What's in it for them? (GB)

by SyntaxError1974 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • mP


    We can compare them to the Pope in Rome


    The pope does very well for himself. he has several mansiions or castles, helicopters and more.

    Look at one, its a palace and castle. I wouldnt call that insignificant.


  • jwfacts

    Power. A person that believes they will be kings in heaven forever sees little value in a CEOs short term millions.

  • smiddy

    If these guys (the GB) are nothing than snake oil salesmen, couldn't they make more money in other ventures? Take a salarie? Live in a mansion ? How do they cash out? A CEO makes a ton of money, and has something to leave his children as inheritance. What do they get?

    You overlook the fact that these guys are big fish in a little pond .With very limited education and no qualifications .What do you need to know,what experience do you need to have, to become a G.B.member .?.You just have to know the right people, move in the right circles, and kiss ass. If these guys were not jehovahs witnesses they would be window washers or in the dole queue .They most certainly would not be CEO`s of anything.


  • jwfacts

    Don't overlook that they drink their own koolaid. Just like most good salesmen, they believe their own hype. They spent a lifetime of indoctrination and climbing the corporate ladder. Whilst they are more aware than most of the faults with the religion, they have more to lose than most, and hence suffer cognitive dissonance even moreso than the average JW.

  • Heartofaboy


  • man oh man
    man oh man

    Shouldn't the burden of proof be on those that claim to speak for God? Where is their proof?

  • DesirousOfChange

    Don't overlook that they drink their own koolaid. Just like most good salesmen, they believe their own hype. They spent a lifetime of indoctrination and climbing the corporate ladder. Whilst they are more aware than most of the faults with the religion, they have more to lose than most, and hence suffer cognitive dissonance even moreso than the average JW.

    I think that is the case. As an Elder, I truly believed it all and believed that everything I was doing as a loyal JDub was God's Will. I believed we (JWs) had been given special insight and understanding of all these Bible prophecies and their secretly veiled outcome that had only been revealed to US. We were SPECIAL. God's People.

    I'd like to think the GB have this same delusion and are not devious con-men.

    However it would not surprise me that there were some in very high positions that have come to realize TTATT. (Perhaps Service Dept since they likely receive all the sincere letters and explanations from many who have first discovered TTATT and write in seeking info.) But, they have to continue to "play the game" or their entire lifestyle would be flushed down the drain and they would be cast out with nowhere to go.

    Surely those in the Writing or Teaching Committees who have done the "twisting" and outright misrepresentation of quotes must know it is all bogus, for why else would there be the need to twist and distort?

    And certainly the educated people in Legal must be aware of the "facts". I suspect much of the Blood Doctrine is controlled by Legal to prevent a deluge of litigation.


  • jhine

    I'm with DoC , those in the writing and teaching depts. must know that the very fact that they have to twist facts and quotes surely shows that they know that what they are defending is wrong .

  • Finkelstein

    With all of the pertaining perks and privileges as quoted by Lost Generation one might very well get delusional that hey this surely must be the Truth.

    Having all that and control over a world wide billion dollar publishing house, no wonder why the men at the controlling top would

    endeavorer themselves to keep it going !

    Thinking back on people such as J Rutherford he too saw the positional power and money of this publishing house, thats why he so ardently sought after

    to capture control over the WTS., as its leading president and directer.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    As everyone else has said - it is not always about the money - it is The Power and The Glory - far more satisfying than cash. What better ego boost than thinking you are God's messenger with sole access to the Truth; or at least that millions believe you are God's messenger with sole access to the Truth, even if you know or suspect you are not.

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