Troubled - About things inside and outside the organization.
What does your ID or Nick say about you?
by LyinEyes 43 Replies latest jw friends
Angst, are you also LotsofAngst from the AOl chat rooms? Not sure if I spelled that exactly the same , but there was someone in the chat rooms by that name.
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
When I began posting on this board I had two really good friends, Ben and Jerry, that I was seeing on frequent basis. Hey, keep your grass, cocaine, wine, beer. My way to relax was with a frozen pint of those godly ice cream concoctions like New York Super Chunk, Concession Obsession, Heath Bar Crunch, Cherries Garcia, or Phish Food. I was closing in on 300 pounds when I signed onto the board. Therefore, I was truly a mega dude. Not that big anymore. Thinking of changing my name to The Poster Formerly Known as Megadude.
For anyone not familiar with the X-Files, I picked the surname of the female character, Dana Scully. She is the skeptic to Mulder's "believer" character, at least in the first few seasons. During the last several seasons, though, she's taken on more of a willingness to accept that there may be something beyond this realm, yet still keeps her medical training and ability to question as major parts of her identity.
Gillian Anderson and I also have the same birthday.
Love, Scully
termite 35
'A social insect-destructive to timber...'
I carved a wedge out of the worktop with a saw the otherday(don't ask)So that was fitting was'nt it?!Oh, and i'd just been out too.
Huh? [Looking a bit confused]
"As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
Believe in yourself, not mythology.
<x >< -
The username people choose can say so much about them.
I gave the reason for my choice in this thread that I started on the same topic.
Im glad someone brought it up again since there are newer ones here and so many that didnt get to respond before.
It is very interesting and you can get to know quite a bit about a person by their choice. -
I always thought yours was short for "Plum crazy".
That phrase is used in this area.
Kinda' means, "skilled at being totally crazy". -
After I woke up from being such a zombie, I decided that life is more enjoyable being "Myself"
Heaven, yup itis on yahoo its plum.crazy2
I had to come up with diferent variations of it for liscense plate's.
I guess a lot of people, more then I expected, use it.I to like reading about peoples IDs. makes for interesting reading.
megadudes surprized me. I thought he was stuck-upskully was easy I thought. I didn't put together the personality traits though I thought you just liked xFiles. I like that comparrison.