Photodrama of Creation: two versions?

by ILoveTTATT 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    It seems to me like there are two versions of the photodrama of creation: the one where it is just slides, and the one where there are the slides, plus songs, plus short movies such as Noah sending the dove out of the ark...

    Does anyone know where I can find the one that has the film parts? I am wanting to see the part of the time-lapse...

  • ILoveTTATT


  • Mickey mouse
  • ILoveTTATT

    So... the 7 parts are of the 7 movie portions?


    Why isn't that film re-mastered and available for all JWs? After all, it is a piece of "YOUR story", as Sam Herd would say. More importantly, why hasn't the one true organization made one single Drama or Film about Jesus in the last 100 years or so? Wouldn't the " One true channel " feel the need to praise Christ Jesus as their Eternal Father, and for his pivitol role in the outworkings of Jehovah's purpose? Seriously, not one movie, or DC drama?! Not even a comic-book or coloring book for kids?! Makes you wonder how Christ's "brothers" can just sit back and allow Babylon the Great to churn out film after film, and never provide " accurate knowledge ", about the Christ?

  • ILoveTTATT

    DataDog: Someone asked me that... why is the society not posting this for everyone to see?

    We all know the reason...

  • slimboyfat

    Doesn't it endorse evolution at one point? That could be a reason.

  • ILoveTTATT


    The photodrama of creation is such a bomb for JW's, there is a reason why they don't want it to be published. According to it:

    1. Crocodiles are amphibians.

    2. Adam was the first Pharaoh

    3. All the animals were allowed to evolve, only humans were a direct creation.

    4. Adam was at one point both man and woman.

    5. Jesus died on a cross. (Goes against current JW doctrine).

    6. Earth is around 48,000 years old.

    7. The signs of the Zodiac are shown.

    8. Melchizedek built the pyramids.

    9. In Paradise we will all have Ford Model T cars.


  • slimboyfat

    Well of course Adam was the first Pharaoh. Everyone knows that.


  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    The slide and film version was the original eight hour drama. A Eureka drama was slindes only and the slides were not hand colored. There were separte expanded or altered Drama versions for Poland and Germany in the post World War 1 period.

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