The WT study yesterday

by molybdenum 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jeffro


    ( Apologies for the large space at the top I don't quite know why )

    Your post is formatted with mostly non-breaking spaces, and seems to be within a table cell. The resultant block can't be displayed in line with the area for ads at the top-right of the page, so it's getting pushed down. Perhaps you copied your text from another program, or from something you had already posted to a different website?

    I took a look round to see how the members of the congregation were reacting to this.

    Disappointing. But not surprising. Most JWs will just lap it up like nothing significant has changed.

  • mP

    They dont react, because they are basically in Homer mode, and barely listening or comprehending.

  • Phizzy

    Thanks go to Blondie, for her Comments you Will Not Hear, excellent as usual, perhaps even more important than her other excellent work, in that this deals with major shifts in WT Doctrine.

    When this is all over ,is it 3 studies ? perhaps we can create a thread made up simply of questions as in Splash's excellent post above.

    Then we can print off the list of questons and give them to J.W's

    As most JW's have an attention span of less than a micro-second I think this will be helpful to them, no embellishing or explaining, simply the questions.

  • eyeuse2badub

    I asked my (still active jw) wife what she thught of the 'new lite' study yesterday. Of course, she said it was wonderful. I asked her if she thougth that this 'new lite' was TRUTH. "Of course", she said. So then I asked her, "what was it that we used to believe?" She didn't answer.

  • Phizzy

    eyeuse2, a great question that we need to keep throwing at JW's, along with, "If it all changes every few years, how do we know the latest ideas are the final ones, or are truth ?, how can we tell?"

  • Oubliette

    eyeuse2badub: So then I asked her, "what was it that we used to believe?" She didn't answer.

    Great line. I'm gonna' use it!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    What do you do when life hands you a lemon?

    Well that's what WT has done to the elders across the 110,000+ congregations worldwide! WT has just made the elders' work of teaching from the platform that much harder.

    I could tell from this weeks coverage of the first article in the July 15, 2013 Study Edition that that is exactly what our Watchtower Study conductor was having to do.......come across as positive as he possibly could, knowing that he himself was selling the congregation a load of horse-pucky.

    There will be a price to pay for all these changes in this magazine.

    My guess is that a goodly amount of elders will come to feel like a used-car salesman who is about to unload a clunker on their fellow brethren!

    You elders who are visiting this website, be truthful, do you really believe that all this 'new light' is a God-Sent?

  • molybdenum

    If you were in a court of law as a witness, you would be asked to swear to tell" the whole truth and nothing but the truth"

    However, if you changed your story many times but in your defence said,

    "Well, I believed what I said was the truth at the time, but what I am saying now is the truth, however

    I might change my mind again in the future", you would probably not be considered to be a reliable witness,

    would you. Perhaps even be in contempt.

  • wasblind

    Exactly molybdenum

  • Crazyguy

    Good points Splash, another question that could be added was what did Jesus mean when he said 'I will be with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things'?

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