This is an excellent thread.
In high school, I had a massive crush on a worldly girl. We've kept up our friendship over the last twenty-five years even when we lived on different coasts. We'd sometimes come tantalizingly close to being together, but my Witness upbringing (which I had just about abandoned when we met) has always been too much to overcome. I am convinced no one escapes the Organization without permanent emotional damage. There are too many scars from guilt and shame, too many bizarre perspectives on love and duty, to be anything otherwise.
But it is never too late to leave a sick relationship, whether that's a marriage or the always-sick relationship with the Organization.
My father-in-law has finally found freedom at age 71. It was not a slow fade. He ran from everything - his controlling, manipulative, sick wife, his just as manipulative and sick congregation. He dropped everything and moved a thousand miles away, setting up in a small apartment near my worldly sister-in-law, with little more than the clothes on his back. He will spend the last few years of his life away from sick people and sick influences. He may not make the best choices, but they will be HIS choices. I am so, so very proud of him.
Please do not look at years you spent figuring things out as squandered. This was merely time you needed to learn what was important, and sometimes that takes almost a lifetime to get past the indoctrination and guilt and lies. One year, one month, one day of freedom is worth it.
Pronomono and Diana - I wish you deep peace and love in the time ahead.