A bit of background first: my mom's sister died 2 years ago. She wasn't a JW. She was far too smart to be one to be honest. A great woman who had a trying life and died after 2 transplants and years of illness. Although she wasn't a JW her and my mom were close. So her death has opened the proverbial can of worms in my mom's life because I think it's when she realised that blood relation truly matter more than religion.
A lot of positive things have come out from this sad event, some of these being my mom addressing some heavy emotional baggage with a psycho therapist. Some of her issues I knew of, others I was completely unaware of until a couple of weeks ago, but I know that this all thing started with my aunt's death.
My parents live about 5K miles away from me so we aren't seeing each other every other weekend more like every other year...and last year when I visited them she hinted how much she was missing her sister among other things. It was obvious to me that the hope of resurrection was not that much comforting to my mother even if she is a devout JW. She mentioned how, even though she misses her now, she is happy that she will see her sister in the new world and they will be reunited, and how she's thankful for the hope of resurrection because it helps her cope.
When my aunt was alive, she greatly disliked the JW. She was a havid reader of politics, philosphy and anything that was clever to read and said to me many times how she felt sorry that her sister (my mom) who was the only one of 3 siblings who had the opportunity to get a proper education, instead wasted her life on BS beliefs. She hated how the JW teachings came between my parents and I. My parents shunned me for 2-3 years and was thanks to my aunt who talked sense into my dad first and then my mom, that we got reunited.
In the 37 years that she lived through my mom & dad conversion to JW she had plenty opportunities to hear about "the truth". My mom tried all ways and angles to get her interested but she never ever was. So she knew about Jehovah, she knew about the WT, sometime she even read the publications, yet she refused to believe.
Now here's my question: aren't JW taught that those non-believers who will be resurrected in the New World would be a) people who didn't know about Jehovah etc. and b) people who Jehovah decided have a good heart?
If my aunty refused over and over to believe in the JW doctrines, to believe in god as Jehovah (she always had major issues as to why a loving god would allow so much trouble to happen inthe world) despite being so close to it for many years, would she not qualify for NOT being resurrected?
Where does that leave my mother, who is CONVINCED her sister will be resurrected?