Apologies is this has already been discussed. This was new to me. I came across this website www. anointedJW.org. Is this a new splinter group among jw's?
Reno Nevada JW Splinter group??
by wannaexit 44 Replies latest jw friends
If a "splinter group" can consist of only two people, then yes, it's a splinter group!
So what is the scoop with this group?
Usually the splinter groups do two things- all partake and they have reform ideas on blood transfusions.
Again, I would hesitate to call two people a "group." It may be that they've grown since they told me there was only two of them writing their material, so they are welcome to correct this figure and I will recant.
All I know is they send out regular letters to the GB, which, of course, go unanswered. If you give them your email address they will send a regular "Email Alert" with links to their latest article or post. That's about all I know. To be honest, I stopped being too interested once I found out it was just a couple of people. Something about the website makes it seem like a larger movement than it really is.
I have just had a look at the site. They are selling their book. It costs $16.95.
Just another punlishing company in my view
No no no Cedars, you're behind the times ol' chap.
She's talking about the 345 or so that partook of the emblems in Reno.
The Society sent 4 bro's from Bethel HQ to look into this and sort things out.
They've deleted the BOE and dispersed the Reno Cong into four other Circuits,
not other four neighboring congregations, no, split it into four different Circuits.
HQ feels that the quartering would be hint enough for any other Congos in the
area that are feeling like they too are of God's Children with a heavenly hope.
Besides the two who are making the AnointedJW website there's literally
thousands who are feeling like they no longer trust the Watchtower to decide
what should be their hope. The GB is curling it's upper lip and acting up.
I started partaking in 2007 and know 3 others who likewise have started
partaking. If you're still in and have come to Christ then it's an obvious step
if you can't just leave due to family. May the New Partakers keep growing!
It's a Crisis of Confidence! To not Trust the GB and Trust in Jesus instead!
Can this be confirmed? I know many people in that area and haven't heard of that yet. I am also somewhat skeptical because there are only two circuits that match up in Reno Nevada. I am puzzled how the group can be broken into 4 circuits when there are only two close by. The nearest circuit aside from the two would be a 2.5 hr drive away.
Thanks bnybyt
I didn't know about the Reno congregation scandal - I will look into that. But as your own post suggests, the website mentioned in the OP is run by two people. I therefore struggle to fathom how it should automatically be considered as representative of memorial partakers in general, or even of a new "uprising" intended to expand that number. For example, we have so far had 12 so-called "anointed" memorial partakers vote on our Global Survey, and they are by no means in full agreement on all matters.
This is aninteresting thread. Keep this one bumped up just for the sheer morbid curiosity of it all.What BNYBYT says is very interesting. Can you give us more information on this situation or some you know add to what you're saying ? Very interesting