How I see it in JW land

by tornapart 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tylinbrando

    I am full blown apostate vocal about WT abuse policies yet the die hards still alive that watched me grow up and their children still communicate with me about all things organization. I agree with the OP. They are fatigued. Disillusioned. Apathetic. Seeking answers but locked in to the cult catch net. When they can't envision another life, it is easiest for them to play their roles grow older in routine and await death.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    They're running out of ideas... The "dirty 30" gimmick just before the memorial has lost its appeal with adult JWs while the Caleb child videos are starting to lose their effectiveness on JW children... So what are they to do? ... That's easy... invite everyone to the annual meeting via Dell projector and announce a new Bible...

    This should be interesting...

  • 3rdgen

    I ran into a sister not long ago who said "most of us are the walking dead". I ran into another sister who LOOKED like death walking who is taking care of 2 elderly parents while working part time, and attending a ASL language cong.(not deaf but the need was great, supposedly) I said," G***, these old ladies will kill you if you let them" She replied, "it's too late" and shuffled off. I really feel bad for her and the others who are stuck. OTOH, I have recently run into another family who's husband has become reactivated after 15 years out. They are all aggog about the troof these days. These JWs have 6 children. Two of them married brothers from a family of 6 children. There are a bazillion grandchildren. They are ALL Jdumbs. The org will live on more as a club than anything else,

  • rmt1

    "The org will live on more as a club than anything else"

    A plausible and practical formulation. All the inner party requires is money. It would be consistent with any other lifeform if the collective beast accepted lower levels of existence because it could only get lower levels of money. It would also be consistent and reasonable that to get that lower level of money the beast would have to ease up on something doctrinal, just by a hair. That is if it is governed by rational actors, which I think it is, and not madmen who would bet their own life, >>As in a Roman colleseum<<, that they have a real red phone to god. I think they are rational actors, tenacious to the point of appearing mad, but rational, calculating, weighing every word choice for ambiguity and flexibility, weighing every sentence for the quotient of (implied unarticulated mandate / plausible deniability), weighing every move to the cent.

    It's a great question of which will cause the most decline, apathy or apostacy. Or I'll say, apathy or apocalypse*****.

    *****Instead of playing TWS' game where apostates are a brand name level boss, I will use the etymology apo-kalyptein, 'away from covering', revealing, to convey what is happening to the TWS by many means not limited just to formal apostates. TWS is being revealed. TWS is getting its very own Revelations, its very own apocalypse, to go by etymology.

  • JakeM2012

    " They are fatigued. Disillusioned. Apathetic. "

    And may I respectfully add,....

    They are increasingly growing bitter that the taught expections have rendered nothing in the last 130 years, and they are less intolerant of ones that have doubts of the FDS leadership, and certainly the lack of any literal fulfillments of said prophecy or their continueance to following such non-sense certainly reflects poorly on their intellect.

    Case in point: My mom baptised in 1934 at one of Rutherford's "Childrens" conventions, is sticking with the FDS no matter what, but she is bitter and hateful with a "True Christian" smile. And while not able to live in the same state, I still love her.

    Endearing qualities.

  • smiddy


    As a teenager I read " On The Beach" by Neville Shute and at the time enjoyed the movie when it came out. Despite what Ava Gardiner was supposed to have said about Melbourne at the time , it truly now is a great city.

    I`m sorry I didnt mean to take it off topic tornapart

    Back to topic

    Surely how many times can you dangle a carrot in front of a mule before it wakes up . Ohhh.... thats right jehovahs witnesses must have the brains of mules , they dont wake up.

    In defence of long time jehovahs witnesses ,and I do mean long time ,it is extremely hard to admit you have been conned all these years ,that you were wrong , that is a hard thing for proud people to admit .and that is why so many try to defend the indefensible.However being true to yourself admitting your misplaced loyalties will give you much more peace of mind .


  • grumblecakes

    i dunno, most i know are going strong

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    The truth ain't the same as it used to be...that's what I've heard some say, before they began shunning me.

  • L3G

    Thanks for the thread and so many insightful responses, tornapart and all.

    A special thanks to JakeM2012 for your thoughts. You have a PM.

  • steve2
    The org will live on more as a club than anything else,

    This about sums it up for me. A case of 'it's all they know and are comfrotable with'. My family who are still in will probably stay in - but the fire is gone and all that is left is a fear-based lack of vision on how their lives could be different and better. The organization offers the best chance they have of some minimal "comfort" in a perceived cold and cruel world. A case of better the Devil you know?

    What a shame that a religion that once vigorously challenged householders to "examine" their religion and to not obey men as rulers and boldly argued the Watchtower was radically different from all other organized religions now has its members running for cover when any meaningful discussion arises.

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