by zev 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    i'm looking for an answer, and views to a disturbing question i have had for years.

    for more than 2 decades, this has bothered me, yet i have been unable to resolve this dilema witin myself. i hope some of you can help.

    over the 40 years i was "in", i have known many "anointed".

    most...were single, either by choice, or by the death of a mate.

    but their are 2 i have known, who were married.

    now the scriptures say, and according to witchpower folklore, that the marriage bond is forever, and the only thing seperating that, is death, and adultry. on into the "new system" they would go, living happily ever after. so they say.

    what happens when one of the mates is "anointed" and the other is not?

    how do i justify, the marriage arraingement, according to the bible, and the witchpower, with the fact that one of those "anointed" would be taken away from the other mate, thereby disolving the marrriage?

    i have know two couples in this situation over my lifetime, and have been unable to work this out with what i know and have read.

    can you help me?

    i'll welcome any and all thoughts on this.

    finding an answer to over 20 years of question on this subject alone, is very important to me.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America
    U.A.D.N.A.--Rhode Island

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hi rev

    I knew a brother who felt he was of the annointed when he reached his 40's. When my ex asked him how he felt about leaving his wife to join his spiritual brothers in heaven...he had the strangest response. He said that he believed that Jehovah would probably let him visit his wife on earth from time to time...for fleshy reasons (to bonk her). Weird huh! But that was how he justified the fact that he would be leaving his wife on earth...while he pursued heavenly duties. His favourite TV show was Married with Children...and he quite enjoyed movies with a bit of flesh. He also wore a beard for many years...and he chose to shave it off only weeks before he started taking the emblems. He was a nice guy....but a little bit strange in his thinking.


  • Englishman


    Back to the Nephilim, eh?


    Can't you sleep in? Heh heh. Seriously, I knew a bro who's wife was annointed and he would get very pissy that he couldn't look forward to an Earthly hope with her.



    When I partook in 84, the elders were very uncomfortable since I was only 30 years old. One elder told me privatley that I was no more annoited than any man I saw walking down the street. My wife's response was, "Now everyone will think you are weird". The next year I had my own private memorial down an old dirt road with a wine cooler and a cracker before I took my family to the Kingdom Hall. I became depressed later that year and yearned for close intimacy with my Heavenly Father. One Sunday after the meeting I came home and closed myself up in my room and cried out to the "Great Physician" for help. I did not know what I needed but I knew he is the examiner of the heart and I was beginning to doubt that he had called me to Heavenly Life and I was beginning to become depressed. I did not know how but I asked him to please confirm his choosing of me. I reminded him of his word found in Hebrews 11:6 "For he who comes to GOD must BELIEVE that he exist and BELIEVE that he becomes the REWARDER of those earnestly seeking him. I fully BELIEVED that my Heavenly Father would answere my prayer, I didn't know how or when, I just BELIEVED.I then got up off my knee's and went into my living room and turned on the TV. Ripley's BELIEVE it or NOT! was just coming on. For the first time actor Jack Palance was introducing a new Co-Host....Marie Osmond.
    The moment I saw her I BELIEVED Jehovah was giving her to me as a confirmational gift of his tenderhearted merciful love for me. I BELIEVE he gave her to me back then and SUPERNATURALLY SEALED our relationship by the power of his Divine Love contingent upon my faith.
    I have kept and am still keeping my faith and BELIEVE I will be holding Marie in my arms soon. Nothing is impossible with our GOD!



  • Abaddon

    Dear James...

    You are very mad or very funny... possibly both!


    Come on... does anyone STILL seriously believe that? It's no wonder it doesn't make sense! It's just part of the maddness of the Dubs. I'm an atheist, but can see that if there was a god, and the Bible was his word, then the 144,000 is not literal, and that a 'Heaven hope' under such a mythos would likely be to all people of good will.

  • spender

    it was my understanding that in the paradise, people would have different mates than the ones they had before, like for instance if one was an unbelieving mate. I knew one of the anointed (Br. Ludke...some of you may know him) whose wife is not of the anointed. She was fine with the whole thing...seemed kind of strange to me.

  • MarchOn

    Dear AIRVIEW1,

    I feel for you and know exactly what you mean. Because I know that someday God will welcome me and the one I was meant to be with in heaven, PeeWee Herman and if he does'nt want to go my back up is Howard Stern!! Just when you think ya heard it all!!!

  • ashitaka


    If your post was satire, that's a pretty good piece of it...keep writing.


  • teenyuck

    Both my great-grandfather and great-grandmother were annointed at one point. She decided to not pressure their only son into being a Bible Student and as a result was called an "Evil Slave." (When people spoke of her it always seemed to be in caps) She was shunned...I honestly do not know if she was DF'd, however she was marked. We were not allowed to speak to her at family gatherings. She was a "bad association." A little old lady with white hair.

    Anyway, they remained married until she died of old age, in about 1980. He lived until about 1987.

    She became an Evil Slave sometime in the 40's!

    I have confronted my mother on this issue numerous times.

    Why would an "annointed" remain married to an "Evil Slave." for over 60 years? How could his conscience accept that?

    Her response was that divorce was unacceptable back then....

    I have laughed and told her he was a scum bag. He had full use of her cooking, cleaning and screwing abilitiees for about 45 years after becoming an Evil Slave. He did not have to bring her to social functions because of her status. He could do anything and basically had a live in domestic.

    I have no doubt that he is NOT in heaven. He was a evil man. His son ended up molesting my mother and perhaps her three younger sisters. (they all deny that their dad molested them. another story)

    I believe my grandfather learned his behavior somewhere and it had to be in the home.

    If that angry old man (my great-grandfather) is annointed and sitting up in a cloud watching me; well then there is a god and he is psycho.

  • Amazing

    I was married and partook for most of the 25 years I was a JW. It is something you don't think about much ... it is too painful. Now that we are out of the organization, we both have different view of God, but we both hope that we go to heaven.

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