Photodrama of Creation: two versions?

by ILoveTTATT 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apognophos

    Thanks for this, I've been meaning to watch it for some time. About halfway through now. I can only take it in segments; people sure had a different sense of time scale back then. And since cutting to different camera angles and the use of close-ups hadn't been invented yet, every scene seems to go on 10x longer than it should. But that's nobody's fault. So far it seems to be a random mishmash of Bible stories....

  • ILoveTTATT

    People's attention spans today are much shorter because there is so much more to see! However, back in the day, a FREE movie, with never-before seen technology, it wowed the audience even if it WAS 8 hours long, and only talked about the Bible...

    I still need help though!

    The 7 portions I have looked at, the 7 portions that are on Youtube, are not helpful because I have no idea where they were placed, and I have yet to see the time-lapse photography portion, where flowers open...

    I think there is still no "full" version out there... I would like to have it, if it is available, and even if I have to pay some money for it... Anyone know a website that sells the absolute full-length version, perhaps re-mastered?

    I have the complete set of slides... I just need to know where these 7 portions go...



  • Apognophos

    I just found this channel which looks like it has more or less everything, and the author claims he is putting together a Blu-Ray soon: Since I haven't watched much of it yet, I don't know if it has the time-lapse parts, but I'd be surprised if it doesn't.

    It's quite interesting, I don't think I ever heard Russell speak before. I see he had that Transatlantic accent going on that preachers liked to affect (and actors, to a lesser degree) in the early-mid 20th century.

    I hadn't realized at first how much there was to this Photo-Drama, and that I was only watching short film interludes before. This was quite the production. Now I understand why they made such a big deal of it at the time. Wonder how much it cost to make.

    Edit: Strange, he doesn't have the above-linked film segments in here. And the total time of the slides is only 4 hours. How would we get to 8 hours? Russell's interlude film segments where he speaks, and the silent film segments as seen above, probably aren't more than an hour altogether.

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