I have reached a frontier dreamt about as a child -- the outer reaches of a vast realm under stars.
Though an imaginative and inquisitive lad, my forward-looking mind and open heart could never have conjured up this fabulous, this infinite unreality into which I have been catapulted. What may appear a distortion of my former reality I tentatively accept as a cosmic tableau that threatens both to fascinate and crush my frail, puny body and spirit. I am unable to comprehend what I gaze upon with frightened, delicious terror.
My recent escape from Lunaria was of sheer necessity: my people have been overtaken by a scorpion race of alien malefactors whose intent toward us was not one of beneficient intervention but that of conquest. If it were a matter of mere subjugation of a weaker and lesser race, we might have acquiesced, though begrudgingly. However, the terrifying reality enjoined upon us has been the conquerors' brusque insistence that their insatiable hungers be satisfied with our quailing flesh. These interlopers, these transgressors of the cruelest, most avaricious sort, have invaded our world.
My departure, alas, has taken place -- yes -- but solely in my mind. My soul, the Great Spirit willing, shall ascend into the reality of His celestial domain, where long-hoped-for dreams will come true and this nightmare will have ended. My existence as flesh and blood will soon end.
Damn . . . damn the Earthlings. . . .