Adjustments In Understanding--2013/7/15/Watchtower!

by Atlantis 56 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • slimboyfat

    Thomas Covenant: well all the hoo hah about the change in the timing of the Great Tribulation and the separation of the sheep and the goats. These things were changed decades ago. What's the point of bringing them up now and mixing it up with the new "faithful and discreet slave" change? Simply to create the impression that lots of things are now "better understood". In truth only one significant change has been made recently, and that's the formal concentration of power in the hands of the Governing Body. Everything else is noise and bluster to distract from the fact that that's all that is really happening.

  • erbie

    Studying all this stuff is rather like using a Monopoly game to get a feel for the property market.

    I'm sorry folks, but I just can't see any sense in any of it.

    I'm thinking...


  • Bobcat

    Concerning the part about Malachi chapter 3 and the Temple cleansing, the July 7/15, 2013 WT says (p.12, par.8):

    "Worse, after Brother Russell's death in October 1916, opposition arose from inside the organization. Four of the seven directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society rebelled against the decision to have Brother Rutherford take the lead. They tried to cause division among the brothers, but in August 1917, they left Bethel - a cleansing indeed!"

    Here is a Wikipedia article on this topic.

    And here is the JWN search page with numerous returns on this subject for any desiring to compare.


    The part of the chart that you highlighted (concerning Daniel 12:3 and Matthew 13:43) is interesting. It appears to indicate that those two verses are talking about two different things. But the wording between the two is too similar. I think most commentators would agree that Jesus had to have been alluding to Dan. 12:3 in Mt 13:43.

    Also, the description of the resurrection in Dan 12:2 (following the mention of a unique "time of distress") closely matches how Jesus described the resurrection in John 5:28, 29. Unfortunately, for the Society, they hold that the resurrection of Dan. 12:2 was something that took place (figuratively) in 1918/19. Thus, this 'new light' forces Dan 12:3 and Mt 13:43 to be different "activities."


    Thank you for the charts!

  • designs

    None of this is particularly dangerous. Knorr was equally as scary as any of these new GBers, maybe more so. The benefit is to see its all made up stuff.

    To any JWs- Stop writing checks to the Watchtower and fade.

  • SloppyJoe

    Perhaps I missed this already but if they get appointed over the belongings at the great tribulation, this ONLY applies to the governing body at that time? So it would only apply to eight guys who would then go to heaven. Would this also apply to those who served on the governing body in the past?

  • Bobcat


    I think, as they say it, only the GB is the FDS during the last days, but when time for being given "all the belongings" comes, then all 144,000 ("Anointed Christians" in WTspeak) are given them.

    It is convoluted, to be sure, unless one sees it as an attempt to consolidate power and authority on the part of the GB. If seen that way, it makes alot of sense.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    YaddaYadda: Yes! Thank you! That is exactly how my brain feels!

    Remember the anti-drug campaign picture with an egg in the frying pan?

    "This is my brain, this is my brain on WT"

  • Bobcat

    Since the 'Wheat & Weeds' parable is being discussed today and the chart above has some things about that -

    Here (see my post on this page) is some research related to Rev 14 and the parable in Matthew 13.

    The Society always asserts that the "Wheat Class" represents only a tiny fragment of Christians.

  • label licker
    label licker

    Like Albert Einstein once said: "If you can't explain it simply then you didn't understand it well enough". Watchtower, stop teaching what you can't understand since you can't explain it simply. It's ok to mess up your cartoon magasines but don't use the bible as your excuse for your greed! It would only make sense that you would have to revise your bibles to suit your new light.

    Cannot wait for the day when watchtower pays for what they have done and this time it won't be at the expense of the publishers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Love it!

    I think the only difference had an apostate made that chart many answers would have started either yes or no to emphasize light not getting brighter but being the exact opposite.

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