remember the disclaimer of not actually being prophets ,, so why bother speculation on how close ? The problem with them is they like to speak as a prophet but they actually wind up talking out their ass and they are afraid to say it is only an opinion
Dec 2013 Study Edition
by breakfast of champions 54 Replies latest members private
Along with Listeners comments Gen. 1:14 " And God went on to say: "Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and night ; and they must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years ." When they fall on His appointed days they mean something . Even though we haven't been taught the importance of them . Lev. 23: 37 says " These are the seasonal festivals of Jehovahthat you should proclaim as holy conventions, " Notice it says festivals of Jehovah not of the jews . So a blood moon on one of His holy days can mean something signifacant will happen . Col. 2:16-17 "Therefore let no man judge you in eating and drinking or in respects of a festival or of a sabbath ; for those are a shadow of the things to come "
Blood moons - ooooohhh. I had better prepare my virgin sacrifices to Satan.
Even IF something of Biblical significance were coincide with this blood moon, the Watchtower is wrong ... now, if there was a blood moon in 1914 when Jesus' supposedly took kingdom power (what would be a bigger event than this) and at the selection of the supposed faithful and discreet slave in 1919, then the JW's might be on to something ... anybody with a less than 100% accuracy rate is a false prophet.
I wonder how this would differ from practicing astrology.
Blood moons - as others have pointed out - are merely NATURAL PHENOMENA, we can predict them accurately.
So why would God be so stupid as to tell us these are signs - unless of course he keeps us ignorant like the witlesses.
label licker
You just answered your question. Yehovah knew how stupid humans are and there's nothing more simple then what Listener and Shaul are saying.How simpler do you want it. He's showing us visual signs that are too coincedental. Go back to the hall where people like propaganda dropped in their laps. OR just be open minded to something that really makes sense, learn from it and watch. See how the spring feasts lined up with the prophecies and now the fall feasts. Starting with the feast of Trumpets this Sat
Just as each feast has an origination it also has intermediate and final fullfillments. Punch in Red Moon Rapture and see starting Nov 28 2013 we see Hanukkah comet which happens on when???? Then on April 15 2014 we have a blood moon which happens on Jewish Passover. Another blood moon on 08 of October 2014 which lands on Feast of Tabernacles. But then on March 20 2015 there's a solar eclipse that falls on Jewish New Year. Next is April 4th 2015 and is a blood moon on the Jewish Passover. September 13 2015 is a solar eclipse on the Feast of Trumpets and then Sept 28 2015 another blood moon and ends on Feast of Tabernacle. These "natural phenomena" are lined up to the day and feasts. You got any better ideas than what is being shown here??????????????????????????????????????//
Luke 21:25-28
Luke 21:36
bats in the belfry
Blood moons?
Uhhhh . . . I am quaking in my boots . . .
Aren't we supposed to abstain from blood?
Maybe they are fractions of blood moons?
Blood moons?