I hear ya. I'm hoping after she'll finish grieving, that she'll have a softer point of view. In recent years talking to my mom I have realized how she has opened her mind to a lot of things that the WT would really frown upon. An example. only 10-12 years ago when I mentioned I was practicing yoga she flipped. Personally, I wasn't doing it for any spiritual reason to find my nirvana or something, it was offered free at my work place so hell yeah I'm took the classes to relax and keep fit, but when I told her she had the typical JW ignorant reaction. 8-9 years pass and she tells me how she's reading all these holistic books, and talks to me about chakras this chakras that 3rd eye how we are one with the universe and all that new age stuff ... my reaction? Was WTF! LOL Honestly I thought she was posessed or something. So with little questions here and there I found out she reads a lot of interesting books that I wouldn't think would be in your average JW's library. The best part is that she actually believes in it.
Then she does have some other little rebellious tendencies towards the arrangements of the WT. Like for example, their congregation is on the border between 2 districts and they always are sent for DC to a city that's like 100 miles away, when there's one DC hall that's only 35-40 miles away, so categorically every time whether is a DC or AC she makes up excuses for her and my dad to go at the closer hall. It's not big things but I think they can be indications that I may have some hope that at the right time, if I dig enough I'll manage to get her thinking.
Yeah as usual the WTS is trying to cover both sides.
I was actually thinking something else about the resurrection:
I remember that the WTS always wrote they don't know how and when and how many at the time will be resurrected, that jehovah/jesus will direct when the time comes. But I was thinking this:
there's 1000 years. Say that people are resurrected gradually instead of all at once (would make sense as I imagine that the majority dead are grown people who needs to eat solid food and will need solid accomodation) it's not guaranteed that all of these people will accept the new world, the new kingdom etc. What if these people who are not interested in the living forever etc. display their old characteristics. Maybe they are violent or, dishonest, murderers, rapists etc. Are they telling me that these folks will move around with the righteous for a 1000 years, even if it was less 7-8-500 years...
what would the world become with all these people on the loose? Will they be disintegrated instantly if they don't conform?
I am also interested to know about that non-sense that is that "little" time that Satan and his angels will be released at the end of the 1000 years for a final test. If that little time is anything like (providing it's real) the length of time it's taking for god to take action....it's going to be a joke.
And most of all, how many tests do people need to endure?!?! They already lived a troubled life now as it is, then you give them a little bit of sugar with the 1000 years and test them again? It is a joke.