Wisdom teeth
by Arkady 23 Replies latest watchtower medical
Dis-Member - (for the contrast in showing what matters)
Dentists don't fill wisdom teeth, because the reason for the decay of the tooth in the first place, is still going to be there. So unless you were to completely coat the entire tooth, it is just going to continue to decay in the unfilled areas. I have had one wisdom tooth pulled from decay, and now the other one is decaying, and I'm "working up" to going in and getting that done too. (not for some 'christian' fear... just because I don't like needles, lol)
There is no Christian prohibition on pulling a tooth, or anything on the body that is required, or even on tattoos that people get.
The flesh counts for nothing, remember? The spirit is what matters.
The inside of the cup is what counts; not the outside.
Band on the Run
You may be misinformed. Jehovah's Witnesses have no special belief concerning wisdom teeth. The main medical teaching is that Witnesses may not receive blood transfusions. I have personal experience with impacted wisdom teeth. My wisdom teeth were so deeply set in the bone that they had to be surgically removed when I was seventeen. If they are captured in the jawbone as you age, it becomes much harder to remove them. Also, headaches and muscle aches result.
I suggest seeking the opinion of several dentists in India. It seems to me here in the United States, most dentists favor early surgical removal. A few people are able to have their wisdom teeth emerge naturally if given some slight help. I am also aware that surgery gives the dentist a larger fee.
There is a subset of dentists who are more conservative and don't follow large dentist trends. They call themselves holistic. Perhaps you can find some in India.
My jawbone was a mess. I doubt that your jawbone is so complex. Witnesses prob. would have no stand on wisdom teeth. Only the replacement of blood during surgery.
onthe fence
Hi Arkady,
Initially I thought perhaps u were concerned over bleeding alot during the proceedure of having a wisdom tooth out, as that is a risk.. but if it is only because u are worried about altering your body or removing something then I might see it this way... if you got a gangreen(sorry for rubbisg spelling) infested finger, arm, foot stc surely u would allow it to be removed? I realise a wisdom tooth may not be as serious in comparison... but if dentistS are telling u its the only thing to do, then I would go with it. lots of luck.