , fertilized seeds , while the other is sterile and serve as food for the insects to enter the plant. Many flowers have special color drawings and scents as leader insects for nectar .
    Make sure you of all 145

    Biblical OWN creation story IS the only solution. It is a solution that requires a God who is greater than all others, a God who COULD create just by words.

    For in six days the generated Jehovah heaven and earth , the sea and all that is in them , and so he began to rest on the seventh day. That's why Jehovah blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it . 2 Mos 20.11 .


    The name Jehovah is a family name that both the Father and the Son have . A review of the approximately 7000 places in New World Translation of the Bible , it quickly becomes clear that the name Jehovah used BOTH the Father and the Son. In some cases it may be difficult to determine if it is the Father or the Son, there is , as it CAN be both. The full exploitation of Jehovah's Witnesses , in the sense that they WILL NOT hear of that there can be no question of the Son, and made ??the most amazing contortions to explain away that there can be no other than the Father . Even a place like 1Mos 18.1 to 2 . and Es 6.1 . are examples of JV dislike .

    Then did Jehovah appeared to him between Mam'res large trees while he sat in the entrance to the tent on the hottest time of the day. When he raised his eyes , he saw that there were three men at a distance from him. When he saw them , he ran to meet them from the tent entrance and bowed to the ground. 1 Genesis 18.1 to 2 .

    In that year King Uzzi'ja died , I saw Jehovah sitting on a throne that was high and high above , and the lower part of his robe filled the temple. Es 6.1 .

    Here where Jehovah PROVES to Abraham, and Abraham SER Jehovah Witnesses explain away the . Therefore, it is often impossible to have a sensible conversation with them when others' views have no validity . Many of the witnesses will someday learn the truth in Matthew 7:22-23 .
    Many will say to Me in that day , 'Lord , Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name ? And yet I will then declare to them, I have never knew you ! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness .

    If you go in depth with these things , you will soon find out that witnesses using 27 different translations in a VERY subtle way to get others to have the same opinion as them. It should be noted that some of these translations are VERY rare , and therefore is quite unknown and NOT recognized .
    In Jehovah's Witnesses translation of the New Testament there are several different Greek word that is translated to Jehovah . The name Jehovah , therefore appears 237 times in the New World Translation of the New Testament. It is said to be 237 times too much as there is NOT any evidence to use it just once. The name Jehovah appears not in the ancient Greek writings.

    But for the Christian Greek Scriptures, " the New Testament , " the matter differently. Manuscripts which holds Revelation (the last book of the Bible ) contains the name of God in the abbreviated form " Jah " ( the word " Hallelujah "). But apart from this it seems the name of God is not in any of the ancient Greek manuscripts we have today as the " New Testament " books of Matthew Gospel of Revelation .
    The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever 23


    Jesus has many names and titles, one of the titles he has and IS is king.

    Jehovah himself appointed king in his kingdom. Do you know who this is?
    - It's Jesus Christ. He is better than any prevailing chosen by humans. Jesus has greater power than any of these rulers. And Jesus loved God, He always does the right thing.
    We listen to the great teacher 159

    He is not only a human being living on earth, not a "man of sorrows." (Isaiah 53.3). He is now deployed and crowned king in heaven. He now owns a superhuman glory and power, but is hidden to the human eye because of the "clouds of heaven" accompanying his ...
    It is impossible for God to lie 337

    Put not your trust in rulers of this world, which has raised a secular, international organization in defiance of God's righteous kingdom. Obey the King Christ Jesus and flee to the kingdom mountains, while there is yet time. (Romans 13.11. Matt. 24.15-20). The time remaining is short for "kingdom of heaven is coming near."
    God must be truthful 150

    This is in line with what the Bible says about this

    Then the king will say to those on his right hand, 'Come, blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom which has been prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Matt. 25.34.

    They will make war against the Lamb, but because the Lamb is Lord of Lords and King of Kings will overcome them. And [that] they called and chosen and faithful with him [also]. Revelation 17.14.

    Lift up your heads, O gates, even lift them up, ye lasting inputs so that the King of glory may enter!
    "Who is this King of glory?" Jehovah, strong and mighty, Jehovah, mighty in battle. Psalm 24.7 to 8.

    Hey, what was it now. Has the King, Jesus also the name Jehovah?
    The answer is YES! For though Jehovah's Witnesses WILL NOT hear of this, it is nevertheless a Biblical fact.

    The shepherd .
    What you can look forward to if you are one of His " other sheep ? " What is the result for you if you obey the king , ' the right shepherd , ' voice? When the king shall render judgment , he says to the humble " get" made ??on his right , 'Come , blessed by my Father , inherit the kingdom which has been prepared for you from the foundation of the world . "
    Let your kingdom come 154

    The new land will consist of those in the know " other sheep " to whom the right shepherd part sacrificial death. (John 10.14 to 16 . NW) . Those of the other sheep that survive the old end of the world with its evil heavens and earth will come to represent the new earth after ...
    Thy will be done on earth 349

    Not only IS Jesus the shepherd , but he IS also the right , the true shepherd.

    I am the fine shepherd ; the fine shepherd surrenders his soul for the sheep . Jn 10,11 .

    I am the fine shepherd , and I know my sheep and my sheep know me, John 10.14 .

    And may the God of peace , who brought sheep large shepherd, our Lord Jesus from the dead with an everlasting covenant blood , Hebrews 13.20 .

    And he blessed Joseph and said , "May the [true ] God , before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk , the [true ] God, who as a shepherd has led me throughout my life until this day. 1 Genesis 48 15

    It is not just for Christians today that Jesus IS the shepherd, the VAR he also Joseph.

    What about THE HYMN 23 . Here we have THE TRUE SHEPHERD !

    Jehovah is my shepherd . I shall lack nothing . Psalm 23.1 .

    We see again that Jesus also HAVE name Jehovah ! " Now there are some of Jehovah's Witnesses , who believe that there is a change of king and shepherd sometimes the way through the Bible . This is rebutted by Psalm 102.25-27 .

    Long ago founded to earth and heaven is your handiwork . They will perish , but you remain ; like a garment they will all wear out . As a suit , you will replace them , yes, they replaced. But you are the same , and your years will not run . Psalm 102 , 25-27 .

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    John the Baptist.

    One of John the Baptist's tasks was to identify the Lamb of God ( Jesus) of the people. John 1:29 .
    Another task was to baptize Jesus.

    It's about him it is written: ' Behold, in front of your face emits myself my messenger , who will prepare your way before you ! ' Matt 11.10 .

    It was in those days that Jesus came from Na'zaret in Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John . Mark 1.9 .

    Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. This , however, tried to prevent him , saying: " It is I who have need to be baptized by you, and then you come to me ? " Jesus said in reply to him ? " Let it happen this time , because in this way it behooves us to implement everything that is right . " So prevented him no longer . Matt from 3.13 to 15 .

    There were many prophecies that were fulfilled by John the Baptist. He was among other things, prepare the way for Jesus.

    In those days came John the Baptist , preaching in the Judean desert , saying: "You must repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. " It's just him spoken of through the prophet Isaiah in these words: "Listen , there is a crying in the wilderness : ' You must prepare the way of Jehovah . Makes His ways right ! " Matthew 3:1-3 .

    The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ : As it is written in Isaiah the prophet : " ( Se! front of your face send my messenger , who will prepare your way ;) listen ! There is a crying in the wilderness : ' I must prepare Jehovah's way , make his paths straight, ' " Mark 1:1-3 .

    And you , little child , you shall be called the prophet of the Highest , for you will go before Jehovah , to prepare his ways . Close 1.76 .

    He said: " I ??am a voice of one crying in the wilderness : ' I must do Jehovah's way right , ' as the prophet Isaiah said. " John 1.23 .

    The fact that the above-mentioned passages ARE talking about Jesus IS clear to most people , but that it must also be clear to many of Jehovah's Witnesses, is drawn to a few of their own books .

    But what did John preach ?
    This : "Repent , for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. " (Matthew 3:1-2 ) . God had told John that he was the forerunner of the Son of God and that he would get the privilege to determine who was the son of God, perhaps even to baptize him. John's father and perhaps his mother Elisabeth had told John what the angel Gabriel had said in the sanctuary , that John was to be a precursor and, like Elijah " make a suitable people prepared for Jehovah." (NW) . Therefore expected John to the Son of God would come to him so he could identify him .
    Thy will be done on earth 134

    Jesus , the highest Son of God had to have John as a precursor for when John was born in a city of Judah in the spring of 2 BC prophesied his father Zechariah him : " And thou, child , shalt be called the Supreme prophet : for thou shalt go before the Lord ( Jehovah , NW ) to prepare His ways and teach his people the knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins , thanks to our God's tender mercies . " -
    Close 1.57 to 78 .
    It is impossible for God to lie 208

    Why are the words of Isaiah 40.3 in John 1.23 to John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus Christ , when in Isaiah 40.3 expressly refers to pave the way for Jehovah?
    Because Jesus appeared on his father's behalf.
    Let us reason from the scriptures 383 and 384

    The final realization is loaded with some arbitrary arguments that NO evidence has the word of God .
    John the Baptist prepared the way for NOT one that should come on someone else's behalf , but for the one who should come and who came , God's Son, Jesus Christ .
    It WAS Jesus came because the Father NOT even BE . Sin , sinful things sinful people , CAN NOT exist in the Father . They would have been destroyed by the holiness that surrounds the Father. Therefore, it IS the Son, who acts as an intermediary and ALWAYS Son there is when sinful people present.
    1 Genesis 3.8-19 . 1 Genesis 15.1 to 10 . 1 Genesis 18.1 to 33 . 2 Mos 4.1 to 15 just to mention some of the first places mentioned in the Bible. Father and Son IS ONE .

    that they all may be one , as You, Father , are in union with me and I am in union with you , that they also may be in union with us : that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And I have given them the glory that you have given me , that they may be one as we are one . Jn 17.21 to 22 .

    I and the Father are one. Jn 10,30 .

    It does NOT mean that they are one and the same person, but that they agree to do the things they do, just as in a GOOD marriage. Father HAVE name Jehovah , and is so highly exalted above everything and all that it ONLY sinless creatures that can live in His presence.
    Son ALSO name Jehovah , but he can stay in the sinful human presence WITHOUT these are destroyed , of his glory. So , there is a name to be exalted and honored , then it is THE NAME OF ALL NAMES

    SAVIOR .

    Jesus IS YOUR and MY savior!

    For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son , that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life . John 3:16 .

    She will bear a son , and shalt call his name Jesus , for he will save his people from their sins . Matt 1.21 .

    They said, " Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household. " Acts 16:31 .

    Our citizenship is indeed in heaven , from which we also eagerly await a Savior , the Lord Jesus Christ. File 3.20 .

    The ransom was provided by the perfect man , Jesus , Death , it was impossible for any man to obtain eternal life . This was a natural consequence of the fact that all men are descended from Adam and inherited the consequences of his misdemeanor . (Romans 5:12) . God has established the rule that " as in Adam all die , so shall all be made alive in Christ. " (1 Corinthians 15:22) . Jesus Christ's death and resurrection may not take place before any man could achieve eternal life . However, there was nothing in the way of that imperfect people as best could lay their loyalty and faithfulness of the day to God . By doing this they could obtain God's approval .
    However, since there is no other name under heaven that can bring salvation to life than the name of Jesus Christ , it follows that no one could achieve life before Christ Jesus came and wrought redemption . He " gave himself [ his life ] a ransom for all , to be testified in due time . " (Acts 4:12 , 1 Tim 2:5-6 . ) How faithful man might have appeared before ...

    The ransom was brought , he could therefore not obtain eternal life before the ransom was prepared as a sin offering in favor of Jehovah God . Thus, it was Jesus' death and resurrection that brought life and immortality to light . (2 Timothy 1:10) Everyone will get opportunity to win life , but opportunity to achieve immortality is given only to those who seek it of God certain mode , namely becoming just formed with Jesus Christ sacrificial death . - Rome 2.6 to 7 . File from 3.13 to 15 .
    World Liberation 294 and 295

    Is the Jehovah?
    Or is there another name that should be exalted and revered MORE THAN ALL OTHER NAMES ?
    The name Jesus IS the name that is above every name !

    When he rose from the dead , he was exalted by Jehovah and was given a name above all other names . He was once a man of sorrows , well acquainted with grief. But now that he is risen from the dead , he is the exalted . The apostle says this, "When he found in appearance as a man, humbled himself , so he became obedient unto death, even death on a cross . Therefore also God highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name , to the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth , and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord , to the glory of God the Father . " - File 2.8 to 11 .
    God intended that, like the ground was the scene of Jesus' suffering , it must also be the scene of his glory , and all creatures must bow to Jesus name and confess that Jesus is the Christ and Lord.
    God's harp 155

    But this has been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah , the Son of God , and that in because I think might have life through his name. Jn 20.31 .

    let it be known to you all , and to all the people of Israel , that it is Jesus Christ , Nazareth , name him as I impaled with whom God raised from the dead, by him, it is that this man stand here healthy for your eyes . He is the stone which was counted for naught of you builders , but which has become the cornerstone . And there is salvation in any other for there is not under heaven given among men by any other name by which we must be saved. " Acts 4.10 to 12 .

    And further , when he in appearance and behavior was as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a torture stake . That's why God raised him also to a higher position and gave him in his goodness name which is above every [ other ] name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow , of things in heaven and their ground and their underground and every tongue openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Phil 2.8 to 11 .

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Nathan: Then why do any damn thing they say?

    That’s a question every Jehovah's Witness should be asking themselves. The Governing Body has now put themselves in the same league as the apostles and have removed all references and caveats that in the past put distance between them. Their position used to be: Well, we don’t receive revelation like the apostles did, but we do provide spiritual food to Jehovah’s people, which comes in the form of Watchtower and Awake! articles. And while our writings should not be construed as inspired in the same sense as scripture, it should be taken as spiritual “meat” in due season.

    Bnybyt: At first I thought, maybe he knows TTATT and doesn't want to say anything himself. Then I thought, not this guy, he wants people in the audience to open themselves up and if anyone says anything not supportive of the current view then they'll be marking that one.

    You make it sound as though these people are trying to entrap members into revealing any doubts or dissatisfactions. If the audience opens itself up and reveals those doubts, what then? Make an example of them and hope that quells any rebellion? The way things are right now, maybe there is some doubt at the top, and this is what you’re seeing.

  • piztjw

    I've noticed that different fleecers of the flock (elders) that gave this speech made different and contradictory claims about the professed inspiration, or not of the org.

    Much of what they said also goes contrary to what has been printed in the WT handbook mag. So each person IMO should follow the God, the Bible, and Jesus. Using those three one shouldn't go to far astray.

  • BU2B

    WOW that has to be a record long post! When they are that long I know I dont have the mental strenghth to attempt to read it

  • DeWandelaar

    "Jehovah's organization has never claimed to be inspired." <--- so... according to them the Organisation that originates from Jehovah (aka the omnipotent God) is NOT inspired by God himselve... HOW ON EARTH COULD IT BE A ORGANISATION LEAD BY GOD IF IT IS NOT INSPIRED BY HIM!

  • wasblind

    2 Timothy 3:16 " All scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for for teaching, reproving, and setting things straight "

    LOL, Jehovah's Witnesses claim not to be inspired by Gods words in the things they teach ?

    There you have it folks. It's official. They jus' make stuff up

  • caliber

    "Jehovah's organization has never claimed to be inspired." <--- so... according to them the Organisation that originates from Jehovah (aka the omnipotent God) is NOT inspired by God himselve... HOW ON EARTH COULD IT BE A ORGANISATION LEAD BY GOD IF IT IS NOT INSPIRED BY HIM!

    ................................it's all done with study, obedience and self-sacrifice

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