by zev 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Beck, isn't that boink?

    I think that guy is so far off the mark he's actually off the map.


  • zev

    how about lotus....

    any comment?

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America
    U.A.D.N.A.--Rhode Island

  • SYN

    Yeah, that's one thing that's always bugged me about the "heavenly hope" (this applies to Dubs and non-Dub Christians etc), what if the one partner doesn't make the grade?

    Seven006: "Have you tried drugs? Shooting up a little heroin might do the trick, it's hard to type when your stoned out of your mind. I don't know how TR does it!"

  • ShaunaC

    Amazing...if not TOO painful, could you expound on partaking while a JW and why it hurts to think about it now? I'd also like to know how you view of God has changed since thst time.


  • plmkrzy

    She became an Evil Slave sometime in the 40's!

    Beck wierd may not be a strong enough word.

    James of the smart ass class

    Gee Zev, mind if I ask why it would bother you for such a long time?

    It bothered me for most of my life because I thought God would have to be pretty cold to take my mother away from me. All the time i was growing up Arageddon to me meant the day I would loose my mom and maybe never see her again. And since I didn't really have much of a relationship with my dad I felt all I had to look forward to was becomming an orphin. Reading in the Bible that Jehovah would make our hearts happy again and we wouldn't morn for the things in the past never comforted me at all. I use to think it would be the other way around and everyone going to heaven would forget everyone who didn't, in an emotional sense anyway. Not literally forget.

    The way I understood it from where I've been, is even if one is NOT anointed and they die prior to Armegadon and their spouse lives through Armegdon that doesn't automaticlly mean they will be together after the resurection. Not everyone would be willing to wait until the big A to have companionship again. And all those who are resurected into the new system are suppose to be like angels. What exactly that means could be anything but the WTS teaches that it means those who are resurected in the new system will not marry or have children. To me thet seems pretty silly because it also says in the bible that jehovah will bless those who surrive with their hearts desires. So either that means if you are resurected you wont have human desires or if you do you will be just as able to marry and have a family as anyone else.

    So basiclly if you die and go to heaven and leave a spouse on earth then your spouse will not morn for you in the new system because God will probably give him or her a better spouse anyway. Or at least one that will satisfy his or her needs.

    This is long winded I know but you sounded like you really wanted some opinions and it is important to you so I tried to put down as much as I can remember.

    btw I don't know how many different ways I spelled the big A I think I may have got one right.

    Hope this helps some.


  • LizardSnot

    Based on what Rev. 14:4 says...I would have to say that the 144,000 would have to consist of men who haven't had sex with women. This would rule out women and married men being amoungst the annointed.
    Rev. 7 tell me that these guys would be Jews.

    Rev. 14:4
    4 These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. 5 No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.

  • plmkrzy


    If there are an anointed class according to the bible then there is also a period of time for them to be collected and that time isn't over yet because where still here.
    So the first fruits spoken of in that particular scripture probably is referring to just that the first as in the choicest or the finest or the purest but it couldn't be reffereing to ALL of the anointed because there imperfect humans like the rest of us until they are resurected.

    Besides that actual SEX organs has to do with procreation not spirt realm.


  • riz


    i nearly wet myself! that was classic

    all my best to you and marie.


  • zev


    Gee Zev, mind if I ask why it would bother you for such a long time?

    sure, you can ask

    do i have an answer? no.

    i'll explain best as i can.

    last night Gwen and i were talking about this, and this is how i explained it, as best as i could.

    as i said over the years i've known many annointed. though only 2 of these were married, to those of the NON-annointed class.

    the first time i saw this, i was deeply concerned, as i couldn't reason this out, knowing what the bible say, what the witchypowers say, about marriage and all that stuff.

    how can a loving god, take a mate away like that, if thats the way it was to be, leaving an earth bound mate alone, and destroying a marriage here on the earth, that supposedly would last forever through the big A.

    the second time i saw this situation, the partaker was much younger, and that just added to the confusion. again, the other mate was a NON-partaker, and again, i have great difficulty reasoning this out, with what i was taught over the years as a j.w., and from what i read in the bible.

    it just doesn't make sence, and i am looking for as many views as possible. that way i can work this out in my own mind.

    i couldn't ask these questions obviously, while i was still "in"...questions like this get you in trouble, right?

    especially if its a question, that can't be answered, without alot of mental masterbation, as i call it .

    hope that helps clear it up.

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America
    U.A.D.N.A.--Rhode Island

  • SYN

    So how would you "defile" yourself with a woman? GRRR. More Biblical Super Chauvinism (TM)

    Seven006: "Have you tried drugs? Shooting up a little heroin might do the trick, it's hard to type when your stoned out of your mind. I don't know how TR does it!"

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