If they did this they would be shooting themselves in the foot from all the back lash following a purge that even the severly indoctrinated would start to question motives for such treatment of the flock, all appearences of love would vanish over the heart break that would follow after elders hold one committee after another they would feel like guards over a concentration camp.
Mass Disfellowshippings of Inactive Ones
by bytheirworks 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Bring it on! How could they reconcile the story of the shepherd going to save (slaughter) the lost sheep?
I think they will continue , by using C.O's as in the post above, to tighten control so that the R&F do not listen to those of us who are simply inactive officially, but are in possesion of TTATT, and wish to share it.
I doubt anything will appear in print directly, just mind-controlled oblique references to back up the C.O's already planted ideas.
The problem with claiming the door of the Ark is shut is that such a claim would be the death knell for the whole shebang. Once ten or so years had passed it would be obvious that the seven days or whatever it was in Genesis were well over.
Also, and this is the important thing, they have an urgent need for more recruits, not less, and the preaching work in any form would stop if the Door was shut.
They are haemorhaging members at an alarming rate, and even more are becoming inactive, or nearly, though still attending. Such ones do not put their hand in their pocket as willingly as before.
New recruits keep the donations flowing, and it is all about the $$$$£££££
I have heard that comment about inactive ones who arnt abiding by WT standards, should be shunned, although no announcement is made.
Its already happened - just invisibly :-)
there are already plenty inactive ones who are treated as though DF'd
In the early 1980's, if an active, unbaptized publisher was involved in behavior that was a disfellowshipping offense they were 'disassociated'. The judicial action was announced and that person was completely shunned. This policy was short lived but many (particularly young adults) never returned.
This original post may be rumor but don't consider it rubbish. This new Governing Body/Faithful & Discreet Slave will continue to change policies and manipulate scripture to fit their new objective - OBEY.
darth frosty
Like others said good rumor.
But to go ahead and speculate anyway...if they were to do this I wonder how it will stir the R&F?
I know for the most part they will ignore it as they do every major back-track and rule/dogma change that the WT$ has implemented. But in theory there would have to be a few who say: Dang thats kinda messed up to DF someone for not attending meetings.
The voluntary nature of their ministry has been the legal defense against allegations of child labor for many years. They're not going to yank the rug out from under it.
In the early 1980's, if an active, unbaptized publisher was involved in behavior that was a disfellowshipping offense they were 'disassociated'. The judicial action was announced and that person was completely shunned. This policy was short lived but many (particularly young adults) never returned.
So, ginger, it's simply more of the same...nothing new. It's like an observation made by some that, immediately folowing a district convention, elders are for a time extremely vigilant and "policy-driven", but as the months pass and they get back into the old boring grind, there's a bit of a let up, a reduced level of tub-thumping. That means that when the cycle of a stricter stand re-emerges, to the uninitiatied it looks as though the whole organization has becoming stricter when it's simply another cycle of ramped up rhetoric. There is nothing new under the sun, huh?