There were many Christian monarchies outside of the Holy Roman Empire and the Protestants were just as political as today's Evangelicals.
Everyday, 16,000 Muslims Convert to Christianity.
by Perry 54 Replies latest watchtower bible
Agreed. But, I wasn't talking about Catholics or Protestants, or evangelicals...just simple people who heard about Jesus and believed on him. Millions of these kinds of Christians have always existed over the last two millenia.
I'd bet that once some of these new converts really start to examine the deeper truths of Christianity they would come to the same inevitable conclusion that in the end it is no better than the same "we're better you", "god is on our side" doomsday mindset.
Real Christians consider themselves as less than their neighbors, servants of their fellow man: This man has a pretty amazing testimony.
"Real Christians"? You MUST be trolling as a parody of a Christian or something, as a "real Christian" couldn't be so unaware of Jesus' teachings as to say something like that, could they? Could any "real Christian" NOT know that the role of judging humanity on Judgment Day is not up to humans, but Jesus? Talk about arrogance, usurping the responsibility of Jesus!
Matthew 7
1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
If there's two-words in the English language that could more-strongly indicate someone who is NOT a "real Christian", I can't think of what they might be, since "real Christian" is a concept that's as oxymoron as they get (if not actually crossing over into ultra-moronic territory).
Who did you vote for in the last presidential primary Perry? How about Senators and Congressman?
I want to thank you for posting that link. I watched the whole thing. It was AMAZING. I want to repost it here to try to put in player format:
@Perry- Real Christians consider themselves as less than their neighbors.
Yes, that pretty much sums up the mock humility that is typical within Christianity, and lends support to what I mentioned. Additionaly, I don't recall anywhere Jesus ever said that his disciples should consider themselves less than their neighbors. Logically why would they consider themselves less than those on the broad road marked for destruction?
What is a Real Christian anyway?
Perry, A radical Islamic suicide bomber is essentially an acolyte who is seeking to be a true or real Muslim, and proving it by killing the infidel - carrying out gods will of destruction of non-believers. So when real christians view others as "inferiors" in secret or otherwise they are basically supporting the same ideals in the long run as the suicide bomber. What differs is the method employed; bombs in one hand while the other waits for god to destroy the non-believers.
Adamah - Great point about judging others, and it's kinda hard not to when there is thousands of different flavors of xtianity and each has to market their brand for membership. It has worked great for the JW's for the last century.
How about we all just be members of one religion, the religion of common good for all people of the world? How much time and energy has been wasted on the ignorance of people trying to convert them from one faith to another?
I wonder if that is similar to the number of xians that become Satanists. I do know that plenty of xians end up becoming atheists or agnostics, and most of the ones that are faithful xians to the death are the souls that are so old and set in their ways that, even if their own god were to speak to them, they would still not believe. These are so stubborn that they will believe the LIE-ble even in the face of blatant proof that their LIE-ble is wrong.