I know this was very wrong to do , but who out there stretched their field service time by any means possible? Example, letter writing, driving by the same house , when you knew no one was home. Let's be honest here, confess and get it off your chest.... LOL
Did you ever fake field service?
by LyinEyes 30 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, Yes, Yes!!!
Going to homes where you saw the person leave a few minutes earlier was prime territory.
The main way was just adding hours to the timesheet. I used to feel guilty....now I don't!
No never faked it was to honest/gullible, but I can remember a family who used to start their time at permanent NH just a few doors away from where they lived. They could the count their 30-40 mins travelling time to the FS group and of course the journey home when they called again.
They had been calling on this house for years so I assume an elderly resident was in a home.
This was an elders family so they were truly setting an example, I should have followed them. -
I think practically everyone did,the need to count time was to get good brownie points is extremely important,even though most Witnesses will claim the main goal is to preach the good news and save lives with urgency as the time left is reduced,most witnesses will spin out time the best they can by walking around like snails,knocking on one door then going to the other end of the territory,yapping in groups on street corners etc,I knew one pioneer who would spend a lot of his time in cafes in town,counting the time,he looked down on all those who were young and single and not pioneers,yet he fiddled his report anyway,and now is a fine standing self rightous elder,what a pillock!
Is there any other way?
We have people here who are absolute Leonardo Da Vinci's of field service fakery; Sistine Chapels of pioneer padding; Pablo Picassos of Publisher pushiness. It's a wonder to behold.
This group has more creative genius than an entire North Pole full of elves. Just wait. I'm sure some will clue you in before this thread is through.
return visits on the otherside of town when you know thir not home? does that count?
One of the things that used to bug the heck out of me as a female was the idea that if hubby and I conducted a Bible study with a couple from the territory, we could both count the time and return visit, but when we had our family study, the "rule" was that I was not allowed to count either. Even with due consideration to the "headship principle", to me when both the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures counselled children to "be obedient to your parents" and "honor your father and your mother", it allowed for equality in teaching the children. So I counted the time and return visits anyway. I figured the 9+ months of pregnancy for each of them and three natural childbirth experiences and over 2½ years spent breastfeeding should count for something.
No wonder certain elders would stare at me when they talked about Jezebel.
Love, Scully
HI LyinEyes:
"I know this was very wrong to do, but who out there stretched their field service time by any means possible?"
Wrong?!? No, it was THEOCRATIC STRATEGY!
Example, letter writing, driving by the same house, when you knew no one was home. Let's be honest here, confess and get it off your chest.... LOL
I didn't do too much letter writing. Had I thought of it, I wuold have generated a "Form" letter and sent this out and counted an 'Hour' per letter.I counted my time from the time I left home until I returned. I stopped at a gas station or laundromat on the way to the Field Service Meeting, placed a magazine, and then took territory out near the coast ... drove slow, and worked 'Not-at-Homes.' Someone had to do it ... why not me.
I still do!
I put on my FS slip whatever comes to mind. Whatever is needed to keep the elders off my back.
I show my face at the groups from time to time. I don't knock on doors, and I don't press the doorbell. If someone is with me, I make out like I pressed it.
I put on my FS slip whatever comes to mind.
Way to go biblexaminer! I did this too. Was counting 40 hours a month and never knocked on one door, wrote one letter, or showed up to field service meetings. One elder approached me about my time, as to how I was getting it all in. I told him that I resented his question and to worry about his own relationship with God. They never asked me again.