JW drone posted typical JW response about Syria on my Facebook wall

by TheStumbler 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheStumbler

    my dad emailed me regarding me deleting his comments and said he thought it was a 'weakness' and 'unreasonable' to express an opinion and then take 'actions to prevent others doing the same'. He also said he was 'dissapointed' that I decided other people should not see his comments and 'form their own opinions'.

    The hypocracy is staggerring. And why does he always use ad hominems!

    I deleted all the comments, his and mine. I explained that I deleted them because it was not an appropriate forum. Not to censor him. He's free to post what he wants on his own wall.

    I'm not sure how to respond. I will wait until I calm down first.

    should I post apostate links on his Facebook page and call out his hypocrisy if he removes them?

  • besty

    maybe prime one of your other friends with 'your' responses so your father has to debate with a stranger?

    takes the emotion out of it, and your dad has to justify his beliefs to someone who has no prior knowledge of JW wackery, and will begin to sound really weird really quickly...

  • TheStumbler

    That's a great idea. Even easier. I could create a fake profile but make it very private. Add them to my friends.

    I could then ask something like 'don't JWs believe everyone in the world is going to die in Armageddon'. I know he would deny this so my fake friend could drop some watchtower qoutes. He'd have to deny the quotes or admit he lied and I know which one is more likely (he'll deny the quotes). I can come in and drop some truth bombs and verify the quotes. I would have to lure him into making another comment on my wall though. Not sure if that will happen now. Unless I apologize for deleting his posts.

    I'm still so angry!

  • besty

    apologize and put his posts backup if possible - play the long game :-)

  • TheStumbler

    I'm not sure if you can undelete Facebook posts.

    I'm confident he will deny only JWs will survive Armageddan if he is asked because he denies it to me even though he knows I have thevWatchtower CD ROM and scans of magazines where the Watchtower has claimed only JWs will survive.

    It would be easier to just post JWfacts.com links on his wall and then use his own words against him.

    I still can't believe he played tge freedom of speech card when, as an elder, he denies that right to other people with the threat of cutting them off from their families.

  • besty

    you didn't mention your own status - are you a fader or what?

  • TheStumbler

    No. My parents separated when I was young and my Dad remarried and became a JW. I was not raised a JW but I was dragged along to plenty of Bible studies but I knew from an early age it was rubbish (I loved reading about science so I knew the flood story and Adam and Eve were myths).

    I'm not at any risk from shunning and my Dad knows I have read 'apostate' material.

  • besty
  • TheStumbler

    I bought him Demon Haunted world once but he didn't read it. I think I bought him a copy of Dawkin's Blind Watchtmaker once as well. It was returned.

    I've had a sleep on it and I'm still angry. I think I will reply to his email. But I will wait until I calm down a bit first

  • TheStumbler

    I've written this email. Not sure whether to send it. I'll think on it.

    I think you are reacting.I removed my own comments as well as yours. This is nothing to so with censorship or freedom of speech. You can write what ever you want on your own Facebook page. I am not stopping you. You won't find a bigger advocate of free speech than me. I even support the right of your religion to spread hate speech.

    But just because I think you should be free to say what you want does not mean I am obliged to give you a platform (associated with my name and reputation) to do so. If your opinion is so important that everyone must hear it then start a blog. Don't spoil my Facebook page with your inane Watchtower rhetoric and talking points.

    I removed the comments because I don't think Facebook is an appropriate forum to discuss religion or politics. I have friends, family and colleagues on there from all different backgrounds and with many different beliefs. Some topics are best left alone.
    And frankly I was embarrassed by your comments. You are surrounded by Jehovah's witnesses and spend hours a week at meetings. You don't realize how weird your comments sound to an outsider.

    Regarding your comment;

    'I believe it to be a human weakness and unreasonable for anyone to express their opinion and then take actions to prevent others doing the same by allowing to form their own opinions with an open mind, as this is what leads to conflicts such as we have currently'

    Sheer hypocrisy. How would you react if I posted apostate material on your Facebook? Would you keep it up so people could 'form their own opinions with an open mind'? We shall soon see.

    And how can you claim freedom of speech when, as an elder, you deny this right to others. You would disfellowship a Jehovah's witness in your congregation (cut them off from all their friends and family) if they expressed their opinion that they no longer believed the Governing Body is the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

    And yet you compare my actions (mild in comparison to breaking apart families) to the same actions that lead to the mass murder of women and children. Do you really that is an acceptable thing to say?

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