6) Watching the airplanes fly over Veteran's Stadium.
7) Watching the squirrel run through people legs.
8) Laughing at the Attendants who have to sit on the field (on chairs) in 95 degree weather in their SUITS (the field temperature can be about 140 degrees).
9) Pretending that the Phillies were playing a game.
You know, I was always taking a TON of notes--I had to have a new notebook for every assembly. But by the end of the second day I was so tired from arriving at 5:45 to work all morning, then listen, then work lunch, then listen--you get the picture.
My notes always started off perfectly then as I fell asleep became illegible lines that drifted all over the page. My sister too. This provided us with much amusement when we awoke from our nap.
Assembly volunteering, the secret to staying sane during assembly time.
Our congregation ran one of the concession stands for years at the Jacksonville District assemblies. That was fun except for watching my loving brothers and sisters almost kill each other trying to get to the food. FREAKY MAN FREAKY.
Then, one of our uppity elders decided we needed a better assignment so he smoozed up with the CO and got up bumped up to literature counter. Criminy, I thought my loving brothers and sisters were rude at the food lines. That was 1978 the year My book of Bible Stories came out, which was in high high demand.
When I started in banking I started volunteering for auditing department. Man, we had it made. We usually had to work all the way through the sessions, since we were counting money collected between sessions. Snazzy. Private offices, Had to have a security tag to get in. Those were the days.
Biggs, I also attend at Vet's Stadium....a/k/a Sweateran's Stadium.
Passing time: Looking at the young, border-line immodestly dressed gals (can't blame them, it's The Sweat after all)...especially during the lunch break, they congregate on level 700.
Looking for a street vendor who sells snow-cones.
Wishing I was in shorts, watching the Phils play baseball instead.
Thinking about how long it was going to take to get home, especially on Friday; the traffic is a killer.
Hanging out in the corridors, where there is usually a breeze blowing, and much-needed shade.
I was a serious notetaker the first few years. I had volumns of notes. When I was busy throwing away my JW stuff I couldn't even find those notes to throw away.
The last few assemblies I went to I spent a lot of time in my motel room. Seemed a reasonable way to pass the time.
URGH...don't remind me...I found note-taking boring, so I would be content to amuse myself with a pair of binoculars, spying on people for hours and hours on the opposite side of the stadium.
We never had people tearing each other's throats out to get food, tho.
Seven006:"Have you tried drugs? Shooting up a little heroin might do the trick, it's hard to type when your stoned out of your mind. I don't know how TR does it!"
I was at the assembly site only long enough to wander the halls and link up with some babe who had that "look" and then scoot back to the motel, a much better place to share my Christian love.
I'm kind of going with DB here. Veterans was a bloody misery.
I used to wear sunglasses and wait for the wind to blow hot girl's dresses up (hell I was 15).
When I wasn't going that, I was pretending I was watching a Phillies game, watching the planes, I once pretended I was spiderman swinging from flagpole to flagpole at the top the of the stadium.
I always wished the Screens would lite up with adverts to alieviate my boredom.