Dream or Nightmare?

by compound complex 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Awake, but scarcely functioning.

    My surroundings are the dull and drab I've become accustomed to during these endless years in my subterranean hovel. Familiar -- of course -- but somehow a shade different from what I awoke to yesterday, and the day before, and . . . The disorderly state of my scant belongings long ago ceased to unhinge me, the neat freak I once was. But as I blink through eyes slowly ungluing from a night's fitful slumber, I sense a tidier aspect to stacks of MSS long neglected, so many have been the bloody publishers' rejections.

    Now neglected -- scorned -- by this unpublished hack are reams of hardcopy that I had dutifully, painstakingly inscribed with heartfelt verse; however, an unseen pair of hands seems to have, with some purpose, restructured the leaning tower of dreams and sorrow into smaller, precisely squared stacks. Books scattered randomly on the floor and piled up and on every available surface -- I swear it was so yesterday before I retired -- find themselves neatly arranged on once abandoned book shelves. Dirty dishes no longer lie helter-skelter underfoot, threatening to trip and unleash a volley of invective from this slatternly male. Sacre bleu! On the kitchen counter they lie in sweet repose awaiting the washing up . . .

    I am closing my eyes in hopes that I might return to what is sad but comfortably familiar. . . .

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    CoCo, I need this dark entity to come into my life to clean/ straighten up my home while I'm asleep, too! This sounds like a DREAM to me !!! Can I have their number? Lol

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    1 (800) 555-5555!

    (BTW, I have herein described my existence!)

    CC Covert

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Lol, CoCo!

    Are you sure the number for the Dark Entity isn't :

    1 (666) 666-6660????

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    You, rip, are more the one in tune than I!


  • humbled

    Darn it, Coco! Why'd ya have to remind me of my dirty dishes!

    O, what a mood you make!

    I really should be doing them. But reading this has been much more fun.

    Good night, Coco.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good night, dear humbled:

    Yes, I do try to create a mood.

    I really was describing my place, where I have to bus my dishes from a makeshift, waterless kitchen to the bathroom wash basin. Sometimes, the dishes stack up . . .

    Best wishes.


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    it all began one rather ordinary morning with a cup of coffee and a gluten free biscotti. She sat there staring at those proverbial clouds in her coffee when a soft delicate rustling in her sink snapped her out of her reverie. The first thought of course is as Edgar Allen Poe would say "tis some visitor rapping at my chamber door only this and nothing more". A creepy visitor like a roach or maybe even a mouse under those dirty dishes. But as we've come to expect in a story like this it's never that simple. This is a sci-fi tale or maybe a twilight zone adventure should we go over and check out the sink? Maybe we should just run out the front door and drive as fast as we can and when we return find the police and neighbors gathered around our place staring at a huge sinkhole. That is not nearly as much fun as inching toward the noise and in a timid voice say "who's there" or "hello" as they always do in the movies instead of getting out of there.

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