I originally thought that the old testament and especially up until the prophet books were just 'history'. I forced myself to start reading them though and learned it was far from it and reading and studying those books to be very worthwhile.
Genesis, Exodus, Duet, etc have a lot of prophecy in them, as well as the gospels.
For example Genesis 49:1, "Gather yourselves together that I may tell you what will happen to you in the final part of the days." - the whole chapter is prophetic.
Compare things about Joseph and what happened to him with Jesus, as well as the entire exodus.
Remember when Jesus foretold of the destruction of Jerusalem? It was in Deut 28 it spells out what would happen to Israel if they became disobedient and unfaithful, Duet 28:49-53 is talking about them in their fortified city in the land that Jehovah is giving them, and in vs 53 how the siege will be so bad they will take to cannibalism.
Eyewitnesses documented what happened during that and their words survived to today, such as the words of Josephus about women eating their children and babies. http://www.rjgeib.com/thoughts/desolation/josephus.html
In Revelation you hear about the "Song of Moses", it's also prophetic and in the entire chapter of Duet 32.
You may also learn some new things about who is Jehovah/YahWeh or who was actually the one interacting with the Israelites if you pay close attention when going over the OT. An interlinear bible such as http://www.scripture4all.org/OnlineInterlinear/Hebrew_Index.htm can help, because most english bibles translate too many different words into just Lord or God.