JW drone posted typical JW response about Syria on my Facebook wall

by TheStumbler 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheStumbler

    I like to keep politics and religion off my Facebook. I have friends. Colleagues and relatives on there from all different backgrounds. I apply the same rules I would at any social gathering with such a mixed group of people and acquaintances.

    Recently I read an article in NewScientist about how a lot of the effects from chemical weapons can be mitigated with medicines and knowing what to do in the event of an attack. The article suggested that the UN/international community dropping information pamphlets and medicine on Syria would be more effective than bombing Assad's government. I thought it was a great idea and who could object to such humanitarianism so posted the link on Facebook. Raise awareness a bit.

    My Dad (JW Elder ubber Dub) posted a rambling response about how science created these weapons and asked what has science done to improve world conditions

    I wasn't sure whether to reply, ignore or delete his comment was so wrong I couldn't let it go so I wrote a short and sweet reply; 'science is a method of enquiry so is amoral. It is down to people how it is applied'.

    He replied and confused 'amoral' with 'amoral' but he essentially said that scientists who develop weapons are immoral which I kind of agree with to an extent. so I liked his comment and wrote; 'Exactly. science is a tool. Like a hammer, you can use it to build something or smash someone in the face with. If someone hits another person in the face with a hammer you don't blame the hammer'.

    Then he hit me with the most cliche JW response about how Syria shows human governments never work and science can't solve any problems. Blah blah blah. It was classic watchtower rhetoric.

    I didn't want to get drawn into a discussion about religion on Facebook but didn't want him to use my Facebook page as a platform for his mindless propoganda. I was angry so I deleted all his comments on the subject and my own comments in response to him.

    how should I have handled this situation? Left his comments up so everyone could see his zealotry, refuted his claims or just deleted his comments like I did?

    and is it me or do all JWs speak and write the same and adopt the same Watchtoerr rhetoric, tone and vocabulary? Eg 'evidently' and 'man's inhumanity to man' and 'human wisdom'. It just sounds corny and not at all educated which you can tell is how they are trying to cone across.

    sorry, my post is a bit rambling itself. I'm just venting!

  • TheStumbler

    and sorry about typos. I'm on a smart phone on a train and I have large fingers.

  • zeb

    well handled. Pleasant journey.

  • alanv

    To be honest I think I would have left them on and added a comment about whether one country messing up means all other countries are no good. You could remind him that his comments are seen by many and he will be a laughing stock if he thinks all countries act the same which clearly thet do not.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I don't know you could have handled it bro, because I woulda been spouting the same crud as him just a year ago...I don't know what the answer is, but just keep moving forward, knowing you're not in that depressing "everything humans do is so terrible so why bother" JW mindset.

    It feels good to not have to have all the answers...

  • snare&racket

    The thing with brainwashing is that you need to reinforce it, this includes winning arguments. I am sure he went on to tell another jw how he clarified the reality of the situation for you.

    Jw's dont have the truth, they have the last word. They think any answer is an answer no matter how ill informed or ignorant. They think if they make one good point or ask one question that cant be answered, then they have won the debate. Of course they never apply this logic to their beliefs...EVER.ironically the scientific method (francis bacon) and the watchtower are not far off the same age in the grand scheme of history, yet what has WT done for the world or humans at all In that time, in conparison to the scientific approach of observation? The jw idea of 'science" and 'scientists' is so cartoonish. it says it all that a method for seeking truth and accuracy naturally becomes the enemy of such organisations as WT.

    With the greatest respect and humility and with appreciation for what you may be going through, i would still suggest making the most of such opportunities by exposing them to somethng new. You can even do it in a nice way, you could have simply asked 'dad, what does science mean to you?'

    Once he gave his reply you could simply send him the scientific method and show him that he is getting angry with and demonising a method. A list of 5 things on how to observe things in our universe with as much accuracy as possible in 2013 whilst being mere humans.

  • sherrie11

    One of my first awakenings was trusting in human nature, it wasn't easy for quite some kind. One day it clicked the JW's belittle humanity. here I was staring down the barrel of a world full of humanity via charities and opinion of individuals. The world is full of contradictions but i believe from the bottom of my heart human nature cherishes peaceful outcomes for all. when I was in 'the truth' i ignored fireman rescuing people and strangers saving others life. Acts of unselfishness. It was a major moment of realising i had be disillusioned. As John Lennon said lets give peace a chance. Lets give humanity a chance with all our foibles as humans.

    If deleting the comment made you feel better than good for you.

  • TheStumbler

    @ nare&racket.

    spot on. His prejudice against science was so transparent in his comments. As was his misunderstanding of science shown by his asking questions such as 'has science brought attention to the harms it has caused'. How exactly could science do this? Scientists maybe. It is so obvious JWs dislike science because it is a threat to their beliefs. Few seem to understand exactly what it is because they believe truth is revealed through authority not enquiry.

    It annoys me so much that JWs almost seem to relish these atrocities. Their beliefs are so rarely validated externally to the Watchtower. They seem to love natural disasters and atrocities yet somehow rarely mention the improved health, living standards, mortality rates, disease prevention and the relative global peace since 1945

  • RubaDub

    In those situations, I like to mention that the faithful and discreet slave (JF Rutherford at that time) said that "Religion is a Snare and Racket." I say I agree with that totally.

    You see how religion has brought so much harm to world with war after war throughout history often based on religious differences. And then religions fleecing money from the people to build bigger and bigger buildings, expect the people to work for nothing, and then reap all the benefits. Religions have used slaves or volunteers (moodern day slaves) to expand their riches and what do the people get back? Typically an answer like "Give us more money, we need your money, we need to expand."

    Yes, JF Rutherford was absolutely right, Religion is a Snare and Racket.

    Rub a Dub

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    The Stumbler

    I think what you posted originally sounded very sensilbe and am glad the UK seems to have learnt the lesson of Afghanistan and Iraq as parliament voted against military action against Syria. Chemical Weapons are a poor countries WMD and as such are relatively ineffective and as the scientist explained can be countered in various ways. While the use of CW is deporable and horrible, particularly against women and children, it pales into insignificance as compared with Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    My wife tries to use Syria as proof that the end is near but I have pointed out to her that this smacks of desperation as anyone who is remotely familiar with world history knows that it is a very minor conflict when compared with other wars through the course of history. But perspective is not big in the JW worldview.

    I think if I had been in your position I would have made some withering comments about the idiocy of your father's commentary - maybe asking him about science's contribution to his ability to make a facebook comment and in every other aspect of his life and how if the WBTS ruled the world, in which science was discouraged, we (well luckily not us as we would have been eaten by birds) or whover was left would be living in the dark ages and rather than living forever would be dying of basic diseases. In comparsion your response was very restrained.



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