Do not underestimate the depths of their stupidity.
Dec 2013 Study Edition
by breakfast of champions 54 Replies latest members private
"one point she read: The great Tribulation is imminent and that we should avoid people who deny this."
This is just another example of the Watchtower leaders - the Governing Body - acting like the boy who called wolf - using fear to incite it's members! They should be ashamed of themselves. These self-appointed leaders are a bunch of lunatics masquerading as a ligitimate spokesman for God and Jesus. (Their history of failed interpretations of the end-times leaves them with NO credibility whatsoever! And because it's all recorded, anyone can research this fact.)
The great Tribulation is imminent and that we should avoid people who deny this. also: Article about the Memorial. It stresses how important it is that we are present and one article is getting into details about the Passover and that it meant liberation, so also the Memorial for us. It is said that the Nisan 14th was always a date of liberation. All that's missing now is the amazing new light that all Witnesses are supposed to partake at the final Memorial before the end comes, and that each congregation should make sure to use the special wine bottles that are being shipped from headquarters to each Hall. This Memorial will truly be a date of liberation.
Imminent in the WT dictionary means; soooooooooooon
If I may continue "eyeuse2badub's" comment: "... and soon means NEVER!"
Narcissistic Supply
Batshit crazy.
I even remember a recent WT study article that said, "The end is coming VERY SOON NOW!"
That's why I say that the WTS has not a shred of credibility with me (and I don't know why any JW [member] should feel as though they [it's leaders] deserve any credibility with all of their false promises for over 100 years).
So again some pretend to know the day and the hour...
The day of wrath of Jehovah will come like a thief in the night.
Lets see how this "new light" copes with the two mentioned scriptures...
They also said at the 2013 DC,' that anyone who does not believe the end is coming in YOUR lifetime has been deceived by Satanic lies.' There is a lot of wiggle room there. Who's lifetime? A 20 year old's, or maybe a 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 year old's lifetime?! Maybe a new-born's?
How deeply do JW's really believe that the "End" is close ?
I asked an Elder "How close?"once "Ten, Twenty years ?" he replied "Oh, not that long !"
So, I challenged him, I said "O.K sell me everything you own for £1, and I will not collect until 25 years from now".
Did he sell to me ? Guess.