I’ve been around this board for quite awhile. It has helped immensely. Lately I just read everyone else’s experiences and try and forget the whole nightmare…but I can’t. Certain things trigger emotions. I don’t give a damn about the phony baloney “friends” who shun me… but they control my one and only daughter.
I gave her a good life. She got almost everything she wanted. The first car we got her was a 1966 Lincoln Continental with suicide doors…beautiful car…great for service. She loved it and we knew she couldn’t go too far at 9-11 mpg. When I divorced her embezzling mother (we owned our own business) she and her mother stayed in the cult. My son and I left.
Since then she has shunned her brother, myself and her 93 year-old grandmother. When her G’ma calls her she does not answer or hangs up on her if she forgets to screen and picks up. We have not spoken to her in 9 years even though she lives a couple of miles away. The other day was the proverbial straw that broke it.
I was with my friend in a Walfart checkout line. Just as we’re ready to walk out I happen to look around and see her in the next line over. I had no idea she was there but when I glance her way she does the ol’ looking away thing.
Now, she works at a local elementary school and I’m sure all her workmates think she’s maybe a little reserved but Oh such a nice person. You know how we were to treat worldly people with gloves on…be very nice to them…politely decline any invitations to get to know them better because you certainly don’t want big J catching you with them on A-Day. So people just think J-Dubs are super honest and nice but never learn about the real truth…shunning family, etc.
So…we’re making a short little video. It features my sweet little (4’8”) hump-backed 93-year old mom (her G’ma). In it we show G’ma walking up to her rocking chair with her cane and sitting down. Then she looks at the camera and basically pleads for her only granddaughter to call her or come by (remember it’s just a couple of miles). She would like to see her before she dies or goes blind. At the end we’ll have a screen that talks about how J-Dubs say they don’t shun or break up families…but are liars!
This video will go on YouTube and be distributed to all of her workmates.
People may say, OMG you’ll lose her forever. Get real people! I/we have already lost her to the cult. It is time to be proactive and let her know that she cannot treat people who love her like this and get away with it.