Climate Change Alarm "Dialed Down"

by metatron 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Possibility that future climate change could be positive for world.

    I still wholeheartedly wish nations could come together on reversing desertification thereby locking up carbon and improving climate.


  • Simon

    I think you need to read the article, not the headline / summary because it's misleading.

    What they are saying is that global warming is happening but the prediction is for ever-so-slightly less than predicted a few years ago. That's how predictions work - the actual never tracks the predicted line exactly but it wavers above and below and thus predictions go up and down too as time goes on.

    The model is so complex that refinements and changes are inevitable.

    The trend is still up.

  • besty

    Matt Ridley is a journalist with plenty skin in the denier game.

    It's not happening

    Its happening, but its a good thing <<<<<<----------where Matt Ridley has got to

    It happened.

  • metatron

    "The trend is still up".

    Viewed over decades, that's entirely correct. Viewed more short term, it's ambiguous.

    The article states:

    "It is significant because it points to the very real possibility that, over the next several generations, the overall effect of climate change could be positive for humankind and the planet".

    The Arctic ice situation is similar: the graph shows a downward curve but the recent increase in ice is claimed to be the greatest on record. Even if the downward curve continues overall, is that really disasterous?

    My point continues to be, this area is filled with speculations. I think it is fair to say that the "climate" of these speculations (if you will) as expressed in public, has recently shifted away from hysteria and towards moderation.


  • metatron

    I would also add - and this is my speculation- that the powerful elite have (quite recently) lost a surprizing amount of control over Western nations. This (I believe) was manifest in the shocking failure of Britain and the US failing to start a major war in the Middle East - and suffering embarassment by Russia.

    You are entirely free to dismiss this as a 'conspiracy rant'. However, I continue to see excessive climate change fear as a tool eagerly sought by the elite to gather more control and money.

    If they have lost influence, then I think this subject can finally be examined calmly and proper actions taken internationally that benefit the poor and middle classes, not the rich and powerful, who until recently have dominated the headlines of their mass media.


  • besty


    Mother Nature cares not for climate change science or powerful elites agendas, real or imagined.

    If your focus is on divining arcane agendas from the ebb and flow of mass media commentary, and not on scientific papers written by climate scientists, that is your prerogative.

    What you are not entitled to is your own facts, and the last two threads started by you on climate change are articles written by climate change deniers.

  • metatron

    You are free to make any hard prediction you wish concerning climate doom and we can judge your 'facts' thereby.

    Otherwise, it's too much like the Awake ........ "Soon!"

    OTOH, If I'm right about the elite, you're gonna be unhappy with emerging headlines.


  • Glander

    A $ racket built on a hoax.

  • Simon
    Viewed over decades, that's entirely correct. Viewed more short term, it's ambiguous.

    No, it's up. The article says it's up. Records show that it's up.

    The only thing going down are some people's IQs.

  • metatron


    I would point out the fact that the elite gave a Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama, that he clearly didn't deserve and doesn't deserve. They did so early in his term because I think they wanted to hype him as a secular Messiah - thus, it was propagandistic.

    Why should I not conclude that a propagandistic purpose was served in regard to Al Gore and his excessive prediction?


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