by The Searcher 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper
    Aug 2012Aug 2013Change

    House prices in Mill Hill are extremely high as shown above. The price of detached property in Mill Hill has risen by 18% in the last year alone. The bethel is situated on prime building land and is worth zillions.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Those prices are insane!!!! The WT is laughing all the way to the bank.

  • Phizzy

    I do hope as many as possible have the courage to do as you say Searcher.

    This is after all only money we are talking here, and not doctrine or religion, so, when it comes to voluntary contributions made by little old ladies and families struggling to make ends meet, such a question should be asked, and the Elders made to get a satisfactory reply.

    How many on here who still attend will have the moral courage and self respect to do so ?

    If you sit there silent in your seat, you have lost all self respect. You have burned that on the Cult's Altar.

  • westiebilly11

    very true that certain ones with expectations of promotion ensure that others know of their financial giving to the my old cong. a certain brother who received 1.2 million pounds in compensation for a car accident 20 years ago has paid towards new microphones etc etc and yet hypocritically flaunts his wealth by driving top of the range Range Rover with personal number plate and also tells poorer brothers he has to get rid of 25,000 pounds to avoid taxes.....He used to tell certain ones that he deserves to be an Elder.........I used to say to myself that the moment he was appointed /announced as an elder would be the moment I'd walk out of the meeting for my last time....thankfully I left over a year ago before this happened....

  • WTWizard

    They are getting nothing from me, no matter what. If I have money to waste on a new branch, I have money to spend on silver, Christmas lights, batteries, LED light bulbs, video games, music, MP3 players, Fenix HP-20 headlamps, battery chargers, and whatever else I feel like spending it on. That way, I will have money stored in a safe vehicle, supplies for coming hardships, and still have entertainment during the crisis. When they can produce value enough to barter or trade for services or sell for money, in a fair trade, then people will be willing to donate. Until then, they can just go out of business for all I care.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    @ NUGGET - You said, "The sickening thing is that they are not asking to borrow from the congregations" - Genius!!

    That's the counter-proposal to make - "Our congregation proposes to LEND the WTBTS of GB the sum requested. Upon sale of their London properties, they promise to repay the amount in FULL, interest free!!".

    Perfect!! That should send a loud-and-clear message to the fleecers!!

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