used to cringe when we remained seated, I just didn't see the point of seeming so disrespectful.
13:5-7)5 There is therefore compelling reason for YOU people to be in subjection, not only on account of that wrath but also on account of [YOUR] conscience. 6 For that is why YOU are also paying taxes; for they are God’s public servants constantly serving this very purpose. 7 Render to all their dues, to him who [calls for] the tax, the tax; to him who [calls for] the tribute, the tribute; to him who [calls for] fear, such fear;to him who [calls for] honor, such honor
profound admiration.... adoration paid,
Someone says, "You are the one and only God. Who is the Almighty creator of Heaven and Earth. There is no God before you."
people are not going to bow down to him honoring him" something or someone just means that you respect them and you respect there wishes.
Someone says, "We gather here today to honor the achievement of "Mr. Bob"! This whole gathering or something is for "Bob. Or to honor your father & mother ... Someone says, "We gather here today to honor the achievement of "Mr. Bob"! This whole gathering or something is for "Bob
Admiring" someone or something means you respect what they have or have not done or you like the way they do things or even the way they look. You may truly admire an earthly father or mother from your heart
Someone says, "We gather here today to honor the achievement of "Mr. Bob"! This whole gathering or something is for "Bob
Respect: "to look back at something / to regard something"... in a positive sense
Use "respect" to mean you think a person or their actions is a good example that others should follow.
Adore to regard with the utmost esteem, love , and respect; honor .. to pay divine honor to;worship: toadore God.
Horizontal honor = mutual respect as equals
vertical honor = praise, esteem, praise and esteem to those “who are superior, whether by virtue of their abilities, their rank, their services to the community, their sex, their kinship, their office, or anything else.”
worship/Love God (vertical honor .. if you feel profound awe & admiration )....
honor/respect the King .... ( because of rank and service He provides )
honor/respect fellowman ( “right to respect among equals and respect for achievements"
love your mate (because you adore love dearly as well as respect & honor them )
What then is the opposite of love and respect for God (adoration ) and fellowman ? Contempt and disrespect