Memorial attendance in the USA a DROP of 59,404 from two years ago

by Watchtower-Free 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WingCommander

    I figure they had to Disfellowship/Ex-Communicate/Shun/kick-out-on-your-asses that many people for brazen conduct, AT LEAST!


    - Wing Commander

  • jwfacts

    Londo111 - Actaully do we have the US Memorial attendance from times past? That will help deterimine if this is a fluke or not.

    The figures traditionally drop every now and again. It is a bit early to tell if the decrease will become a regular trend. Following are global figures.

  • mauiboy

    If it continues to drop there will undoubtedly be some "NEW LIGHT" concerning the love of the greater number cooling off. See, fulfillment of prophecy: proof that these are the last days, and Jehovah is backing his people by using them to fulfill the prophets.........duh.

  • Apognophos

    It would be interesting to chart the change in attendance from year to year (adjusted for growth in Witnesses) against the day of the week that year's Memorial fell on. I have a feeling that the occasional decline is due to that day of the week just not being as convenient for a lot of studies who are on the fence about going.

  • whathappened

    Yeah, gret news! If Jehovah was really blessing this crazy organization, it wouldn't matter what day of the week the Memorial fell on.

  • slimboyfat
    According to the September 2013 Kingdom Ministry, the Memorial attendance in the USA this year was 2,504,114. This is a DROP of 59,404 from two years ago!

    Mmm, and up 2000 from last year. Nice selective use of statistics there.

  • WTWizard

    Hopefully, that is 59,404 more people that are realizing that it isn't good to reject Astaroth without at least pretending to get something from Jesus, or to reject Jesus without getting something from Astaroth in return. After all, the jokehovian witlesses do claim to be Christian--so why virtually everyone rejects Jesus (who is supposed to be the xian god) is a good question. I could see if they proclaimed to be a Jewish/Christian hybrid upfront, but they claim to be pure Christian.

    At least I don't claim to be xian, so I am not bound to xian rules. And I don't have to pretend.

  • redvip2000

    There is a subset of the attendees which are purely visitors with no allegiance whatsoever to the Watchtower org. It is this group that makes the total number fluctuate so much, mostly because of the day of the week the celebration takes place.

  • jws

    Perhaps we are starting to see a new wave of fallout from the overlapping generations of a couple of summers ago. Some may not have left right away, maybe made it to another memorial, but became increasingly displeased and finally left.

  • sir82

    Agreed that picking the number from 2 years ago is a bit convenient.

    But on the other hand, one can also state that attendance has been more or less flat for the past 3 years. No indication of "the little one becoming a thousand" - what little new interest there is, is offset by normal JW mortality.

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