Reno Nevada JW Splinter group??

by wannaexit 44 Replies latest jw friends


    The anointed aren't a community, they're a statistic. If there is a web address or phone number of the 18,000 or so memorial partakers, please can you share it with me? As far as I'm aware there is no "anointed community" as I understand the meaning of the word "community." This would imply that all memorial partakers can somehow (1) know who eachother are all over the world, and (2) communicate with one another freely - which I'm not aware of them being able to do unless, perhaps, it is in disjointed localized fraternities. I fail to understand how a website operated by two individuals, even if it is to a large far-flung audience, can lay claim to speaking on behalf of the anointed any more than, that's right, the old boy's club in Brooklyn.....Cedars

    Many of the anointed know each other,just like many exJws know each other..

    We may not know everyone but still theres an exJW community..

    Why wouldn`t an anointed person..

    Know another anointed person on the other side of the world?..

    We talk to people right here from other countries..

    Why wouldn`t the anointed be able to communicate freely?!..

    Did somebody lock them all up?!..

    Did you ever consider the anointed who are in contact with each other..

    May want to send advice to the WBT$ like their supposed to do..

    Regardless of how many are in that particular group?..

    Both Web Sites I spoke of,do have supporters..

    If It`s not as many as you`d like..

    You should log on to their web sites and complain to them directly..


    ........................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW



    partakers. This is the number of baptized individuals who partake of the emblems at the Memorial worldwide. Does this total represent the number of anointed ones on earth? Not necessarily. A number of factors—including past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalance—might cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling. We thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know. The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones

  • cedars


    Why wouldn`t an anointed person..

    Know another anointed person on the other side of the world?..

    Why would they? Or more importantly, how? Where is the international craigslist of memorial partakers? I would love to see it.

    We talk to people right here from other countries..

    But "we" are mostly Ex-JWs who have awoken from the mind control of the organization. The same cannot be said of all 18,000 memorial partakers.

    Why wouldn`t the anointed be able to communicate freely?!..

    Did somebody lock them all up?!..

    I'm not questioning whether anointed person A is capable or not of communicating with anointed person B or C in Anointedsville Congregation. I'm questioning whether all 18,000 anointed persons spread throughout the world are capable of functioning as a community, especially since they are mostly comprised of active Witnesses who (1) have no access to names or contact details of other memorial partakers, and (2) are reminded incessantly of their need for subservience to the Governing Body and total reliance on them.

    Both Web Sites I spoke of,do have supporters..

    If It`s not as many as you`d like..

    You should log on to their web sites and complain to them directly..

    I'm not complaining about anything. The more websites that question the authority and decisions of the Governing Body the better. You've clearly misunderstood my argument, which was that the anointed cannot be considered a "community" (your word) in any meaningful sense of the word when they are made up of individuals who are discouraged from contacting one another and have no way of knowing who eachother are.

    Have I missed something? Does the Society publish the names and contact details of memorial partakers somewhere that I'm not aware of?

    And whether or not two anointed people with a website have supporters or not is irrelevant. 8 anointed people in Brooklyn with a worldwide corporation also have supporters, but it doesn't make their claims any more or less valid. Supporters does not equal credibility, as you and I well know.

    May want to send advice to the WBT$ like their supposed to do..

    Why are the anointed "supposed" to send advice to the Watch Tower Society? Are we talking about the same religion here?



    More Strawmen..

    Cedars builds them..Cedars knocks them down..Cedars is the Winner!!..


    Theres no Craigs list,you know it,so why ask for one?!..

    The WBT$ doesn`t even know who all the anointed are..You know that too..

    There are groups of anointed that know each other..

    They may be small but they`re still a community..

    Some from anointed communities,support the web sites I mentioned..

    As I`ve already said..

    Not all the anointed agree with or support the WBT$..


    I`ve never said there is one all encompassing group that represents the Anointed..

    Thats "your" StrawMan..It belongs to you..

    If the FDS doesn`t guide the WBT$,then what do they do?!..

    ......................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • cedars


    There are groups of anointed that know each other..

    They may be small but they`re still a community..

    Some from anointed communities,support the web sites I mentioned..

    I`ve never said there is one all encompassing group that represents the Anointed..

    Thats "your" StrawMan..It belongs to you..

    Ah, I see, in that case it was my mistake.

    You said....

    Both have support in the anointed community..

    And I wrongly assumed you were talking about "the" anointed community in the singular, when you obviously meant "the" anointed community in the plural.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    If the FDS doesn`t guide the WBT$,then what do they do?!..

    You might want to brush up on the "new light" from the July 15th Watchtower. Spoiler alert: the anointed are no longer considered the FDS.


    And I wrongly assumed you were talking about "the" anointed community in the singular,
    when you obviously meant "the" anointed community in the plural.Thanks for clearing that up.

    I had already stated in my original post..The two web sites have 2 different agendas..

    Therefore there would be at least 2 different groups among the annointed..

    Each with it`s own community..

    You might want to brush up on the "new light" from the July 15th Watchtower.
    Spoiler alert: the anointed are no longer considered the FDS.

    Well aren`t you clever!..

    Side step my question..Then try to inform me with old news..

    Lets try again..

    "If the FDS doesn`t Guide the WBT$,then what do they do?!"

    ..........................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • cedars


    I'm done trying to reason with you.

    I pointed out that there can be no such thing as an "anointed community," which was your singular phrase, not mine. Instead of acknowledging this straight away you first defended the idea that there could be such a thing by likening the "anointed community" to the "exJW community": "Many of the anointed know each other,just like many exJws know each other.. We may not know everyone but still theres an exJW community.."

    Then when it was explained to you the difference between ex-JWs and memorial partakers, and how the latter could never be considered a community because there is no way for them to (1) identify eachother and (2) contact eachother you changed your story to say you never suggested the idea of a singular anointed community but several. Now you are telling me that referring to two anointed websites was a clue to this, and this negates your reference to a singular community. You hop around like Michael Flatley with your arguments. It would have been easier if you'd just agreed with me in the first place, but clearly agreeing to criticism is not your thing.

    Your "straw man" criticism tells me that you don't know what a straw man argument is. My reference to craigslist was clearly a hyperbole that perfectly demonstrated how ridiculous it is to suggest that memorial partakers around the world can communicate with one another, and thus form a community. A "straw man" is a misrepresentation of a person's argument, which I don't think my reference to craigslist was. When you saw how silly your "anointed community" concept turned out to be, you simply jumped ship and pretended you'd never suggested it, so you are not someone I will bother to debate with again. If your argument is proven to be silly, you simply deny having made it and yell "straw man."

    Finally, on the issue of me "side-stepping your question," I fail to see how I have done this. You implied above that the anointed are "supposed" to advise the Watch Tower Society: "Did you ever consider the anointed who are in contact with each other.. May want to send advice to the WBT$ like their supposed to do.." I asked you how or why this is so, to which you replied, rather opaquely, "If the FDS doesn`t guide the WBT$,then what do they do?!..." This further implied that the anointed are still the FDS and have an obligation to "guide" the Watch Tower Society. Now that I have reminded you that the anointed are no longer the FDS, you say: "Well aren`t you clever!.. Side step my question..Then try to inform me with old news.."

    If anyone is side-stepping here it is you, and I must say this rhetorical line dancing isn't worthy of you.

    My objective in raising this issue wasn't to argue with you or even to criticize the website. I was merely trying to correct something you said that I felt might be misleading to lurkers, who would be forgiven for thinking: "Wow, there's an anointed community out there. I wonder how I get in touch with it? Looks like this is a good place to start!" Instead of acknowledging your error you turn your guns on me. I won't be making the same mistake again. Whoever shouts loudest on JWN wins.


  • wannaexit

    I didn't intend to create a debate, but thanks to all for your responses.

    One thing is for sure, watchtower's recent changes with respects to the the governing body being the faithful slave, in part, is a knee jerk reaction to the increase of members taking the emblems.

    the Reno situation undermines the governing body's position as" king of the castle". I think that as more and more start partaking, the gb's need for power is going to increase and they will go to extreme measures to prove that they alone are commissioned by God. Its a train wreck.

    I am personally happy that these groups are springing up. The bigger the thorn in watchtower's side the better.

  • FrankieGoesToHollywood

    Do someone have the website- adress to the other splinter group? (not

  • Vidiot
    wannaexit - "I think that as more and more start partaking, the GB's need for power is going to increase and they will go to extreme measures to prove that they alone are commissioned by God."

    We certainly live in interesting times.

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