Anybody else in the situation I am? Me and the wife go to a hall that is pretty "hands off". I have not really been out in service for probably 1.5 years and my wife has went out maybe 3 times in the last year. We are also probably 66% in meeting attendance at best. But we still have great friends at the hall, of course we are out of the loop with most of the elders and wife's and young pioneers, but we really don't care to be that close to them. we drink a little too much some times, gamble if we want, go to the movies we want, skip meetings to go to concerts or dinner , or sleep. we might go to half of the convention, and never stay for lunch. Parts of our families are elders and "important people " in nearby congs, but we don't care. we have frank discussions on what we like and what we don't like about what we hear at the meeting or the differnet classes that exists in the hall. the other day my wife said about he WT " WHY DON'T THEY JUST SAY "WE DON'T KNOW" INSTEAD OF TRYING TO CORRECT STUFF THAT WE CAN'T FIGURE OUT"?
I do enjoy a level of worship and relationship with god, but on my terms, and so does my wife. I do not think our situation will change, and i like it that way.
the elders are not interested at all in us or most of the hall as a matter of fact. we like it nice and quiet.