Women are Not the Glory of God

by JosephAlward 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SixofNine
    (1) they both can't be right. Well, that's ridiculous. People can dissagree and be right.


    uhmmm... No. One is right, and one is wrong, or they are both wrong. Jesus Christ, are we now going to start playing fast and loose with the word "right" the same way the organization plays fast and loose with the word "truth"?

    And Achristian, someone who lives in the darkness of delusion as you, should not be opening their truth-hating mouths to say "For the darkness hates the light". Making up stuff to try and get the bible to conform to logic, is not "light", it is patently dishonest.

    I'm so over liars. Especially liars for god.

  • Kenneson

    To have a discussion on Scripture (expressing your opinions and views) is one thing. But to have the final infallible interpretation (whether from a skeptic or a believer) is another matter. Please don't tell me that your
    view is the only one. And I'll try not to make mine the final one either. Also, please don't tell me that if my interpetation doesn't agree with yours that I am not understanding the Bible correctly. I reserve the right to make up my own mind. And in your "discussions" please don't demean others' viewpoints to promote your own. Thanks.

  • SYN

    Thanks for that, JA. Very interesting. The Bible is still very, very chauvinistic tho, that's without a doubt. If not the whole thing, at least significant verses of it. You know, "God is a man". PFFFFT.

    During a code review, when I asked why there was not a comment in 240,000 lines of code which was getting handed to me for maintenance, the programmer replied, "I'm terse."

  • gold_morning

    To all,......especially Joseph
    Interesting how many here spend countless hours, and for some of you bible scholars, may I say years, disproving and discrediting the Bible. There seems to be a deep desire to do away with the concept of being accountable to a higher being than yourselves.

    Perhaps the time would be more wisely spent analyzing why you put so much energy into disputing a God that could very well mean life or death to you forever. I mean have you put as much thought into the "what if it is true" as well as "what if it is not true?" Could it be that you are afraid of what you personally are, and the ramifications of what it would mean if He really did exist?

    I wonder what you would come up with for us if you took a more positive outlook on the written word and shared it with us instead of using your knowledge to stir up rebellion.

    If he is indeed the Almighty God, and lets assume that the bible is correct in saying that He is a perfect and Just God........than as his creation we should accept how He wants things done. Period. It belongs to Him. If one does not like that idea, which the bible makes it clear the vast majority won't.....then so be it. What is the big deal. Why so much effort. Are you like the roaring lion seeking to devour everyone? He forces No one!!! If the bible is true, and it very well could be......than there is eternity with Him.....or eternity away from Him in darkness. I can't help what it says. I won't twist it to say something different. It is the way it is. There is no gun to your heads..male or female. Life your life here and go for all the gusto you can. You may have a long life, than again it may be short. Who knows, but you can die happy not having to clean up your act or answer to anyone. Here on earth that is.
    But,for a smart person, and I don't mean knowledgeble, it is a no brainer!!
    I feel the love of His promise when he says.."Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, no mind has concieved what God has prepared for those who love Him"
    Joseph, you walk a very dangerous line........not from men........but a dangerous line with regards to God.
    "Who ever rejects the Son will NOT see life, for God's wrath remains on him."....john3:36
    Be Careful........... I say this because I care...agape love gold morning

  • OVIS

    Women are the glory of men and God is the head of the man. Women are equal to men in all ways its just that they should view thier husband as a God. She should also be treated like a body extention of his. The body should be well looked after.

    I never got to extend my body out yet, not married and waiting to be before I join with another to become one.

  • mouthy

    Men like to quote the scripture " a nagging wife is like a leaking roof" but as someone pointed out to me- The roof only leaks if it is not attended to.So men if you have a "leaky roof" needs YOUR attention I'd say.
    Sorry if this is off topic- but to me it shows -we "aint" no better than the other- man versus woman

  • Solace

    This thread is very helpful.
    There are different views of course but it is great for evaluating.

    A Christian,
    I believe in the bible.
    I do have a hard time with the way some scriptures contradict others. Maybe the individual writer puts their own spin on it based on their own feelings.
    Too bad God didnt just write more on stone so we could all use our own brains to interpret.

    You have a way of looking beyond the issue.
    I agree!

  • JosephMalik

    The choice seems clear: those who believe--indeed, know--that the woman is not inferior to man cannot also believe that the Bible is the word of God; one of the beliefs has to be given up.


    You are giving the bible a bum rap and especially the Apostle Paul. I pondered over this for years myself as it made no sense whatever and did not agree with what our Lord taught. But finally I came to realize that Paul was responding to the teachings of Jewish Christians that had carried over their old doctrines into the faith. They even wrote him as shown in 1 Cor. 7:1 and Paul responded to their views even quoting from their letter. This Paul also did in many of his other letters as the problem in other places was similar. They are not Paul's teaching's, but Jewish teachings that Paul is refuting. You must study the argument to understand this. Paul was on the side of women against heavy odds and strong opposition from men like James and it took years and many letters on his part for him to purge such doctrines from the faith.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    I am not the scholar that so many of you are, so I can't back anything up by quoting the bible.

    Would not the men who wrote these passages be a reflection of their own society? They were Jewish men, right, so fairly paternalistic? Would anything else be beyond their comprehension. At that time, women's role was very much to take care of the home, partly due to the fact they had no control over their fertility. Babies came when they came. The men had the power, and how often does anyone give up power.

    Too much has changed in the past 2000 years, and men’s and women's roles along with it. The lives we live, could not even be imagined by the Bible writers. Even translators can put their own spin on things.

    concerned mama

    As my very skeptical son says "I don't suppose Moses had his palm Pilot in his hand taking notes, who knows what is true."

  • JosephMalik

    Concerned Momma,

    Yes, that is pretty much the way it was with the Jews in particular but that is not the way it was intended to be in the faith. Our Lord changed that and in the case of the woman (first woman used in the ministry by our Lord) at the well rubbed it in the faces of his own disciples since she was a Samaritan at that. They had the same problem and it would take some years to get it out of their system.

    You know how threads work here with information quoted and responses given. Well many of Paul's letters are like this board. He quotes or refers to their views and then responds and refutes or supports them. Just because a texts says "I" does not mean the comment represents Paul’s view. It could be a quote from a letter of theirs as in 1 Cor. 7:1. You must follow the story and the responses to such comments to get the real context and thought. Paul mostly fought with Jews in his letters. It was so bad that there was little time for encouragement. In short the faith was a mess because of such people and Paul spent most of his time trying to straighten it out.

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