Blondie's Coments You Will Not Hear at the 09-02-2013 WTS Study (when)

by blondie 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Going to paragraph 9, we work so the organization will survive. Would you like to show up for work so the company can go on if you didn't get paid? Suppose you MAY get paid if you show up, but there is no assurance you WILL get paid? They say that SOME who work will get paid, but not all? Would you still want to show up and do your utmost to work there? Or, would you rather presume that there is a good chance of not getting paid and simply not show up?

    Even the crappiest companies do better than that. You work there, you get paid. Granted, many policies are abusive and designed to suck the joy right out of working or stifle your thinking. And the pay in most companies sucks. But, are you there solely for the survival of the company? If the place I work for adopted a "You work so the company can survive, and we may or may not pay you" policy, I would pull no shows the first week I didn't get paid, and I would boycott the business. Even companies like Tops, Walmart, and Pepsi need to pay their employees or they would soon go out of business. I would never work for such a company solely for the survival of the company as a group. Rather, I would pull no shows and boycott the business (and perhaps in ways so it would be a good long time before they would be in a position to see further business) as soon as they welshed on paying me.

    Now, if Tops or Pepsi need to pay employees as individuals, why does joke-hova get away with a "You work, the group survives but you may not" policy?

  • OnTheWayOut

    I don't follow WT doctrine and it's changes anymore. It's too headspinning for me.

    But it does appear the GB could, at any time, declare that the great tribulation has finally started, then make crazy demands upon the flock. Since Armageddon won't start until the lying bastards of the GB are all dead and supposedly in heaven, there would be no calling them to account on this.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Thank you Blondie. I am happy to see you are feeling better and are able to do your usual "Blondie at the drawing board" hard work for us. Just Lois

  • FadeToBlack

    I also have a hard time with their use of 'we' in the article. It seems when they say something like 'we thought' they are implying that all JW's had the wrong idea. But, when they say 'we perceived/we discerned' they mean only the GB. I love the logic in this sentence in paragraph 1. - "His words have profound meaning for us because we too are keenly interested in knowing what the future holds". So just because 'we' are interested in knowing what the future holds, his words have profound meaning for us? Really? What if they only applied to the first century? This was also bizarre in Paragraph 4. - "Upon further examination of Jesus’ prophecy, however, we perceived that a part of Jesus’ prophecy about the last days has two fulfillments". So some parts have two fulfillments and some don't?

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    " I always said that if people would die at Armageddon perhaps jws would do them a service by killing them so they would have a hope of a resurrection."

    You know, Blondie, you're right on the money there. How messed up is this? I used to hope my beloved parents would be killed in a car accident so they would get a chance to be resurrected after A rather than having to die in A, which, of course, was 'imminent'...

    The shame. Can't believe I used to think like that.

    BTW, good to see your weekly analyses back on board. Must make you sick to have to wade through all that sewage.

  • BluesBrother

    I am just a little confused....this article is to be studied in the week from Monday 2nd to Sunday 8th, making it next weekend's study.. However, it is more important than the one they did last Sunday. I shall look at it .

  • blondie

    You could be right BB, I thought Sept 1 was Sept 2. Better early than late...just makes 5 weeks I missed. In the past it was hard for ex-jws to get copies of the study articles. With the articles being on now, the articles are accessible to all with access to a computer. What's missing are my comments.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    The title of this WT study article says it all: ‘Tell Us, When Will These Things Be?’ (Matt. 24:3 & Mark 13:3)

    The account in Mark 13:3 relates that Peter, James, John and Andrew asked Jesus: ‘Tell us, when will these things be?’

    After asking the question, the disciples kept quiet, waited and listened as Jesus personally answers their question. There was no speculation on the part of Jesus’ disciples in trying to figure out the answer for themselves.

    Not so with the GB of the WTBTS! Time and time again over the years and including in this July 15, 2013 Watchtower Study edition, the WTBTS has gone ahead of Jesus; refusing to wait patiently until Jesus himself personally tells them ….’When These Things will be’!

    Speculation! Speculation! Speculation!

    Speculation has always been the hallmark of how the WTBTS studies God’s word.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Notice in this study article alone 16 different instances where words and expressions are used by WT in attempts to backpedal:

    Par 2: “A clearer understanding” and “our understanding has been clarified”

    Par 3: “For a number of years we thought” and “the great tribulation was thought”

    Par 4: “Upon further examination” and “we perceived” and “several clarifications”

    Par 5: “We also discerned”

    Par 10: “Previously, we thought” and “We concluded”

    Par 11: “The Watchtower reexamined”

    Par 14: “Needs to be adjusted”

    Par 17: “In the past, we have stated” and “a further consideration” and “an adjustment in our understanding”

    Par 19: “How does this adjusted view”

  • SAHS

    Thank you, Blondie, for making such a crucial consideration available to us a week in advance so that we may actually have a chance to use your comments when that cordless microphone gets passed. Hopefully this will commence a pattern henceforth in perpetuity.

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