
by molybdenum 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • molybdenum

    I was listening to Arnie Gundersun on Fairewinds.org


    explaining the situation at Fukushima and how the

    Japanese government is hiding the true facts.

    Especially as Tokyo is now the venue for the 2020 Olympics

    and PM Abe said in his speech " Everything is under control" which appears to be a barefaced lie.

    There is no way that this unprecendented situation

    can be considered even remotely under control.

    It would seem that the situation is beyond human control.

    The consequences of another large earthquake or some kind

    of accident with the removal of the fuel rods in reactor 4 building would

    almost certainly overshadow what has happened

    until now.

    So how does God ( Jehovah) fit into this picture.

    In Revelation 11:18 it says that God will " bring to ruin those ruining the earth"

    Or will God step in and prevent another unprecedented disaster from affecting the whole world,

    which is what would probably happen if Fukushima has another major accident.

    Would he just stand by and let this happen?

    I guess it comes down to how much faith we individually have in God and to what extent he would protect

    us from our own folly.

  • fresh prince of ohio
    fresh prince of ohio

    fukushima means that we're all going to die horribly, and soon.

    fukushima means that we're all going to die horribly, and soon.

    fukushima means that we're all going to die horribly, and soon.

    (just testing out a new method of combatting anxiety that i read about today. seems to kinda work)

  • transhuman68

    It's not a big deal, really.

    If you have ever played Sim City you will know that every so often these nuclear reactors go FOOM! and then you have to start again.

    But seriously, Fukushima is only as bad as Chernobyl was; just it is more difficult as the Japanese are trying to salvage the reactors, rather than taking the easy way out as at Chernobyl and covering them up with concrete. That's what I think is happening, anyway.

    But it's not ruining the earth- it's just people doing the best that they can whan a tsunami has destroyed an entire coastline. The insurance industry would call that an Act of God- so it's all his fault anyway, LOL.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Its just ancient prophecy coming to fruition!

  • Daniel1555


    If God would destroy those ruining the earth he would have to destroy all of us. We all pollute the earth by eating meat (animals fed by soja from places where there was rainforest, contributing to pollution more co2 and methan into the atmosphere by the burps of the cows that we breed just to kill them) by overusing earths resources, using cars and airtravel and so on and so on.

    I realised that Jws don't really care about trying to live in a way that shows respect to gods creation. Most of them think it doesn't matter how to behave in that regard as Jehovah will change it anyway after armaggeddon. They rather go to field service with their car groups, driving to each house with the car running (at least in the us, in other countries we use our legs in field service).

    My opinion about fukushima

    It's a huge manmade disaster. Of cause God will not step in in fukushima. Fortunately the earth is designed in a way that she can resolve huge impacts in her ecology. Wounds like that can heal That just needs time. We are talking here about ten- hundred thousands of years (nuclear waste) or even millions of years (climate).

    The earth will survive. If humans will be there is another question. Maybe we will end up fossilized like dinosaurs and another species in the future would try not to make the same mistakes than us.

    The earth will survive even though humanity wounds her.

  • zeb

    There are hundreds of tons of radioactive water pouring into the pacific every day. This has been detected at Hawaii. The matter that sinks to the bottom will eventually come to the surface again as the earth 'recycles' what dies and sinks back to the surface to feed the plankton and other surface feeders. So the radioactivity will resurface and be spread all over be it in a dilutted form.

    It seems the power company in japan was not government but a (giant) private concern. This means a primary allegiance to the almighty dollar.

  • designs

    I like Tuna that glows

  • Bobcat


    In Revelation 11:18 it says that God will " bring to ruin those ruining the earth"

    Revelation 11:18, "those ruining the earth," isn't directly related to pollution. Modern day pollution does make the verse easy to use for that, as if the Bible specifically prophesied about that. However the phrase is more likely an allusion to Jer 51:25 and Gen 6:11 and to moral corruption.

    The same word is used in: Lk 12:33; 2Co 4:16; 1Ti 6:5; Rev 8:9. None of which refer to land, sea or air pollution.

    The Greek word used in Rev 11:18 is a derivative of phtheiro (used in 1Co 3:17; 15:33; 2Co 7:2; 11:3; Eph 4:22; 2Pe 2:12; Jud 1:10; Rev 19:2), referring to moral pollution.

    Admittedly, ecological pollution is, in many cases, related to bad morals. This is why I said 'not directly' above. But the Society uses the verse as if its only meaning was in connection with ecological pollution.

    Take Care

  • Apognophos

    Thanks, Bobcat, that's a very good point. The people of Biblical times likely didn't have a concept of, or word for, "environmental pollution".

  • Bobcat


    I apologize for getting your screen name wrong. It wasn't intentional, but your name reminded me of a Clint Eastwood movie where the people were calling their town 'Molly-Be-Dam.' In thinking about it, I think I unintentionally spelled it out as your screen name.

    Take Care

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